
The Adopted Alpha

Clare Adam-Baros was the strangest alpha. She was actually an half-omega. Adopted by the Alpha and Luna, Clare grew up being bullied for her weak wolf. On her eighteen birthday, as a birthday gift, her adopted parents sent for a witch to perform a ritual that would seal their family in an adoption blood ritual. Would Clare finally become an alpha? Would that actually make her life better or would it open her destiny Pandora's box. Clare had always been a magnet for trouble, so it's a good thing she is smart and has excellent survival instinct. Let's follow her on a journey that's more magical than even Clare expected

Independent_mhee · Fantasía
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10 Chs

The bullied Alpha

Clare Adam-Baros walked into the school hall making sure to keep her head facing downwards to hide her face. Even though she was putting on a hoodie for the same purpose, she still couldn't risk being noticed by anyone, especially her bullies. It was almost like she naturally attracted trouble the way they always seemed to find her no matter her disguise.

Nowadays, she put more effort into escaping than disguising.

Clare was probably the strangest alpha in the world, she was at least the weirdest she had seen or heard of.

Or who had ever heard of an alpha cowering at the thought of being discovered by a bunch of deltas and omegas.

In truth, Clare was the weakest of the pack. Literally, since she was actually born an half-omega and not an alpha.

Her real parents, an omega and human couple, were killed in a rogue accident. She was then adopted by the Alpha and Luna who had also lost their only daughter to the same accident.

No wonder everyone hated her, she had gotten an automatic rank upgrade from an unfortunate accident that affected the whole pack.

Not that it was her fault, but Clare was beginning to think it was, from how unwanted everyone made her feel.

"Hey Clare, trying to hide from me?" Clare stopped as some pair of shoes came into her view. She could recognize that voice anywhere.

She looked up and sure enough, it was her mortal enemy at school, Jeff Zachary and his gang.

Jeff was the school resident bad boy. Tattoo, check. Cigarettes, check. Party animal, check. Bullying, check. gang of devoted followers, check. He had it all down complete with the good looks that every girl in school drooled over.

Oh, and he was also the beta's son and apparently the leader of the group of werewolves that bullied her daily.

Claire flinched as Jeff grabbed her chin in a tight grip that was sure to leave a bruise there later.

"I already told you that you can hide from me mutt, I can smell your fear." Jeff continue with a sneer that mared his handsome face. She was sure that if his fangirls saw this, they would not think he was so exciting anymore.

Or maybe they would, with the amount of kinks people were coming up with daily.

"Please —" Clare begged hoping to escape hoping to escape his wrath that morning and get to class on time. "I already gave you all my allowance for the week. Please I need to get to class."

"Shut it, you pathetic dog!" Jeff swore and tossed her to the floor.

Clare braced herself for the pain that came when her body met with the floor. Since she was prepared, her palms and arms took the brunt of it.

She quickly sprang up to her feet taking them by surprise and ran for the staircase to go to the second floor where she should be now, turning in her assignment.

The gang followed after her, she could hear their pounding footsteps following her. Clare turned a corner at the end of the stairs and instead of running for her class like they would have anticipated, she dashed into the opened broom closet making sure to leave it open.

She hid in the darkest part of the closet and held her breathe.

She heard the sound of footsteps in the hallway and then voices questioning her sudden disappearance.

A head even poked in the closet, but since it was left open, the omega didn't look and sniff hard enough. One of the perks of being a half wolf especially an half omega was that her smell was very faint, barely there.

After what seemed like eternity to Clare, the footsteps reversed as they decided to check the third floor.

Clare waited for a minute or two before coming out and heading to her class. Her academics was the one thing she had going on for her in her miserable life.

It was her only ticket to a better future and she would not let anything ruin it for her. Ever!

She might have to hide out in the library during lunch, but at least she was cleared for this morning.