
Chapter 32: A Late Night at Cresta House

Dirge POV

Two hours later, Dirge hastily shut the spare storeroom door near the kitchen when Thessi approached him. “What are you doing?” she asked.

He gave her the patented Cresta innocent look. “Just organizing things from the celebration.”

She smelled like a cold rain–a sign she was sad. “It certainly took an unexpected turn. When my brother finds out, he’ll go stomping through the woods.”

With his hand against the small of her back, he guided her away from the storeroom. He’d just finished the beginnings of his work inside. He’d started it last night when Thessi slept and continued it off and on during the day. He’d asked Azandra and Tulaska and others for help. Tulaska patted his cheeks and kissed him. 

“You should get some rest,” he said. “How’s Drannor?”

“Asleep with our witches and Wise Women trying to find out the truth about him.”