
The adventures of a savage

Abandoned since he was a baby in the cold Siberian forest, condemned to survive as best he can and adapt to all kinds of hardships. A man who lived among animals and managed to create his own territory. A man who despite everything he overcame, died foolishly in a way he did not understand, but when it seemed that it was going to be the end of his story, he managed to surprise the right entity. Come and enjoy the life of a wild man through the multiverse. [Warning: The main character doesn't know how to speak or anything about human behavior, it will take a few chapters to adapt him until he can have a proper conversation. Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Eroos #Gore #Multiverse #Anime

Eroos · Cómic
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69 Chs

Talk from the heart

"Besides... you didn't find your pack when you went to the city?" staring into Fenrir's eyes, Yuriko continued "The city helped you a lot with that, didn't it?"

"Mmmm..." Thinking for a few seconds, Fenrir nodded "But I was also attacked a lot... the city is not good... it smells bad and they always invade my territory..."

"Fenrir, when you lived alone in the forest... you attacked everyone who entered your territory?" With genuine curiosity on her face, Yuriko asked.

"No... only when I was hungry or preparing for winter."

"So you let other animals live with you?"

"Yes... But if they showed any defiant attitude, I ate them..."

"Mmmm... I guess humans aren't made to just live submissively to a predator" Nodding, Yuriko thought 'It would certainly be a disaster if Fenrir lived in a city... not many would take the time to understand.'



"Why do the fish keep hanging around here?" looking out to sea, Fenrir focused his senses into the depths and continued "I've already eaten hundreds of them... but they keep coming back again and again... there's also that one-eyed fish... I let it live many times, but it keeps coming back..."

Raising her eyebrows at the meaningless question, Yuriko laughed softly and commented "It is believed that fish don't have much intelligence and their memory is very short, maybe they don't remember you anymore."


"But why did you let that one-eyed fish go? Did it pity you?"

"Pity?" With confusion in his gaze, Fenrir continued "It had one less eye... less meat to eat... if I have to choose between a fish with two eyes and a fish with one eye... the two-eyed fish would be a better meal."

Smiling wryly, Yuriko sighed "Fenrir..."


"And haven't you thought about how that fish could be your friend?"


"Someone you hang out with and can support each other."


"No... something very different from your pack, it's more like a distant relative."

"Oh... but what are they for? I already have my pack...I hang out with you guys and we support each other...I don't see the point"

"*Sigh* You'll understand someday..." Shaking her head, Yuriko sighed.

If anything, Yuriko worries that Fenrir can only relate to them.

While Fenrir is a kind and attentive man to them, Yuriko knows perfectly well that he sees all beings outside as food or possible threats. Something that causes her a great pain in her heart just thinking about the difficult life she had to have had before meeting him.

'I hope at some point I can live with the outside...' Gently stroking Fenrir's hair, Yuriko sighed and commented "Fenrir..."


"Do you want to smoke?" pulling Fenrir's pipe and box out of her pocket, Yuriko asked.

Since the girls left, Yuriko had personally made sure Fenrir smoked at least once a day. Something very simple if we consider that Fenrir really loves the taste of [The Mist of Existence].

But not only Fenrir smokes, Yuriko often accompanies him and she herself was amazed.

With just one puff of smoke, all hunger, fatigue or sleepiness disappears, causing all stress or need to vanish easily.

"Mmmm... okey" Thinking for a few seconds, Fenrir nodded.

Smiling slightly, Yuriko opened the box and took out the exotic purple-colored herb, being ironically similar to a marijuana bud.

Putting the weed into the pipe, Yuriko put it in her mouth and automatically the smoke started to come out, and then she took a small puff and handed it to Fenrir.

Fenrir's first time smoking was a disaster. He coughed over and over again while Yuriko had to hold him down so he wouldn't attack the box of weed.

Taking a deep puff, Fenrir closed his eyes and vowed the smoke seconds later.



"What would you like to achieve in life?"

"I already have everything I want..." Already having had dozens of similar talks, Fenrir didn't have to think twice and continued "I have a pack that loves me, a territory to take care of and I'm already the coolest wolf... I wish for nothing more."

"You're pretty simple" Laughing softly, Yuriko continued "Many men with your power would do everything they could to conquer the world or similar desires, but you... you just want to live in your territory with your family... I think that's to be admired."

Letting out another puff of smoke, Fenrir turned his gaze to Yuriko's face and watched her silently, then put the pipe aside and murmured "Yuriko... I want a kiss."

Raising her eyebrows, Yuriko chuckled softly and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, then tilted her head and gently kissed Fenrir's lips.

While this was something Yuriko didn't usually do with Fenrir unlike the rest of the girls, ever since they started staying together her defenses dropped completely after a little while.

Just the fact that Fenrir asked for something as important as a kiss in such a pure and natural way made it especially hard for her to resist and before she knew it, this became a normality.

Although she still regrets her husband's death, life goes on for everyone.

"Happy?" Licking her lips, Yuriko asked.

"Happy..." Turning her gaze toward the sea, Fenrir murmured.

Life for Fenrir is simple.

Life for Fenrir is happy.

Fenrir is happy at last.

The end.

For today.


Another month passed by in the blink of an eye.

Fenrir and Yuriko's life was unchanged and they lived happily enjoying themselves in peace.

Food was not lacking, fresh water was plentiful, the house sheltered them from the cold and enjoying the beach was incredible.

No doubt these two were currently living in paradise from the apocalypse.

Lying on the futon, Fenrir looked out the window and watched the bright moon over the dark sky in silence, while his arm gently wrapped around the woman resting on his chest.

"Did you like your dinner?"

Lowering his gaze, Fenrir notices Yuriko's soft smile and murmurs "Yes..."

Although Yuriko is the thriftiest when it comes to food, today she suddenly decided to prepare a rather ostentatious meal.

Beans, canned meat, rice and she even took a wine that was stolen from the ship and enjoyed it together with Fenrir.

"Did you like the wine?" clinging closer to Fenrir and draping her leg over his, Yuriko rested her cheek on the young wolf's chest again and asked lazily.


"I'm glad" Moving her arm, Yuriko gently caressed Fenrir's pectorals with the tip of her fingernail, idly making circles as she enjoyed another pleasant evening.

After a few pleasant minutes in silence, Yuriko looked up at Fenrir and murmured "Fenrir..."


"Have you ever missed your old forest?"

"My old forest..." Thinking for a few seconds, Fenrir muttered "I don't know... I like it here... my pack is here, but... it's too small... I can't hunt... I can't run... it's weird."

"I see..." Nodding with a sympathetic face, Yuriko rested her face on Fenrir's chest again but this time she just stared at him.

Minutes passed and the moon could no longer be seen through the window, showing how much time these two spent lying down just enjoying each other's warmth and presence.

Until, at some point, Yuriko suddenly asked "Fenrir... you know what we do is not normal?"

With doubt on his face, Fenrir asked "What's not normal?"

"All this... kissing, sleeping together, me helping you in the shower, living together in general..."

"Why?" With confusion on his face, Fenrir looked down at Yuriko and asked with genuine doubt.

"Because this is something you should only do with a person you love... kissing a person is a very important thing after all" Smiling softly as she found his confusion cute, Yuriko continued "It is correct to say that everything we have done and you have done with girls, is something frowned upon and immoral."

"Loving?" With more confusion, Fenrir murmured "I don't understand..."

"It's complicated to explain love..." Thinking for a few seconds, Yuriko continued "But the most common thing is... feeling happy when you see that person, feeling bad if that person feels bad... wanting to spend more time with that person... you think about that person a lot... you wouldn't like to be without that person... you feel happy... that's a common thing a person can feel when falling in love."

"..." Frowning slightly as his brain processes something as complicated as love, Fenrir finally looked at Yuriko quizzically and muttered "Then why is it wrong?"

"*Sigh* Okay, it's hard to understand."

"Difficult? Why is it hard?"

"Did you understand it?" Raising her eyebrows, Yuriko asked.

"I think so..." Looking up towards the roof, Fenrir muttered "I feel happy when I'm with you... I want to spend more time with you... I wouldn't like to be without you... I feel happy... then I'm in love... it's not wrong what we do..."

"..." Blinking in a daze at the unexpected, Yuriko finally smiled helplessly and shook her head "I envy you so much..."


"For you everything is so simple... happy or sad... yes or no... ask and receive... for you everything is straightforward and you don't think as much about what you do as the rest of the humans... you know perfectly well what you want... you don't care about anything more than that... I envy many things about you"

"I don't understand..."

Biting her lips, Yuriko stood up slightly and brought her face close to Fenrir's, then stared into his eyes and asked "What would you do now if I told you that I love you?"

"Mmmm..." Cocking his head to one side while thinking, Fenrir finally answered "I would be happy..."


"Because if you love me, it means you're happy... if you're happy, I'm happy."

Pursing her lips while observing the sincerity on Fenrir's face, Yuriko sighed and murmured "You're so.... *sigh*"

Leaning back on Fenrir's chest, Yuriko sighed again and looked up towards the roof "Fenrir..."


"I think I really like you..." Closing her eyes with a complicated face, Yuriko continued "I don't know when these feelings started... living with you every day only strengthens these confusing feelings more... I can't suppress them anymore."

"I didn't used to trust you before.... I didn't like you very much either... you were weird and very unpredictable, that made me feel uncomfortable... but when I came to the island and started to live with you and the other girls... I started to understand you and just like these new feelings, I suddenly started to like you."

"But, even though I liked you, I never thought of you as a man... I saw you more as a son to take care of or something similar" Laughing at herself, Yuriko continued "It's incredibly awkward to say that I thought of you as a son now having these new feelings..."

Looking up at Fenrir, Yuriko bit her lips hard and continued "My husband didn't die long ago... I feel so guilty doing this... I feel so guilty feeling this..."

"Although my life with him was not exciting at all, I came to think without a doubt that that was not a bad life compared to other women's... at least I thought so" Pressing her forehead on Fenrir's chest, Yuriko continued whispering "I thought I had everything... we were not lacking financially, we had a beautiful daughter... everything looked so good."


Edited By:

Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq

Pa treon: https://www. pa treon.com /Eroos

[A/N: I already have the basis of this world set up and written (I mean the future chapters I already wrote), but now I have an uncertain doubt about which world we will travel to, since as I said some time ago, this world will only be a world the group will return to after the "adventures". Any ideas that interest you? Although I've seen and read many stories, I'm not an extreme anime or manga fan, so I don't know all the existing stories, although I have no problem following a story to write about it (something I do with this fanfic, since for example, High School of the dead I saw 7 or 8 years ago, obviously I didn't remember much about it and I had to read the manga and watch the anime to get myself in order). I will be attentive to your comments and ideas]