
CHAPTER 115 Missing

  Maisie's POV

  A week has passed since the incident and I still feel extremely paranoid.

  I couldn't shake the feeling I had in myself whenever I thought of what happened and how I kept having panic attacks I never had before.

  I carried Dylan all alone, refusing the help of the maid Lance sent for me.

  He couldn't help me in taking care of Dylan, the pack has too many things to handle.

  I wasn't comfortable with anyone he hired, it upset him, but I preferred to take care of Dylan myself.

  I tried to keep my mind off of what happened by reading some books that Lance gave to me earlier.

  It helped distract me.

  The sound of a knock broke me out of the book.

  "Come in," I said softly, staring at Dylan sleeping peacefully in the crib.

  A maid walked in, she looked around for a while then she faced me.

  She had a weird aura. I suddenly felt uncomfortable. It was similar to when someone stares into your soul.