
Dr's Visit Pt. 3

Zara's Point of View

The Night Before

Noah told me that Aláine and Kristof were going out on a date and having dinner in town. Michel, Callie and him were going along as security in case that psychopath turned up. Well... I assume he is a psychopath because why else would you try and kidnap someone? Although they are calling him and his men rogue werewolves. Either way, I am glad that Aláine is being guarded. I don't want him to get her, but I wish I could also be there. But I am not a werewolf.

While I was sitting in the kitchen with Frederic keeping me company, I heard someone coming through the door. I was expecting Noah and Callie, but it was actually Dr Zayde.

"Evening Zayde," Frederic said, "to what do we owe the pleasure of your company?"

"Did you not hear?" Zayde answered. "There has been an accident, and some pack members are injured. Nothing too drastic, or they would be in the hospital. Kristof mind-linked me to be here when they got back."