
Chapter 35 Karma always come with bad people

Keeping watch the night raid is tiring especially you don't know when they will die so Jack always leave a clone near them in every mission. Because Tatsumi and his friends already head back to their village with the money he gave to them. Now he have to keep them safe so the night raid doesn't fall without the main character.

And you ask why didn't he knock down the Empire because he doesn't give a shit and if he really the one to charge in the whole city will be destroy and he won't get his pay so he has to do the old fashion way. Beating the shit up one by one of the leader. "What next Leone" after seeing those guys dare to use drug on those beautiful Jack turn into slaughter mode as he torture every single one of them that have hand in this matter. This is the first time Leone have seen this side of the carefree Jack but that action gave her more respect to him. "That is all for the day, you should rest for a bit Jack you have been doing mission for 5 days straight you nearly empty all of the crimes in the Empire" She patted Jack on the shoulder with a gentle expression.

He nod slightly before his clone inform him Mine and Sheele is in trouble. He quickly teleport to their leaving Leone with a confusion face

When he teleport to their place he met with Mine and Sheele who is badly injured, Sheele have already lost her arm to defend Mine from this Organic teigu dog. "Another one Koro attack" Seryu order her dog but it didn't even move an inch it expression is full of fear like a monster is looking at it and it is just a small sheep that can't even harm him. Every steps he came near it, it started to sweat more as it bulky body turn back into it dog form and curled into a ball shaking. Even Mine and Sheele is surprise is this the creature that is giving them a hard time. When Seryu try to use her weapon to fire at Jack it start breaking apart as Jack use telekinesis to disabled her and knock her out.

"I can't believe you ended that fast" Mine said felling amazed he just finish the enemy that almost kill them in about a minute. Even if she know he can kill thousands of soldiers but seeing one and hearing one is different. "I will be taking her and the dog bye" before they can said anything he already teleport to the lab where Junko is staying.

"You bring back loot even more a rare one" Junko bring the dog into a chamber before many lights flash by and when she came back the dog is wounded everywhere it look very pity but under the gaze of Jack it obedient turn into a lab rat.

After a few hours Junko have done with her research and the dog turn into harmless animal that listen to his command. "This dog data is truly precious I have to praise the creator for their ability and stupidity, he can make this kind of life form that can follow command by leaving a mark but he didn't think other person can't do the same. Simply stupid at least he made the dog ability decent but it still need improving so I change a couple things rather than using that disgusting place to store weapon I make it turn into a weapon itself, it arms stored two mini guns as it can piece even titanium, it legs stored power as it can directly launch itself by gathering energy that can send China wall flying, It mouth can fire laser beam that it hot enough to melt diamond the rest of are his old ability Enhanced Physical Abilities and Berserker". Junko explain and throw a rubber duck at it, the small dog hands turn into machine guns raining bullets at the poor rubber duck."Lllya will sure like this" he laughed and bring the dog to her

When it see it new owner the dog jump into her hands licking Lllya face

"Thanks onii-chan" she gave a hug to Jack and the duo run out to the garden to play

"At least I don't have to use my clone to entertain her now" he smiled lightly as he went to the dungeon where he kept his prisoner Seryu

She is tie up to the chair with his Enduki chains so she have no hope of escaping. But she still acted violence shouting something like "justice is absolute, you will pay for your sins". Still he didn't mind he is a time dragon that had live for over a thousand years so people like her he met a lot when he roamed the heaven. Because he wanted to help this girl after reading about her report from night raid leader stating, even though her father is part of the Empire his sense his justice is true but he didn't get to teach her anything before he die because some corrupted see him as a threat with one day can turn against them if he know about the corrupted side of the Empire so they eliminate him with the worst way possible

But meeting his daughter they change the thought of killing her after seeing her talent so they corrupted her with the words "justice" praising her every time she do what they say soon she turn into like this twisted a ruthless, psychotic, sadistic and unstable person who seems to enjoy killing to a high extent those of whom she considered to be evil, almost as if it was a hobby. She didn't even know the one she serving is the person who kill her father pretty ironic if you thought about it. Jack most simple way of fixing her is giving her the image what happen after all he is the time dragon any past he can dig up with no effort. His hand reach out to her head before pouring out information and image what happen at the past. Seryu become blank a bit but soon her tears start falling she serve those person that kill her father of course she is sad, this isn't different from her stabbing her own father back while admiring her work, even killing the innocent calling this justice making her red in shame that she wish she can just kill herself to hide from her sins that she did with her father name

Seeing she has calm down he losing his chains letting her stand up but rather than the imposing aura of "Justice" her face has lost all colors but you can see a glimpse from her eyes full of rage and hatred not to him but the Empire that she served for all of her life. But before going to a rampage she requested Jack to bring her to her father tomb, which he easily agree and in a blink of an eye they stand in front of the graveyard she walk to her father tomb confessing her sins before ripping anything related to them even the arms she got from the Empire the directly pull it off. "Take good care of Koro for me" saying her words, she walk to the noble district carrying all of the hatred she has stored the person she will be meeting will have a bad time for sure.

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