
The Aeternus Universe

The year of humanity is 2415, and DDVR and VRMMORPG's are commonplace now. It's extremely hard for a new game to come out and be successful. The greats of these genres have ruled for a few centuries now. A new game is releasing soon, and it has promise to be one of those. The Aeternus Universe. A Virtual Reality game has what you would expect from a game in this genre. However, some things make it special. One of those being the exploration and adventure through galaxies and The Aeternus Universe. Other games in this genre take it to fantasy and medieval times. This is set in a universe where there are super advanced technologies, spaceships, and Mecha suits—lost Alien tech ready to be found and claimed. Some of these all come together. The story starts 2 days before the release of the game, and with our protagonist—a 20-year-old male by the name of Scott Autumn. He is one of the few jumping from the current major game to this one. Seeing its potential for greatness and chance to be one of the biggest games on the market.

easyread · Juegos
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142 Chs

Dipping Out

{This story is a P-a-t-r-e-o-n exclusive. The link is https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread. Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word. I also have a basketball system story on my p-a-t-r-e-o-n if you wish to check it out.}

{The story on P-a-t-r-e-o-n is at 150+ chapters.}

{Warning: Skip this chapter if you don't like how the romance is being developed.}

The longer I watch the men, the more I think it's necessary to leave right now. It's a bummer I'm going to have to leave, but my safety comes over my appetite. I stand up from the table and start to walk towards the exit. I look in the window as I pass it to see the reflection.

The two men in black stand up and begin to follow me. I quickly leave and head straight for my car. I hop in and turn it on. I slam on the peddle, and I burn rubber. I start speeding down the street, and I look in the rearview mirror and see them standing in the middle of the street.

I see them talk into their wrist, microphones to talk to whoever is in charge of them. This isn't ideal. Whoever is after isn't afraid of being so open about observing me. It's definite about my race in-game and the gifts I have inherited from it.

I hop back on the highway and make my way home. They know where I live, and I'm willing to bet they're watching my house too. I relax now that I'm not in immediate danger. I pull off the highway on my exit and drive to my house. I open the garage with the press of a button, and I park my car.

My sister doesn't know what's going on or the risks she's exposed to. Once inside the living room, I plop down on the couch and rub my head.

I turn the TV on and listen to the news about the gaming scene. "The Aeternus Universe continues to overtake more and more games as it rises the rankings of active players. This is causing many changes in the market and many in-game items for other games to lose value." I raise my head at the report, and I didn't think it'd be happening so fast.

The player base is growing, and it'll be at the top soon.

I'm sure it's only going to be a couple of days until it's at the top. The fact players can get their characters traits is already a good enough reason for no one else to play another game.

The most loyal to other games are going to shift to The Aeternus Universe soon. "In other news, an individual has come forward claiming credit for fixing the critical glitch in the scanning system. A man by the name of William Rake is going to a press conference to accept a reward and make a speech." Well, well. It seems like someone couldn't resist taking credit for my work.

My laptop is in my bedroom, and I'd like to know more about this man. I stand up and head to my room, getting my laptop. I head to the many forums looking for Willian Rake.

I hack into the identity center of one of the forums and locate William Rake. "Looks like William Rake is a fraud..." I read other things he's taken credit for under other names. I find his bank information and personal emails with associates that help him pull this stuff off.

I'm in the mood for some vigilante work. I hack everything he has and owns. I post all his personal information and lies on forums worldwide, and the message I've attached to it sums up my thoughts.


[I don't like it when people take credit for work, and when someone tries it with my own work is where I take it personally. The man known as William Rake is a fraud and has stolen from other people's works. Enjoy the repercussions of this, Mr. Rake. You earned it.]

This is the message attached to all the posts I've released across the world. I can already see them blowing up on the forums before I close my laptop. "William Rake is regarded as a hero an-!" The report is stopped and presses on the earpiece.

Likely being updated from my post just a couple of seconds ago. "Ladies and gentlemen, I've just got word that William Rake is a fraud! The original anonymous person who helped the world is the one to expose William Rake!" I smile as a satisfied feeling spreads through me.