
Chapter 15: Lost in the Library

Chapter 15: Lost in the Library

*A/N: “Block time” is a concept in the school of philosophy known as Eternalism.* 

Anneliese POV

Anneliese couldn’t wait to tell Lilia, Dane, Kyon, and Jiro about Patch. She could just picture the smirks of pride, and how Azandra would howl with delight. 

She had never been prouder of Patch. He kept his cool until the very end when Melisande Bracknell pushed him too far. Any one of his brothers, including the mellow Kyon or the unflappable Jiro, would react the same way when disrespected. But Patch stood on his own. He tricked Bracknell into almost confessing she’d shirked her duty in the biggest fight the witches had faced in decades. Why had the chief healer been missing in action?

Did Anneliese’s mother Edna not know? Was that why she pulled Melisande aside in addition to addressing the insults to an ally?