
Chapter 31 Interrupting our fight pay with your life

The first battle start with Mine and Junko, even though Junko don't know how to fight her invention and the talent to predict her opponent is still dangerous. She throw out a cube which quickly turn into a bear monokuma it hands holding two pistols and rush to Mine. She fire multiplies rays of light at it but everytime it fire monukuma used his bullets to create a shield and block all of it. Then the guns morph into a hammer smash down to the ground create into an earthquake heading toward Mine. She quickly jump up but then a net catch her into the ground and transform into a cage.

"Wait that was cheating" Mine scream hitting the cage. "Who said there is only one opponent" Junko chuckle. The first round Junko win

The second battle is with Mukuro and Chara, one who train in military art and one who train to kill this match may be intense. After Mukuro receive her aura she unlock her semblance "survival" this ability will activate her sixth sense which can predict danger so Chara glitch may not help with close combat when go near her. Mukuro start out with a smoke bomb to blind Chara vision and wear her heat seeking goggles and use her pistols and shoot at her, feeling danger near chara glitch out to dodge the bullets then using the bullets direction sending several energy knives at her, Mukuro guns change into combat knives as she block all of the knives. Felling a presence behind her she sent a kick behind her knocking chara clone far back then throw a grenade at her direction, which blow up ending the clone leaving only the real one.

However, using the clone to distract Mukuro attection chara have surrounded her with knives, she then engage Mukuro in close combat, Mukuro have to defend from chara continues attack and from the knives flying to her so in the end she lose. And the win go to chara

The next match is Jack and Tatsumi, nobody expect much in this match because they know for sure Jack will win so when it start Tatsumi only took 1 seconds to have a pistol near his head ending the match for Jack win. Tatsumi properly is crying in a corner to be beaten without any chance to fight back he didn't manage to even swing his sword once.

Next match is lllya vs bulat. Lllya summons multiplies white knights charge straight at Bulat still it not enough to keep bulat down even if he is surrounded he tank all of like a bro with his armor teigu and slaughter all of the knights with his lance. Seeing bulat coming lllya summon a big sword enough to cover the entire arena smashing down at him. But somehow Bullat still manage to block the sword even pushing it back and launch it toward lllya. Jack have to appear block the attack for lllya before she get hurt. And the win go to Bulat.

"I lost onii-chan" the crying lllya jump into Jack arms. "You did good" he said caressing her

Next is summer vs ruby. "Try your best ruby" summer said and the two pair daughter and mother launch at each other. Because Junko modified their weapons and the two gods give back the world magic now their weapon can synthesized with the elements without crystals. Summer scythe slash at the air creating multiplies air wind flying at her. Ruby shot down a barrier make out of dirt appear and block the attack she then slash the bottom part and kick it to summer. Summer slashes all of into pieces but a bullet hide behind so she didn't manage to block it so it exploded and send summer back and crash through the forest she quickly came back to her feet and fire at the sky, the bullet turn the cloud dark as lighting strike at ruby. The first one manage to hit her but she activated her semblance dodge all of the lightings and launch at a speed of sound leaving a trail of petals roses at summer. Summer used her scythe to spin into circle ready to receive Ruby attack, when the two collide they are sent flying back by the impact and turn unconscious. The round end with no winners

But after they wake up their mother and daughter pair are still happy." My Ruby have really grown she can even win her mother" summer said making ruby face turn crimson red

Next is Emerald vs Lubbock. After stepping into the arena Lubbock look around to see the forest around him turn into dry land full of fog Emerald power have been upgrade to even make an illusion background, when the fog pass though you can fell the coldness of the fog this show her ability can even control 5 senses. Not seeing Emerald, Lubbock use his wires to find emerald when he located her position he throw out knives at her direction, Emerald dodge the incoming attack she then throw her kusarigama which he easily dodge but then she shot a bullet at it making it change direction, still before it hit him multiplies wire appear forming a shield blocking it. Then countless wires tie her up "I win" Lubbock said." Are you sure" she said as a pair of kusarigama cross near his neck. The match end in Emerald win

Next is Cinder vs Neo. "We still have unsettled business" Neo killing intent burst out as several illusions of neo charge at her. Neo illusion can now deal real damage kind of like shadow clone only different she doesn't cost anything and can easily be create as many as she like as long as the real one is in range, for Cinder she can use her fire as many ways as she want so she can even create a giant make of fire if she want. Before Neo can even get near her a ring of fire form around shattering all of the illusion. Leaving the only one using her umbrella to defend from the fire. Then a cage make out of fire trapping her inside. Neo let out a smirk as it shatter leaving only the umbrella real. Before Cinder can react she have been kick in the face by the real Neo sending her fly back and another one appear behind her kick her up as the last one sending her straight down to the ground knocking her unconscious. Letting the win for Neo.

Next is Nora vs Akame, Nora can be call the most dangerous from the group her semblance upgrade not only absorbed lightning but all elements so even the dirt she is standing on can charge her power up. Before Akame can even prepare Nora already appear in front of her with a speed she can't even see, Nora hammer down shaking the entire arena but luckily with Akame fast reflex she managed to evade that devastating smash that can even crush giant into pieces, after that attack Akame can see that Nora become weaker so using that chance she leap her ways though the rumble Nora create, knowing she will lose if she trade blows with her so she stand on her weapon than shot it to send her high up into sky but Akame already faster than her using the explosion blast that send the ground pieces up she leaped across it and appear behind her. Nora use her war hammer and do a 180 degree spin still because she already use all her charge so Akame still keep up with her, do backflip on air and landed on her hammer. Before Nora can even react she already been kick send straight back down. And the match end in Akame win.

Next is Leone vs Yang, Yang semblance can now last longer after receiving a certain amount of damage in a way her punch can blow apart of the arena while she still having 2 more charge to use even though it is not stronger than Nora ability to instant kill before even getting hurt still is it still better in someway. Two blond girls madly charge at each other sending various punches and kicks, their attack may me simple but standing close you will push back the sheer force of their attack colluded but now the actual fight is starting Leona activate her teigu making her look more lion-like in appearance not only that enhanced her speed, reflexes, strength for Yang her hair glows as her eyes turn red you can see a burst of power around her ready to be unleash. Yang send the first charge to earth making rumble sounds as the floor turn in to ice limiting Leone movement, using this as her advantage she continuous fire her gauntlets at Leone but she can't be easily be bullied her claws catch every single bullets and break out of the ice around her legs as she launch herself sending out multiplies kick at Yang sending her 5 miles away. Yang wipe the blood away of her face as she send out a charged punch it create a wind force that blow all the trees, Leone have to use her claws to stick to the ground but it leave Yang a chance to appear up sending punch to Leone creating a 10 meters hole crack at the ground and in the middle is Leone.

But before the next person go up an explosion went out over 100 thousand soldiers surrounding the area, well that fighting did make a commotion they are more surprise if they weren't ambush but still this situation is bad after that fight they are all exhausted except Jack, Saber, Caster, Sheele, Tatsumi they haven't fight so they stay and letting all of their friends escape

"Hope you guys ready to burn in hell" Jack said as the rest of them charge straight to the army

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