
The Alpha's Claimed Mate

“I don't want a mate,” I said, my heart aching as I lied to my soulmate. Zak’s eyes gleaned dangerously as he took a step forward, trapping me in his powerful embrace in one fluid motion. My pulse quickened, my face flush against his chest. “Liar,” he murmured, his voice a deep rumble. —--- Ashley Diamante is an Omega with a dark secret and an even darker past. After her abilities were stripped from her by the Royal Lycans in fear of her dangerous powers, she went into hiding from her old pack, struggling to live day by day for the sole purpose of revenge against the Royals. Her carefully laid plans are shattered when her pack Alpha's rebellious son pursues her as a mate. Desperate to not get tangled in pack politics once more, Ashley flees– only to find herself trapped in the clutches of the powerful Alpha Superior Zakariya Frost. Now bound to this dominant Alpha Lycan as her mate, Ashley has only one path left to regain her power; seduce Zakariya and use his status for her long-awaited revenge. Once her schemes are complete, she'll disappear from his life forever. But the dangerous Alpha has no intentions of letting his new mate escape so easily. Filled with high-stakes vengeance, smoldering romance, and aching betrayals, this intense tale of a Lycan follows one woman's fight to regain her power at any cost. **Bonus chapters for every 20 Golden tickets, so gifts please

Caomelon · Fantasía
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36 Chs

19| Collecting Alpha Superiors

We landed a few feet away from a crowd of Alphas. My mind was in total chaos.

"What do you mean, you're taking me with you?" I demanded. He couldn't have known I was his mate. Right?

"I meant exactly what I said. I am taking you to my pack. Where you belong."

I looked into Zak's eyes. His icy gaze never wavered. Not a hint of affection for a soul mate. I sighed in relief. He didn't know. But then, why was he so insistent on taking me to his pack?

"Yeah, I didn't agree with that, Alpha Zak. I'm going my own way after this whole thing is over," I said firmly.

"You are refusing my job offer even before you hear it?" He tilted his head, as if wondering why I would do such a thing.

'Job offer, huh? Why does he even want to hire me?'

"I would love to hear the reason, but I refuse."

"We'll see about that," Zak said, walking past me. Well, nothing was going to change my mind. I didn't want to shorten my lifespan even further.

I ignored his words and walked behind him, putting my hood on. To cover my face as much as possible. Nothing good would come out of being associated with this guy.

People bowed and got out of his way, not even questioning my presence.

I didn't recognize this room, never been here since it was only for betas and higher ups. It was a simple but elegant place, decorated with golden paintings of the Lycan legends on the walls.

Zak regally sat on the throne at the head of the long table while I stood on his side. Other Alphas followed suit, with one Alpha Superior that I didn't recognise taking the seat on his left. He had silver hair that was cropped short and soft ruby eyes. His skin was also very pale, reminding me of a snow rabbit.

He was just as handsome as Zak, but in the opposite way. If it came to who would be more attractive between the both of them, it would be up to personal preference.

Were all Alpha Superiors this handsome?

Now I had officially met three Alpha Superiors. The only one remaining was the Alpha Superior of the Eastern Lands. I had yet to meet her, and she was the only female Alpha Superior.

I felt a sharp glare to my right. Zak had caught me admiring the new Alpha Superior, whom I assumed to be the Lord of the western lands.

"Is Alpha Rafayel to your taste?" He asked softly. It was so soft that I could barely hear his words, but I knew for a fact that the entire room heard it with their sensitive shifter ears. I held back the urge to smack his head. Mika, in my arms, peeked up to look at Alpha Rafayel, who was looking our way with an amused glint in his eyes.

I positively wanted to bury Zak six feet under. If I answered no, it would be an insult to an Alpha Superior. If I answered yes, I felt like I might just get skinned alive by Zak. I wisely decided to shut my damned mouth.

"If you don't answer, I might consider that a yes. Now tell me, who is more handsome between the two of us?" Zak asked, his icy blue eyes twinkling. I glared at him. Why was this block of ice doing this to me?

"I would also like to know the answer now," A pleasant male voice chipped in. I turned to see Alpha Rafayel looking at me with a smile that could capture one's heart. Too bad I didn't have one. Now everyone in the room was slyly looking in my direction.

With two burdensome gazes on me, I decided it was best to choose a neutral answer.

"You both are equally handsome. It's up to one's personal preference, really."

"And who do you prefer, my lady?" Alpha Rafayel asked, his eyes bent into crescents. My heart was truly attacked by his cat-like look.

I liked cats! The cat in my arms purred as if sensing my thoughts.

As my mind wavered, I felt a sharp glare to my side once again. I turned and saw Zak giving me a mesmerizing smile. Which was filled with malice. Chills went down my spine in an instant.

How could a man look so handsome and scary at the same time? His smile was obviously telling me that I should choose him or face the consequences. Alpha Rafayel seemed like a nicer person than this mean guy who was being suddenly petty for no reason.

"I prefer my mate," I said confidently. There, an answer no one could refute. Alpha Rafayel raised an eyebrow.

"But you're not mated, miss," he pointed out.

"I meant my future mate. Whoever they may be, they are my preference."

"A fair answer." He chuckled.

I thought I saw a tiny smirk on Zak's face through the corner of my eyes, but it was gone before I could confirm it.

The two Alpha Superiors sat there looking bored, while the other Alphas chatted among themselves quietly. Only two were missing, Alpha Wilbur and his wayward son. The door opened to reveal a disheveled Jared and an angry Alpha Wilbur at his side.

I let out a light whistle at their sorry sight.

'Speak of the devil, and the devil shall appear.'

Oh wait, that would be an insult to the devil. To compare that mighty being with someone as puny as Jared.

Jared's eyes somehow immediately found mine. I guessed that my edgy black hoodie and leggings were more eye-catching in the midst of fancily dressed shifters. His face blanched as he took sight of whom I was standing next to. A smirk couldn't help but creep through my lips.

He did not dare make a sound and obediently followed his father to his seat, sparing me nervous glances.

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