
The Alpha's Curses

Thousands of years ago, In the realm of the wolves, the power of the northern werewolves were tested, The Demons from all The Dark in the North scattered far and near formed an allegiance which was supposedly impossible they became a colony with A leader. He was called the Demon lord, His face and identity was never discovered even after the wolves conquered them, legend has it he is still in hibernation waiting to strike again Wolves fled into hiding in terror diving insane by the darkness, All except 5 Alphas, the strongest packs in the North. During this period, the Lunar eclipse was close by, The eclipse of the blood moon, the five most powered Alphas came together to in an alliance,On the day of the Eclipse, The sacrifice of blood, the loss on item of importance, the great pain from the loss strength the mind of the wolves increasing their tolerance to the Demons and the will and strength was distributed throughout the packs. The sacrifice was of two sides a great evil and a great power, the curses forever plague the 5 packs but... Years after the war and somehow the curse were broken No one knows how... What was the curses? and what will become of the five abominations?, The generations of Alphas forbidden heirs.... Olivia Star was a highschool students who was skeptical about the Supernaturals... A child who was the next heir and Alpha of the Forsaken crescents pack, How will her life adjust from being a regular highschool students to a werewolf, Am abomination. THE ALPHA CURSES A lot of mysteries to be unfold. Experience Action That Will Keep You Longing For More.

Ghost · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Something new; part 2

"Alright kiddo" Have a good night rest, ?My mom and dad walked up to me giving me a hug, I smiled up at them. "Thanks for today guys" I hugged my best friends and they also left the party was relieving.

Walking tommy room, "You can Walk a bit faster you know Lucas urged me, I pushed him forward he yelped as I giggled helping him to his room and to bed.

"Good night pumpkin" He whispered to me, I kidded his forehead, "Good night" love I smiled back walking to my room, getting into bed with taking a shower today was the worst and the best day of my life wow happy birthday to me.

Feeling a bit ligh headed, I pushed myself off the floor, the paralysis effect was weighing me down but I could walk now, what was that smell couple with burnt breakfast was a smell I knew too well but I have no idea what it is.

Sniffing it was familiar, the metallic smell, I don't know, weird tripping on my feet as I barreled down the stairs falling head first into the concrete floor, Today was not my day, Groaning I heard while I heard whimpering coming from the kitchen.

Shaking off the building migraine I walked grabbing on to the furnitures and walls for support, "Lucas!" I yelled out my brothers name as I saw his wheelchair broken on the floor, "Mom dad!" Where is everyone,

"Sis" I heard Lucas whispered from a corner, falling down to his feet, he was drenched in blood, fear shit up my spine as panic sets in. The realization I didn't want to accept rushed over me in waves.

"Lucas why is there blood everywhere and what's wrong with your wheelchair?" My voice came out betraying me as I pulled his shaky body into a hug, He cried against me." They.. they are.. " He struggled to talk, " They are what Lucas take your time" I rocked my brother back and forth as the tears broke into sobs.

" Dead, mom and dad are dead" That was it, that was the clarification I needed before my body came into the stress, the tears poured out as I turned me head around the room, my eyes blurry as the tears wet my brothers face, he didn't wipe them off.

I finally say it, my mum was lying in the floor in the dinner room with face scratched off and the only method of identification was her dirty blooded wavy shoulder length hair, I choked out more tears unable to be the strong one.

I'm only 18 and my parents are dead, " Who did this, Why" I whispered to myself still visible shaking as I tried to talking through the bile in my throat, " Me" The whole room turned sinister, the air was dense I was gasping for hair.

The unknown presence commanded power, it was eeire, I felt my body numb I was weak I could now move a muscle, the tears stopped as I felt the fear made my heart pace slower I could here it in my ear.

"Him" Lucas was also in fear, I could feel his boat vibrations, he was crying all over again, "Well I'll expect nothing less from you both the poison didn't kill you, I'm guessing the rumors of immortality was a lie after all"

His accent wasn't anyone I recognize, it had an echo, like a monster talking the echo was different from his voice, and it's mid daylight why was our house suddenly dark, I could barely see a thing, the house was trashed and his face was hidden.

"You are a sick bastard you know" I growl breaking out of the trace of the fear, I looked to see blood dripping from my wrists, I mush have hurt myself, that broke my fear. "Don't disrespect me child" I felt Lucas screaming as he was pried out my hands.

"Help.." His screaming stoped as I heard his body drop, I adjusted my eyes my hand shut up to my mouth as the tears filled up once more, "Lucas, No, please don't be dead" Rising up as I crawled towards him his neck was twisted all the way to the back.

That was it, the rage clouded my emotions I felt pure power, Jumping into the shadow growling "You are dead, come out and stop hiding like the little piece of shi.." That was all I could muster before the power I felt disappeared like it was never there.

My back hit the kitchen island and I felt like I was about to be snapped in hair, the blood spilled from my mouth, "Why?" my tears were back, "Revenge"

The next thing that happened was the most excruciating event that have happened to me, I felt his hand, no more like claws or talons drive into my skin, my screams echoed through the room,

It pushed it was down to my heart, the pain was unexplainable, The darkness was consuming but why wasn't I dead, "Just kill me" I screamed as the claws dug deeper into my chest,

"You are healing against my hands wow" His face was black, I couldn't see anything, feeling his hands finally out of my body I took long ragged breathes, "Till I can kill you again enjoy your trauma oh and say hi to your brother for me"

That was it the light was restored and the damage finally sank in, I tried crawling to the dinner room to my parents, pulling Lucas body as I moved towards them, the flood formed a trail as I crawled,

The sight was gruesome, I gagged but the pain made me rethink, My day body was missing a few part, He had no arm and one leg, "Dad" He was breathing, there was no sense off life I pulled his body laying him next to my mom.

"Mom, Lucas, I hope I die with you guys" laying next to there bodies as I pulled Lucas limp body which was surprisingly still warm on mine, I was ready to die, I don't want a savior at this point just kill me too

That was the last thing I remembered before I gave into the darkness.