
Prologue: A Fateful Encounter

"There are four races in the world, and that is Human, Demon, Angels, and Elves. They each have their own ruler, and each has their own country, Humans living peacefully in Iarus, Demons raging below in their own territory in Azillon, Angels seeking peace of all races up above in Xuthothea, and Elves who live in secret from the world.

The leader of Demons, Zarruth, waged war on the angels because living below the ground was not enough for them, they were tired of living below as there is no sunlight nor any light at all, and the angels responded as they protect the law that was given to them, and made the world of humans and elves their battlefield.

The war went on, as countless humans were caught in the crossfire, lighting striking down, mountains rumbling, and many lost their lives. And one person appeared and stopped the war, and let them see what they did on the humans, and as they saw the damage of what they did, they agreed that all races are now prohibited on the world of humans, as long as they don't cause any trouble and live peacefully on it, thus then the world was divided into four territories. And they lived happily ever after, the end" as a woman was telling a young boy to sleep and kisses him good night.

"Was that the whole story?" The boy said curiously.

"That was the whole story, legend says that the one who stopped them was a great and powerful hero just like we see today." the woman said to the boy.

The boy jumps on the bed and raises his hand and said "I'm gonna be like him one day!"

"Alright, just like any hero, he first needs sleep to fight evil, and...he....will...---"


The young man wakes up with heavy panting and said "what....was that?" as he touches his face while covered in sweat and continued "Sweat? what's happening?" as the young man then look around the unfamiliar room, with a window on the left side of the bed and the door opened as someone walked in.

"Seems that you're awake." the unfamiliar man said and sits down on the nearby chair.

"Who are you?" the young boy said while following him with his eyes and suddenly gets up.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down, you hit your head pretty hard." the unfamiliar man said to him.

"Where am I?" the young boy asked.

"You're in my home, I carried you here, you were unconscious in the middle of the road, bleeding. Now, who are you?" the man points at him.

"Me?" and the young man's head ache and he remembered who he was "I'm...Alistor..."

"Well then, Al, I'm Jaxon, Jaxon the traveler, people call me Jax." as Jax introduced his name and continued "What were you doing in the middle of the road? you would have been hit by a wagon, it was dark and the rain was too heavy to see you, luckily, I had light magic to guide me."

"Magic?" Alistor said curiously.

"Yes, like this." Jax then lights a small fire on his fingertips and showed Alistor.

Alistor then looks at the fire and then looks at his palms and then a black flame appeared on his palms and Jax saw the black flame and was shocked as he saw.

"Black flame? I never saw one before, but there is in books." Jax said.

"Books?" Al said as he tilted his head a little.

"Yes, ever heard about the shadow demon?" Jax said to Alistor.

"No." Alistor replied.

"Well, it says that the shadow demon works in mysterious ways, despite his name, he protected the innocent and ate the guilty souls, but that's in the books, it's just a legend if you ask me, but a black flame? fascinating. Do you have any parents? anyone who I can contact?" Jax said to Alistor.

"I...Don't remember..." Alistor said as he looks down with a frown on his face.

"I see, you lost your memories, maybe you hit your head too hard, it almost seems that you fell off a cliff or something," Jax said as he stands up and said, "Alright, from now on, you're living with me until you regain your memories" as Jax pointed his thumb to his chest and smiled.

{To Be continued}

Name: Alistor

Age: 15

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Physical Appearance:

Eye Color: brown with black pupils

Hair color: Black with white edges

Skin color: Peach

Height: 179 Centimeters

Weight: 65

Outfit: A white sleeve and a brown jacket, and black pants


Attitude: Helpful, Kind, intelligent.

Hobbies: Learning Magic from books and experience

Dislikes: Those who use their high positions to bully the lower ones, and those who fight him first.

Main Magic: Shadow.

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