
Chapter 37: Casuhill

Thessalia POV

How dare he accuse the shifters of such a horrible thing!

“No!” Thessalia glared at Casuhill. “Garnet, can you drop my glamor, please?”

Garnet strained against the invisible wall and so did Cyran. All of them stood as if preserved in glass, or frozen in amber. “I can try …”

Thessalia stared into Casuhill’s orange orbs. “Please, let them at least be able to move their staffs so we can show you …”

Casuhill spat an orange glowing glob of saliva on the ground. “I did not just become a new guardian, thank you very much!”

“Then can you pierce through witch glamor?” Garnet asks.

Casuhill’s plump face falls. “I … ah … What kind of a question is that?”

“A pertinent one,” Jiro said, talking the way he did when he was explaining something to his children. “A very pertinent one, in fact. What’s your answer?”

Casuhill’s round face tightened like a blown-up balloon. “No one, not even elves, can see through witch glamor.”