
Chapter 39 The new main of this world

Saber: Knight

Lllya: Bishop

Chara: Pawn

Frisk: Knight

Ruby: Pawn

Summer: Pawn

Yang: Rock

Nora: Rock

Emerald: Pawn

Cinder: Pawn

Caster: Bishop

Neo: Pawn

Salem: (She is still in Jack gate of Babylon)

Esdeath: Queen

Jack: King

Junko: Pawn

Mukuro: Pawn

After disturbing the first thing they do is fight each other with their new power. Well the fight bring the whole fucking mansion to the drain Jack have to repair it and reinforced so that won't happen again.

The next day Jack start his first plan extracting the scared gear from the main character. Don't think bad at him Jack only want to help Issei from trouble he is going to receive ahem the harem :D.

When Issei went home and go to bed. Jack teleport directly in his room unleashing his dragon aura waking up Ddraig who is sleeping deeply inside Issei.

Then Draigh voice rang inside his" Impossible how can there is another dragon aura stronger than the great red"

"At last you are fucking wake, I will skip the introduce. I want you to became my scar gear rather than him so what you choose" hearing his word Draigh become silent for awhile

He can choose to remain at Issei, who is weak at ass if he has a status board then all his stats will be 1 or he can choose Jack, whose strength in the future can be the next dragon king

Obviously, he chose Jack no dragon in their right mind want their host to be weak so they can humiliate

White light from Issei body entering Jack hand forming a gauntlet also know as boosted gear

"Our contract has been seal partner. we are going to reach the new height with are cooperation but can I look at your memory, I want to know about our situation but something is stopping me" They are going to share the same body together so letting him look at won't hurt Jack

Jack disable the blocking memory from the system letting Draigh look at his memory

Even though Jack can't look at Draigh face right now, Jack knows he is frowning guess he has seen the Oppai dragon screen

"Jack I will be honest with you keep this stuff in your mind don't let anyone witness please, I am begging you or I don't know how to face anyone if they know" That screen really damage his pride well to have the title the "Beast dragon" also "The Oppai dragon" even the most shameless dragon can fell despair having that title

"I am not that evil to make you go through that again so don't worry" After taking the scared gear he teleported back to his base