
6. Austin

If we lose this game, party’s over boys!

The game against Russia is so intense that I can’t rest even if I’m at the benches waiting for my next shift on the ice. They are so eager to win and bounce back to beat us but we are already on the lead with 3-2 score. We are already three minutes before the end of regulation, still long enough for us to secure our one last game to make it to the playoffs.

The second line hits the ice and John Tallish who’s seating next to me cursed in the air when Justine, one of our wingers missed the puck coming from Zach.

“Go get ‘em!” JT shouted.

But right before the buzzer beeps to signal the end of the game, the team captain of the other team got the chance to score sending the game to a goddamn overtime.

“Fuck!” Justine curses as he joined us on the bench. He’s clearly upset about not being able to defend the puck. We’re so close to winning the series, no slip ups as much as possible if we really want to go to the playoffs.

“It’s okay man!” JT encouraged. “We got this.”

Coach Bill started to spill all the defenses and techniques cursing each and every one of us about our faults and mistakes in tonight’s game.

“Strengthen your defenses and make sure your forwards gets the chance to slam a shot!”

Few ticks on the clock passed and we all hit the ice again all rummaging to get the puck. Zach was able to steal the puck this time and took few strides right before passing it to Slather, our right winger, he faked a slap shot to distract the goalie then passed it right to me. I jammed it in right when the puck hits my stick and the lights started blinking accompanied by the loud horn.

We scored!

“Do or die boys! Do or die.” JT shouted when we hurdled over for a hug.

Its 4-3 now and we’re already five minutes away in dominating Russia. I hit the ice chasing the puck side by side against the opponent’s team captain this time. As I finally found the opportunity to steal the puck from the guy, he snaps the puck away swinging his hockey sticks right to my face.

“Fuck!” I cursed closing my eyes as I felt a burning jolt of pain on my left temple. I immediately stopped from skating and as I try to blink all the pain I saw blood on the ice.


The team medic came to my aide right away putting a clean sheet on the part that badly hurts as I went back to our benches.

“I can’t fucking leave the game!” I hissed pressing the towel on my wound that is now dumped with my sweat and blood.

“Leave it to your teammates, we’re two minutes away. Our defense lines are tight, Russia won’t stand a chance.” One of our assistant coaches said.

Two minutes in a life of a hockey player, that is still way too long and critical during a do or die game. Damn it! Why do I have to leave the game now?

We can’t lose the game! I can’t lose the game.


The sore lose against Russia was totally hard on the guts. We’re so close at taking them over but our efforts wasn’t enough, plus I got injured and had some stitches on my right upper brows. It’s been three days passed since the team lose the game and I am not going to lie the whole three days was me staying inside my apartment refusing to go out because I was totally not in the mood.

That was my last game for Smashers and I was hoping that we’ll make it to the playoffs and to the championship but we fucking didn’t. I’m not blaming myself or anyone on the team I am just way too upset and disappointed knowing that once the game season is over I’m going to be traded. The off-season is still few months away and waiting for that without me playing is just way too long, plus I am not going to lie that playing for Smashers, one of the biggest franchise on the world hockey league is pretty amazing and now I am already leaving team.

“Come on, let’s clean up your wounds.” My twin sister Audrey said as she seats right next to me. She arrived here in Toronto from Dallas two days ago to visit and check up on me. I adjusted on my seat and let her clean up my wounds.

As Audrey starts to clean it up, my phone that is on the coffee table lights up. My sister was fast enough to reach it and since I am way too concerned that what if the text is from Georgina talking about our marriage I immediately snatched it out from Audrey’s grip.

Speaking of marriage, I talked to Martin via phone few days ago telling him about my current situation and just like me and the rest of us who knows about it, he doesn’t know how the marriage got legalized. All he knew was that he returned it to his friends who lend him the papers and who knows where the hell it goes.

Obviously, to legalization.

She furrowed her eyebrows. “Chill out bro, I’m not eavesdropping on your messages.”

I didn’t responded, instead I stared on her giving her the message to never do it while I read the message but since I don’t trust her, I slightly positioned the phone in a direction where she has no way to see it. Seriously, I’m secretly hoping that it is from Georgina. It’s been a week since the last time she texted me and every time I tried to drop her a call she doesn’t answers.

[Georgina: we need to talk tomorrow at 9. I’ll txt u where.]

I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me right now, but I kinda feel excited to see her again.

[Me: my place? ;) ]

[Georgina: I’ll txt u where.]

[Me: your place here in Toronto maybe? You still live on the same address? I can come over and meet ur family.]

[Georgina: don’t u dare go there or I’ll kiss you!]

The last three words she texted got me surprised, but she immediately shoot another text to correct her mistake out.

[Georgina: I meant KILL u! Fuck autocorrect.]

[Me: Riiiiight, autocorrect.]

[Georgina: Shut it!]

[Me: u sure u don’t want to kiss me?]

[Georgina: dream on. Never! Ur the last person I wanted to kiss.]

[Me: of course I am. I’m ur husband after all.]

[Georgina: Goodnight, Austin!]

I couldn’t help but smile as I place my phone back down. I really like teasing her to be honest.

“Who was that?” Audrey voiced out which made me to realize that I have a company just next to me and I am smiling at the moment like a complete idiot.

“Nothing. Just a friend.” I replied but she only raised her eyebrows looking way too suspicious of me. “What?”

“Is there something you’re not telling me, hermanito?” She asked as she puts the medicine kit on the coffee table.

“I don’t.”

“Alright, so who’s Georgina?” She challenged crossing her arms.

I dropped my jaw. “How did you know about Georgina? Did you went through my phone?”

She just shrugged.

“You just told me that you’re not eavesdropping on my text messages.” I complained.

“Yeah, but I did not said that I didn’t eavesdropped on your text messages.” She replied which only made me but to stare on her in complete disbelief. Did I mention that I am also freaking out? No one knows in my family that I am married, and no one should because I don’t think they’ll be happy on it.

“So who’s Georgina?” Audrey asked again. “Is she your girlfriend?”


“Special friend?”

“No.” I answered. “Are we done here?”

“Nope. Not until you tell me the truth.” My sister said and I know for a fact how she gets way too prying sometimes so no matter how I try to refuse to answer her questions she’ll surely gonna bug me to no end.

“Alright, she’s a friend.” I honestly answered although I’m still not sure if we are friends because based on the way she treats me she doesn’t want me to be one.

“A friend you call ‘wifey’?”

“Hey, why are you still asking when you’ve already formulated a conclusion yourself?”

“I just want to hear it straight from you, jerk!” She snapped.

“You’re in no position to call me that Audrey, you’re in my house.” I said pointing at her.

“Like I care?” She said glaring. “By the way, what’s your plan now Austin? Are you coming home to Dallas one of these days?”

“No.” I said straight away. “I still have to fix further papers with my management first.”

Well fuck that!

I actually don’t care about my management and their plans about my trade once the game season ends. To be honest, I thought about playing for my hometown Texas but I’m still not fully sure about it. Besides, the new game season is still few long months away and I have a serious problem to fix at the moment. My goddamn marriage!

And speaking of my management, Jake just texted me that I am having an emergency meeting at the headquarters tomorrow.

Great! I’ll totally expect that Georgina will nag at me if I’ll bail on her tomorrow. Worse, she'll probably kill me.