

Author's Note: I will be adding more information to the Glossary as I develop the story.

The Kingdoms and Magics of Alam

*rare magics

The Teine Kingdom of Flames

Under Military Rule

Capital – Lasair

Magics – Spell Casters*, Protection, Flaming Weapons.

Title of the People – Teineans

Colors - Yellow, Orange and Red.

Significant Locations - Dormiens Mont

The Uisge Kingdom of Waves

Under Monarchy Rule – Ruling families have changed

Capital – Caer

Magics – Divination*, Scrying, Shape-shifter.

Title of the People – Uisgeans

Colors - Grey, Blue, White and Silver.

Significant Locations - The Endless Sea

The Talamh Kingdom of Terra

Dynasty – Ruling family has stayed the same for centuries

Capital – Carraig

Magics – Alchemy*, Potion Making, Healing.

Title of the People – Terrans

Colors - Varying shades of Browns and Greens

Significant Locations - Mountain Stronghold. Talamh Academy.

The Adhair Kingdom of Zephyr

Split into Multiple Tribes - Governed by the Grand Council of Chiefs

Capital – None since this is a tribal community, place of gathering in times of need is known as Scamiall

Magics – Language of the Stars, Illusions, Astral Projection*

Title of the People – Zephyrians

Colors - Green on the lighter side, Off-white and Cream Color.

Significant Locations - The Great Plains

The Dealnach Kingdom

Imperial Rule – Controls own kingdom and governs the rest as well

Capital – Fulger

Magic: Necromancy*

Title of the People - Dealnachians

Colors - Purple and Black.

Significant Locations - The Silent City


Alam - The name of the world the events take place.

Dealnach - The name of the Quintessence Dragon.

Konpa - A compass-like device that points to the location of the dragons.

Rings of Unity - Five rings said to be forged with the light of the stars that created the Dragons. They glow when the Chosen One is near.

Talamh - The name of the Earth Dragon.

The Five Liberators - The original five humans chosen by The Immortal One, the title was given to them by the people.

The Immortal One - The entity that people believe rules over Alam.

The Keepers - Scholars who have the knowledge of the true unbiased history of Alam.

Tiene - The name of the Fire Dragon.

Uisge - The name of the Water Dragon.

Vinculum - The bond shared between the Dragon and the Chosen One.

Zephyr - The name of the Air Dragon.