
Chapter 33: To Seek the Three Corners of the World

Ravyn POV

There were some days in a witch’s life when she wished that she didn’t sense something life-altering, especially of a dark and sensitive nature.

For Ravyn Rolfe, who considered herself a Cresta in every way but her last name, today was one of those days. 

She’d felt the hand of evil on Drannor Glynthyra’s shoulder and it didn’t take much figuring to identify whose hand it was.

The Dark Goddess had been quiet for almost three years, but Ravyn never truly believed the fiend had been banished. She was, after all, one of the most powerful archdemons the world had ever seen, possibly the most powerful. 

Poor Thalira Glynthyra was asleep in one of the guest bedrooms. She had no idea that her husband had become someone she no longer knew. Ravyn understood how that felt.