
Chapter 198

"Parker, you better go and explain everything, ask for her to understand you and tell her how you feel! Come on, if I learn that you fucked it up, I will kill you! If she is still locked in the house and she knows then I am sure she is heartbroken and she wants you, she could have tried to run away already!" I say strictly and quite certain and he nods sighing heavily.

"I guess you are right... I will do as you say, I have no other choice if I want my life, right?" he asks playfully and I slap his arm laughing.

He stands up pulling me from my hand some seconds later and we smile at each other widely. I feel a weight leaving from my shoulders and my heart has finally 'relaxed'.

I haven't lost him and he is happy, we all are...

"And now..." he speaks up after a while and leans closer to me.

"I think we have to go back... You have to talk to your mate as well!"

~some time later, Ember's pack house~