

A PACK WIPED OUT.... AN HEIR ON THE RUN! Honey Lake thought her life was perfect. She had parents and a pack who loved her, and a bright future ahead. But in the space of one night her whole world came crashing down and everything she held dear was taken from her. With her pack wiped out and her parents dead, Honey is now on the run trying to find somewhere safe that she can call home. A MATE WHO IS A BULLY.... A SANCTUARY DESTROYED! Hiding out in another pack, Honey endures abuse and bullying on a daily basis. Waiting for the moment when she can leave and avenge her pack, Honey focuses on becoming the best version of herself, the Alpha her parents intended for her to be. But despite all her hard work, she is landed with a mate who is her biggest bully within the pack. When the truth about the fate of her parents and her fallen pack is revealed, and those who are responsible for their deaths are named, Honey soon learns that sometimes our enemies are closer than we think. WHO CAN SHE TRUST? WHO CAN SHE TURN TOO?

EllyKane · Fantasía
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60 Chs

Chapter 17



I had been training Honey for the past several months, helping her to hone her skills as a pack warrior. So far, I had been impressed with how fast Honey had been learning and executing the manoeuvres I had been teaching her. She was able to adapt to her surroundings and to the scenarios that I had been putting her in during our training sessions. I knew that she had been worrying about the training missions she would be having to undertake with other kids from school. She had tried to hide it, but over the past few days, I could see that it had been weighing quite heavily upon her.


The first training mission was coming up this weekend. Liam would be the one who would be choosing the teams for the mission. I just hoped he played it fair when it came to assigning Honey to her team.


Having seen how Honey had learned so quickly during training, I knew she would have a fair shot of holding her own in a fight. That is if the fight was one on one of course. In bullying situations though, it was usually never one on one.


Up until now, I had taught her what I could in the time that I had had. Until this weekend's training mission was over and we went back to one on one training, it was up to Honey to get through this weekend.





"Okay, so the next math problem we are going to look at is this one here," I told her pointing to the problem on the page in the math text book that was on the table in front of us.

"Find the value of nine square plus six square using the sum of a square b square formula," Honey whispered as she read the text on the page. Turning to look at me, she asked, "Do people actually need this stuff out in the real world?"

"In some careers, sure they do," I replied.

"Name one career that uses this type of math. Actually, you know what? Don't. I know that I wouldn't be interested in doing any type of career that required my brain to focus on this type of stuff every single day," she told me, looking horrified at the very idea of it.

"Well, be that as it may, you still need to learn this 'stuff 'as you call it to complete your education," I told her matter of factly.

Honey threw her head back and let out an overly dramatic sigh, before putting her head down on her arms which were folded on the table.

"Oh, so dramatic. It's not that bad," I told her, laughing at her antics.

"Yes, it is. This is silly. Why do I need to learn this stuff? We never did anything like this at my old school," she replied.

"I understand that, but unfortunately for you, this school curriculum requires this level of mathematics," I stated.

"Oh, man. This is torture," Honey grumbled, picking up her lead pencil and leaning forward to read the mathematical problem once more.

"Okay so it is nine square plus two times nine times six plus six square in the first set of brackets," Honey said as she looked at me to see if her observation was right.

"That's right," I said, nodding in approval. "What's next?" I asked her.

"So, on the outside of the brackets it is minus two times nine times six," she replied.

"Okay, so let's get that first lot added up," I said, happy that Honey was able to figure this out so quickly.

Honey began tallying up the figures and after a minute she said, "Okay, so that gives us eighty-one plus one hundred and eight plus thirty-six minus one hundred and eight," she said.

"You're doing well, you are almost there," I told her in encouragement.

"Okay so then that gives us eighty-one plus thirty-six which is one hundred and seventeen. So, the answer to the problem is one hundred and seventeen," she happily declared.

"Well done," I told her, loving the smile of triumph on her face at having solved the problem correctly.





When Hannah left after our lessons had finished for the day, I lay on my bed thinking about the weekend ahead. The first training mission I would have to undertake with the people who had bullied me mercilessly was coming up in a matter of days. The knowledge had led to me waking up in cold sweats and having severe anxiety and panic attacks.

I knew that I was going to have to be on guard during the mission. I also knew that aside from Avery, I wasn't going to be able to trust any of the people I was teamed up with. Connor had told me that it was the job of the Alpha to put the teams together for the mission. Knowing how Liam felt about me, it didn't really fill me with much confidence.

It didn't help that I had never done anything like this before, so I had no idea how it all worked or what was going to be expected of me. I just hoped that I was able to remember all of Connor's training and that I wouldn't make fools of the both of us. I didn't want to let Connor down. He had done so much for me.