
Makima Vs Gojo

Prime Minister POV... Moments Before


"Now let's talk about your proposal Mr. Minister," said a woman with glasses and a stern disposition. The Prime Minister, along with 25 other people, were in a dark meeting room around a circular table with a projector screen discussing the future of policies for Japan.

"Thank you, Shoko, I would like to bring up to all of you once again the formation of the Jujutsu Sorcerer program."

"Excuse me, Prime Minster," said his deputy. "But as we discussed before this move is a no. I still don't get why you would support these cultists in the mountains, it would just be a major money sink if we funded something like that. It's especially puzzling too since you were so against it before you were elected."

"Mmm, yes that is true," he did go against the Jujutsu sorcerers back in his younger days. However, that all changed when he got elected, and saw the cursed spirits.

Thinking back, he remembered the day he settled into his office 6 years ago and met a young man who went by simply Gojo. He gave him his glasses that allow him to see cursed spirits coming and information about them. Although, even he wasn't allowed to speak out about them to the public because of the backlash from, "more sentient curses." The thought of them stealing and killing his citizens gave him many early gray hairs and even more trying to convince his stubborn staff to fix the issue without telling them the truth.

"However!" he went on talking, "The Jujutsu program could instill many traditional values back into the younger generation which could in turn possibly boost our future population growth!"

" That sounds way too similar to Hitler Youth sir, are you trying to kill us in the next election." said a bigger man in a gruff voice.

The Prime Minister cringed before responding, "That would not be the only point we could also- huh?!" he spoke before being cut off in shock by the sudden activation of the fluorescent lights overhead. That isn't what made him stop speaking, it was all of his colleagues being knocked unconscious that did. He went over to his assistant Shoko trying to shake her awake but there was no response from her.

"Why did everyone fall asleep?" asked the Prime Minister in fright sweating in terror. "This must be some kind of assassination attempt on my life! B-But it's so quiet. Is everyone... knocked out?" he said in barely a whisper at this point.

The whole building was eerily quiet with not a soul other than him allowed to remain, not even the air conditioning was on, leaving him stifled and the room humid in the radiant summer heat.

And then, ever so silently, he heard steps down the hallway outside the room. It grew louder and louder, the footsteps now walking towards the door. Closer and closer until...!

The door opened to reveal a red headed woman with a fit build with clothes that didn't look like they fit her. She was just as tall as his assistant but had an odd smile on her face. Alongside her there was a homeless thug and... one of his own agents?! "So, there was a traitor among us," he said under his breath with a grimace.

"Oh, so you're the Prime Minister," she said, her voice smooth yet firm. "I apologize for interrupting whatever meeting you were having, but mine is much more important," she said walking towards him. The former bodyguard pushed the bigger man who spoke earlier off his chair as the redhead sat down in front of him, her eyes now locked into his. He removed his glasses to see if she was a curse, worryingly however, the girl still remained, while the white curse seen on the thug's shoulder disappeared. Which could only leave one option…

"You know I don't negotiate with terrorists, especially ones that are curse users as strong as yourself."

"And what makes you think I'm a curse user Mr. Minister?" she asked curiously with her hand on her chin.

"Don't be coy with me girl! You and whatever curse you have on you has a sleeping agent that put my people to sleep somehow!"

"Oh, I see where you could get that idea. However, I am something, how should I put this, more Primal," she said firmly. A shift in the table occurred as the table started to move to the corner of the room, but it was not moved by itself, but by his very own staff pushing it on their knees.

"What are you people doing!?" questioned the baffled Prime Minister. "Call security and have her removed!"

"Don't yell at our Master like that." barked his normally timid assistant. "You're not the boss of us only her, she's the only one!" she yelled as all of his staff after pushing the table crawled over to the woman on all fours like dogs.

"W-what did you do to them you monster?!" he yelled in anger his fists clenching at his sides.

"Them? Why they're just my dogs. Loyal, stupid, braindead dogs who will do anything I command them to do. And it's not only them, Snap". With a mere snap of her fingers, the doors swung open as a line of guards, office workers, and custodial workers all crawled on all fours. They crawled quickly along the walls like a grand menagerie of chaos stopping there and kneeling like waiting for their queen.

"Y-y-you have everyone?" he murmured, mentally broken as he realized his situation. In a panic he fell out of his seat, trying to escape in a crawl only to be stopped by a strong hand clutching the back of his neck, tossing him into the wall with an oomph.

"I would advise not trying to squirm around Minister, I hate it when my prey is difficult. Judging by your scent you're finally starting to fully understand the position your in," she spoke, leisurely prowling to him and sitting on his splayed out legs staring him down with those uncaring, doll like eyes of hers. "Now then," putting both her arms against the wall making her tower over him as whimpered back as much as he could, "Are you ready for my proposal to you?" she asked letting the edges of her mouth curve up ever so slightly.

"W-what d-do you want you w-witch," he muttered meekly.

"It's quite simple you see; All I want is a contract."

"A c-contract?"

"Yes, just a contract. In exchange for all these members of your cabinet and everyone else's lives, you will give me control of all the people's health in Japan." When she said her proposal, her smile grew wider as she saw the man somehow sink even deeper in despair. How could he come up with such a decision? The people of his country, including himself, his wife, and his children or the people around him right now, some of whom were his closest friends for years.

"Hmm, you seem to still be hesitating, we can't have that. Here I'll make this easier for you," she mused moving her hands along his face absent mindedly. "If you do not agree to this deal, then everyone here except you will die, and I will just get more and more "leverage" until you agree to my terms," she had now gotten even closer, making him lose pounds of sweat her golden eyes still staring daggers at him with a glare that could kill lions with ease. "The choice is yours, do hurry sir. Lives are on the line, tik tok."

"I-i," he couldn't think his brain was in a total deadlock. He couldn't do this! All these people are going to die because of him! He has- no he must save them. I-it's his duty as their Prime Minister... to save them all.

"I-i. Accep-!" Is all he got out before the wall behind him turned to ruble, exposing a large hole to the outside hidden by smoke.

"How utterly annoying," she said with a sneer of disgust leaking into her voice.

"My oh my, looks like you caused some trouble miss," mused Gojo waving the dust away from his face.

"Says the man who recklessly knocked down a wall without a care for who was on the other side," she retorted at the man. "He arrived much faster than anticipated," she mentally groaned to herself.

She had actually seen him fly over here around the time she walked into the room. Using the crows she took control of as a security system of sorts, to watch out for any police that might interfere, but this was entirely unexpected. The ability of flight being used by just an ordinary person (other than his unusual white hair) concerned her, these curse powers sure were unique and powerful. This one must be a lap dog to the system of power here, she'd have to be prepared for anything and not go in recklessly. Without her contract with the Prime Minister set, even a stray gunshot to the head would end her life and send her to who knows where.

"Who might you be stranger, I was just about to wrap up a deal." asked the Redhead, trying to gather information.

The figure in the smoke fully walked out, who surprise surprise, was the man she saw earlier. Getting more detail on him now, his main feature was his snow-white hair and blindfold over his eyes, along with a modified school uniform he seemed to be wearing. The man looked around at the scene and by his reaction, he somehow saw the people still kneeling around the walls despite the blindfold.

"Gojo. Saturo Gojo," he said with a wide smile. She didn't much react to that only slightly registering it.

"Ah! Gojo! Thank Goodness Your Here My Boy!" yelled the Prime Minister with incredible enthusiasm as he wiggled his way up and sprinted towards Gojo getting behind him.

"Hey P.M, don't mind me, I just felt something was off and I came to see what was up. Um... Should I leave, this doesn't seem like my type of party," he said with confusion scratching the back of his head as he looked around seeing all the people bowing against the walls.

"No no, absolutely not! This whole building has been brainwashed by that w-witch over there!" he sputtered out pointing at Makima. "She was trying to get some sort of contract or agreement out of me, but I held firm against that terrorist," he said puffing out his chest like some sort of pigeon.

"Ah ok, I think that explains some of the oddities here."

"You," she spoke pointing at Gojo, catching his attention.

"Hm?" said the man looking at her puzzled look.

"Restrain him," she commanded pointing at the Prime Minister now.

"Huh? Why would I do that?" he asked with an extremely confused expression.

"Hold him down."

"Oi! Quit giving me orders lady. I don't take orders from any person, especially some novice ass brain washer!" he yelled pointing at her like she was some sort of child.

Now it was her turn to be confused, then worried, "Why can't I control him, could this man possibly think he's above me, stronger than me!? Either he's full of himself or he can actually back up his feats shown so far. Whatever the option is, I'll have to do this the hard way."

"Dogs," everyone under her control perked up from their bow, "Go and restrain those two, especially the blindfolded one," she commanded making all her dogs stand up and charge at the two some running and others moving like monkeys. "Woman and those who are armed fall back beside me," she ordered them as a general, as four women came to her side as the armed guards barricaded her from any potential harm.

"That won't work on me," attested Gojo as he cracked his knuckles preparing himself for a brawl.

"Ready your weapons," the guard raised their guns at Gojo making him visibly tense up, "Now, Fire." As she ordered the guards fired shots into the crowd and at him and the prime minister.






"Shit!" Gojo grabbed the Prime Minister by the neck of his suit and picked them as he rushed to the oncoming mob. With impressive speed, he managed to get in the center of the crowd making a very faint red light from his finger that caused all of the people to be launched in all different directions avoiding the volley of gunfire. Gojo in firing range was seemingly shot but continued on towards her in a sprint.

"He seems to have a high regard for human lives in order for him to do that for them. He also used a red light to expel those dogs with ease. Finally, gunshots don't seem to affect him at all, it could either be that he doesn't show the damage, or it could be some sort of physical immunity. No, I saw what happened, the bullets never hit him in the first place, need to readjust my strategy," she calculated in her mind. Chains quickly flew out of her waist area and moved like vipers and impaled the women through their stomachs, taking them hostage.

Halfway through his sprint he purposely dropped the Prime Minister and increased his speed to close the remaining distance with the guards. "Human sacrifices aren't exactly nice yeah know!" he shouted reaching the first guard and giving him a quick next chop before brawling with the rest of them. "Who is this person really? She's commanding them with ease, but I can't feel a damned drop of cursed energy on her, meaning I can't read any potential moves. It's like facing Toji all over again, except Toji now has mind-control powers. Not to mention with all these people still around I can't use any strong color moves or even my own domain if I want to keep the paperwork and blood light today," he thought quickly, landing a sneaky leg sweep and knocking down five guards at once. "I need to get her away from them, now!" Gojo feined another strike on a guard before sharply changing direction and seemingly blitzing her, getting behind her right in her blind spot.

Blocking his path, a woman's face appeared in the way startling him. "A human shield!"

Moving just as fast, Makima moved the woman out of the way positioning herself to land a meaty right hook to his face. Testing what she saw, she counted down the estimated time her fist should land.





She was correct, her fist was closing distance but it seemingly slowed. "Try this then," she whispered to herself, turning her fist into a finger gun and uttering one word. "{Bang!}"

A loud crack roared across the room, and the opposing wall completely disappeared around a crumbly hole. She had missed, but not entirely, Gojo Satruo was hurt. The area around his left shoulder and neck was sheered off his skin exposing the first layer of blood and muscle.

Her plan worked

Gojo's mind was racked with a searing pain in his neck and shoulder, "How'd she get past limitless!? That technique would have to be beyond physical! Beyond Cursed Energy to that to him!" Vile and blood threatened to rise up from his throat, but he pushed it down. He wouldn't show weakness, not like this. Regaining his logical thoughts as he leaped back to the Prime Minister, he planned again. "That technique is stupidly effective. It activated the second she finished her word and obliterated a wall in less time than that. Closing the distance and removing her final two hostages might be preferable-"

"Gojo my boy! Help Me!" he looked behind him and cursed at himself. The remaining guards must've nabbed the prime minister while he was distracted. The main guard of the three was holding him in a full nelson, threatening to break his shoulders or worse.

"Crap Baskets," Gojo muttered under his breath.

"Fufufu, Satoru Gojo was it," he looked over seeing her laughing behind her hand. "You were quite the tricky prey I give you that, but you have no way of besting me at this point. I am a being so beyond your comprehension, that you should see me as a divine being," she giggled to herself. "So why don't you be a good boy and make the Prime Minster agree to my deal, and I might just spare you for your rudeness, fufufu." she cackled maniacally.

"She's right, I'm at the end of my rope here. She has the Prime Minister as a hostage, if I rush over to save him, the guards over there might rip both of his shoulders off or just kill him. Even if I do manage to rush in there and let him out, this bitch will be taking pot shots behind me and if she hits me, that's it, I'm done for. Think Gojo think...! Wait, look at the way she's been talking to me."

"Who might you be stranger, I was just about to wrap up a deal.", _"Gojo. Saturo Gojo," he said with a wide smile. "She didn't much react to that only slightly registering it."

"Of course! She has no clue who I am! I thought she was just being a pleasant little snake, but she's clueless. I can work with this, I have something!"

"You think so Makima!" Gojo yelled out putting on an insane grin. "Do you have any idea what they call me!? They call me Gojo The Bomber! Hehaha!" he giggled dripping his voice with insanity. Just like he thought, her eyes showed no signs of confusion. She bought the bait.

"Fine then blow yourself up. Make it flashily, I wouldn't want your last moments of life to be forgotten so easily," she smirked

"Gojo, what are you-?" the Prime Minister whispered just loud enough to hear but saw one handed hand signs behind Gojos back, which he was familiar with due to his military background.

"BRACE. YOUR. MIND. THEN. RUN." He signed with his hand. The Prime Minister was confused but then understood what he was doing. He had heard through his delving into the Jujutsu community that Gojo had some kind of trick that would overload someone's brain if used. "He was warning me for that, thank you my boy."

"Alright then you asked for it! Haaaaaaaaaaahhh!" he roared. "Super Explosive Dynaynamite-{Domain Expansion: Infinite Void}" he muttered the last part, his true intention. An infinite void of space completely swallowed the room trapping everyone inside the domain. He kept it up for 0.2 seconds, just enough for everyone to survive within the domain, before turning it off. Everyone standing was frozen stiff, just about half a year's knowledge filled up their brains, which was just enough time for him to finish this. Dashing to the three guards restraining the Prime Minister and knocked them out with a neck chop and moved the Prime Minister out of the room. "Even if he braced for it he shouldn't be moving anytime soon, but every second counts," he said sprinting back into the room to finish the witch off.

To his shock, she was swaying holding her head, not very paralyzed but at the very least stunned. Racing over to her, he made to break the chains holding the women, but she saw him, her eyes unfocused and straining to clear her mind.

"A... Memory Overload. You... have Cosmo's power?" she seethed out, her body sweating and clutching her head in pain. "{b-bang.}...{b-bang.}" she aimed wildly firing off a blast missing his head he broke one of the chains with a punch.

"Humph, Of course I do, I am the strongest, after all," he spoke firmly dodging another bang from her breaking the last chain connecting her to her hostages. Removing his blindfold to reveal to her those diamonds of eyes as Makima's own eyes finally sharpened in fear. That glowing red light from earlier shown from his hand, this time much brighter, was put on her chest at point-blank range. "Earlier you called yourself divine, but you made that comment before knowing that I, Saturo Gojo am the honored one, the one whose power is even beyond the gods! {Cursed Technique Reversal: Red!}" The technique sent her flying right out of the building going through the wall and being sent hurdling outside hitting the steel front gate head first with a "CLANG!"

Her head felt howled in pain her vision swimming as everything. Her head was a mess of blood, soaking her hair and rolling done her face. Bones all over her body were broken. Groaning weakly, she moved her head to look up at where she came from the hole in the building seeing the man flying down from said hole smiling cockily at her as she had done just a few minutes ago. He reached the ground softly and walked over to her.

"Look at you, how the cocky have fallen," he mused lifting her up by her neck, making her clench her teeth in pain. "Those like you, who hurt people weaker than them just because they have power," he monologued moving his fist back in a punch, with black lightning arcing along his knuckles. "Are scum of the world and must be exercised!" he yelled leaning into a punch to Makimas heart, eyes filled with rage.

"ᴾˡᵉᵃˢᵉ" Gojo stopped mid-punch, his eyes losing his anger as he heard that faint sound. A raindrop landed on his arm, then another, and another. Yet there was,nt any rain falling down from the sky despite the gray clouds blocking the sun. He slowly managed to gaze upon her face. She had her light red hair covering her eyes as small trails of tears and blood rolled down her face. "p-please," she shakily spoke, trying to get the air out of her lungs. "D-don't kill me. I... I don't want to be with her again. I don't want to go back to Death!" she squirmed definitely, kicking his legs, and forcing her broken arms to move past their pain and hit his arm to let her go, to let her live! "I... I WANT TO LIVE! GIVE ME THE CHANCE TO LIVE!"

Gojo's eyes widened in complete disbelief at her statement, her ringed eyes revealing themselves showing true emotion for the first and only time, showing incredible desperation lying inside. To not embrace dying after all that excruciating pain... her eyes began to lose focus, her kicking losing their tenacity, she then fell into unconsciousness, going limp in his grasp. He laid her down gently on the ground lost in a sea of conflicting thoughts on what he should do.

"Gojo," he glanced up and saw the Prime Minster leaning out the hole in the wall. "Is she dead, or um, exercised?"

He looked at the Minster and back at her, staring past her and then at her. "No, she will be confiscated by me and the jujutsu community. I promise to never let this happen again," he said, tying back on his blindfold and picking her up, and heaving her body over his shoulder. Flying up to the Prime Minister's eye level he asked, "Anything more I can do?"

"No no, you're free to go. I'll send you the paperwork tomorrow so you can get some rest, it's the least I can do. Oh! One more thing, when will everyone be released from her control?"

"..." Gojo stared at the Prime Minster, slowly starting to sweat. "Chow," he waved speeding off through the sky causing a sonic boom throughout the air.


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