
Angry Dallan

"Gods, no."

Hazel shook her head in the direction of the gown Kai neatly folded on the bed. "No," she repeated, shaking her head. "You don't expect me to wear that, do you?"

"It's a beautiful dress. You will look good in it." Kai picked it up and held it against his body. "Look at the glitters."

"And cleavage-exposing cups," Hazel added with a grimace. "And a long slit that will show..." She stopped. There was no need to tell Kai all that, after all, he knew nothing about women's fashion. The dress was probably picked by one of the pack's women.

"I thought you will like it." Kai shrugged. "Since you will be meeting the entire pack tonight, I thought it will be important for you to appear beautiful. Though you will be very beautiful with or without the dress."

For a moment, Hazel amusingly knitted her brows. Then she burst into laughter." How did you meet Dallan?" she asked. Kai looked lost.

"I don't understand."

"I said how did you meet Dallan, the alpha?"

Kai frowned. "Why would you ask something like that? We have known ourselves since childhood."

"Don't be offended," she smiled. "I am only trying to imagine why you are not a prick—even in the slightest form—like him."

"Errm... I guess I should take that as a compliment."

"Of course, you should. I tend to be stingy with compliments sometimes. Just appreciate whatever I give you."

Kai scoffed. The goddess had given Dallan a mate to match him. Kai tried to imagine how it would be when the domineering alpha used a harsh tone in anger and Hazel retorted with an inferno. Or when Dallan wanted to do something in a particular way—as he always did—but his Mer mate had better plans. Kai tried picturing the couple. All he envisioned were quarrels and constant fights. That would be their cross to bear. "Thank you for the compliment," he said at last. "Now, will you wear the dress? You know, I made a special order for this dress to be shipped here today."

Hazel snorted. "Don't sweat it. I will wear the dress. I don't want to break your heart." Kai grinned foolishly. She flashed a smile, "Now, can I dress up?"

"Sure!" Kai moved to the door, still grinning. "Just holler at the guard when you are done. He will lead you to the square." Something akin to concern flashed across her green eyes. Kai paused. "Is something wrong?" he asked. He just hoped she did not change her mind concerning the dress.

"How many people will be there? What am I going there to do?" Hazel asked in a rush. Kai understood. He smiled reassuringly.

"Don't worry, Hazel. I will be there. Nothing will happen to you," he said to comfort her. He knew his words soothed her when he saw her slowly relax.

"Fine. I will wear the dress. Wait for me outside."

"I need to see Dallan before the party. Don't worry, that hunk outside will attend to you."

"Can't you tell Dallan later?" Hazel lamented. Already, she was growing a sense of familiarity with Kai. Walking with him to the gathering was going to do a whole lot in calming down her nerves.

"No, I can't postpone it. He needs to know of some kitchen job stuff the people are planning before the gathering." His words made Hazel frown.

"What business has he got to do with the kitchen?" she asked in confusion.

"It's a long story. I need to inform him before the gathering." He turned the knob of the door. "You will be fine, I promise. Dress quickly. Everyone is dying to see you."

With that, the door locked behind him. Hazel collapsed on the bed. She was just a total stranger in a strange place.

A place she felt comfortable in.

That was the part that surprised Hazel. She had not even made any effort to escape, and she had no plans to. Who knew if the crazy alpha lied about the mate stuff? She had not even asked questions, instead, she believed him hook, line, and sinker.

But... the attraction was undeniable. The things she felt for him—with him—were too real to be called fake. Was that how mates were supposed to be? Loving and tearing at each other's throats all the time?

As Hazel lifted the white gown off the bed, she knew Dallan had succeeded in weaving his way into her heart. She just hoped that she wasn't the only one feeling the attraction. Something that heartbreaking will shatter her...

*. *. *. *. *.


Dallan turned to the left where the voice came from. He had just exited the house, taking his time in going down the front porch while thinking about his life, when the familiar troublesome voice called out to him. He sighed and slowly veered around.

"My alpha." Kai bowed comically. "I want to see you, my alpha."

"Kai, I am not in the mood for this," Dallan grumbled. "What is it?"

"I wanted to relay something to you, my alpha. Something you could address during the celebration tonight."

Dallan snapped to attention. "What is it?"

"I don't know if you are okay with it, my alpha, but—".

"I swear by the goddess, if you use that name on me ever again, I will rip out those dry brain cells of yours and feed them to hungry forest bears!"

"Hey, easy." Kai held up both palms as a sign of surrendering. "Learn how to take a joke."

"I don't like you calling me that, and you know it."

"I am sorry. I just wanted to lighten your mood."

Dallan exhaled. He needed a breather or a vacation, maybe that might help him. "You are so annoying," he grumbled.

"Yeah, that's why you love me so much," Kai stuck out his tongue at him.

"I will kill you one of these days," Dallan prophesied with a smile. He was slowly warming himself into the joke.

"As long as you feed on my carcass, I am okay."

"Eww, I will rather throw your body to vultures." Dallan started a slow stride toward the pack's square. "Where is Hazel?" he asked quietly. A sentry on guard bowed and greeted him. It made him miss the brief smile that decorated Kai's face.

"She is preparing for the celebration. Actually, she is the one I want to discuss with you." Kai was not surprised to see Dallan stop walking and turn to him with a frown.

"What is it? What about her?"

"Oh, nothing much. While you were preparing to make Hazel your maid, some member of the pack were also making preparations, pardon me, leaving reservations for her in the kitchen."

"Excuse me?" Dallan frowned. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know. Ask them." Kai shrugged. "It seems the pack now makes decisions for you. You are the one giving them the chance to do that."

Dallan was not interested in what his brother was saying about decision-making. His frown got deeper. "My mate should work in the kitchen?" The words were already out of his mouth before he realized what he said. He would have said something to counter it, but Kai did not give him that opportunity.

"That was the same thing I said. How will they tell the Luna of the pack to work in the kitchen? Anyway, maybe that's because they are not aware of her status as your mate."

Dallan did not take note of what Kai was trying to do. His entire mind was in turmoil. He felt as though the entire pack had slapped him across the face. He fumed. "Who the hell gave out such instructions?"

"I don't know. From what I've gathered, it's more than just one person."

Dallan's breath grew heavy. The anger in his body almost poured out of his skin pores. He continued walking, this time with long strides. Kai ran to keep up with his pace.

"What are you going to do about this?" Kai asked. He squinted, trying to decipher if Dallan had entered one of his numerous moods.

"It's time to let this pack know exactly where they belong. This habit of dictating to me what to do has to stop. How can my mate be arranged to work in the kitchen?!"

Kai paused in his steps. He smiled as he saw Dallan's angry form striding across the grass. Hazel and the alpha had no option. They were destined for each other, and nothing would tear them apart.

*. *. *. *.*

Dallan sat on the comfortable armchair offered to him, tapping his right foot on the ground. The young she-wolves of the pack were dancing and singing songs of victory to his name, but he wasn't slightly interested. He was waiting for an opportunity to give a speech. The offenders would be called out one after the other. It still came as a surprise why the so-called chef and kitchen workers or whatever they called themselves passed out an order without even consulting him. His mate should work in the kitchen?

But... Wasn't this the same person he wanted to reject? Dallan shook off the thoughts.

As expected, the entire pack was in a celebration mood. Decorative lanterns and lamps were hung at strategic positions. The goddess was kind enough to give them a full moon.

Dallan sat still, palms positioned under his chin. He was stylishly scanning the crowd for signs of Hazel. She was supposed to attend the gathering. She was the main reason for the celebration, after all. He raised his cup, which he had hardly taken a sip from, and peered into it. The transparent liquid bubbled within the cup.

He got a whiff of the strong alcoholic smell. He already knew how the night would end. After downing the first glass, he would go for a second, third, and fourth, and on and on, until he collapsed on his bed with Kai's help. Strong wine was actually what he needed now.

After offering thanks to the goddess for giving him another opportunity to drink himself to sleep, he lifted the cup to his lips. A voice distracted him. It was more like murmurs coming from different parts of the square. He frowned and lowered the glass. People were pointing in a particular direction.

Dallan gasped...