
Chapter 46 Is this even a fight

"I didn't manage to settle all my debt with you last time let see how many times it takes for you to broke" Jack took out a sniper rifle from his storage room (gate of Babylon) but seriously what kind of motherfucker storage weapons but never use them even if Gilgermash want to collect weapon at least take care of it, he can still see some dust in this gun.

When he got the skill to use a sniper he started searching for a sniper rifle in his gate of Babylon he found a lot of them but they are not strong only this particular sniper that look like Barrett M82 a weapon can't even do damage to any tier 4 if Junko looks at it she can't tell anything special about the sniper but Jack has a system so when he scan it only result that the system give is unknown. The system can not even scan this weapon that means this weapon is a blessing in disguise a weapon that makes from an unknown material.

His first experiment when trying to insert mana in it almost cost him his life the sniper rifle sucks his mana dry like a vortex almost draining all of his mana only to form 1 bullet mana. When he fired the recoil manage to injure his hand and no bullet when out until a vortex appears and turn the test dummy into pieces.

Truly a strong weapon it uses the second most powerful element is void. It is the most perfect weapon for assassination no barrier can stop it if any god knows about this weapon they will try to steal this sniper at all cost. Still, Jack is not strong enough to use this weapon only a tiny bit of its power.

But since he wanted to test it with something living so costing mana won't affect him much. He locked his skill "perfect shot" into Riser and fired at a different direction

Riser who is standing at the middle of the arena

"Where is that motherfucker ahhhhhhhh" a bullet appeared of whose nowhere pierce Riser heart not only that it jumps to the void and this time it pierced through his heads process keep repeating until Riser die or the bullet out of mana.

Riser has already lost track of how many times he has died even if he tried to dodge the bullet somehow have its own mine and chase after him his defensive barrier made out of fire didn't even have any meaning it still hit him

Only after the 20th death, did it stop chasing him but Riser is mentally exhausted while Jack is sitting opposite him eating popcorn waiting for the bullet to run out.

Jack took out a Lancer card "Install". Many runes appear surrounding transform his clothes into deep ultramarine full-body tights grey metallic pauldrons, and a metal plate over his lowest abdominal section his eyes from blue to red while his dark hair turns into blue. He still kept his charm even after he transforms.

"It's been a long time since I have any battle let see if you can warm me up" Lancer said as he charges at Riser with his curse spear Gáe Bolg.

Riser whose stun at Jack new appearance immediately transform into his firebird form and clash with Lancer, but Riser didn't even stand a chance as he is sent back gusting mouthful of blood

Lancer only takes possession of Jack his power is still there combine with Lancer they can even take down the whole devil realm without activating Jack's skill if they want how can mere bird stop them.

He tried to send fireballs at Lancer but were cut apart before even hitting the target. The longer the battle the more injury Riser got his regeneration ability started slowly worn down at this rate he will die if he continues.

When he going to deliver the final strike to end Riser's life his lance stop halfway because Ravel is standing in front of him.

"You are lucky" he said before turning back into Jack. "Don't stand in front of someone attack the next time" he pats Ravel head making her crimson red before teleporting to Rias carrying his prize "Bye and don't let me see your face again"

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