

For along time we from the the Moon Flower City have been in peac with the other City, monster's here are not that many in the south because of the road of Demon Gate here was suppressed by a Legendary warrior and that's why the people of the South don't bother much to become strong.

My Family is the Third Protector of the City and my Father is the one who train me if there's nothing to do and my Mother she is a very kind, beautiful Wife of my Father they almost never separate to each other will my Mother is not the only one who is close to there love one's but also my Mei and Liya the two of them almost never leave me they also watch me train and train with me if my Father is not with me.

Mei and Liya are very beautiful Mei was this Cute, Responsible Personality she has Brown hair and have a mature body for on at the age of 16 and Liya Is also Responsible and Kind she does not listen to those people who she just meet they practically the same Mei also does not like other people that's like to just get close to girl's but anyway Liya has this White hair that shine when hit my the ray of the sun and cute voice the make you want to protect her she is only at the age of 16 too but in terms of being older Mei is the older one in the two, also Mei is a Magician and Liya is a Swordsman both of they a strong at a rank of 7.

Also me the Hero of the story in the world i am just a normal magician and a swordsman nothing special but as a magician i don't really have any time to practice swordsmanship but someday in the story i became both Magic Swordsman.