
The Accident

They say the worst moments hold the greatest memories, and in a way, it's true.

Like the moment Stella bumped into a ladder dropping the bucket of hot pink colored paint on her. Oh, the embarrasment.

Or how Trevor tried to help her but instead slipped on the paint, sliding across the stage with his back covered in hot pink paint.

But at that moment, that very moment , their paths intertwined.

Stella and Trevor were helping the community center, at the time, to set up the Valentine's Day ''Bash''. It was a dance intended for the prom of students from a local High School. Stella had gone as a way to loosen her mind from working on her architectual project. While Trevor went because he lost a bet and was forced to follow with it and help the community center.

Quickly, Trevor got up and ran, almost falling at every step, towards the speechless and frozen Stella. "Are you alright?" He asked with a hint of worry as he caught his breath. Stella's mouth was agap and her cheeks burned a furious red.

"I-I think I should go." She said not answering his question and scurried towards her purse and the supervisor. She was beyond embarresed and just wanted to curl up in a ball and die right then and there. " I'll clean this up as soon as I clean myself." She said pointing to the scene of the crime. "Please excuse me for this dilemma." She finished hoping the words she chose revealed how mortified she felt.

With a disapproving look he finally nodded and waved his hand to dismiss her. Trevor, on the other hand, couldn't just let her leave.

The moment his eyes landed on her, he knew there was something special about her.

"Uhm, Is. Is there any way I can help you? " Trevor asked, stopping Stella midway from the exit.

Annoyed, she sighed and spoke, avoiding eye contact at all costs. " Can you please let me leave."

Not giving up, Trevor tried one last time. " How about we get a coffee some time?" He asked not caring about having shown his hope mid-sentence.

Stella glanced several time at him. He didn't seem like phsychotic killer that was ready to kidnap and kill her. He was quite handsome as well actually, so... why not?

"If I do, will you let me leave?" She asked, feeling the stares of people around them burn in her skin.

"Cross my heart." Trevor answered. Thinking deeply about the subject Stella soon answered. " Starbucks on the corner of the street. 10 in the morning. Tomorrow." Her words came out in a rush and suddenly her path to the exit was clear.

Parts of the paint on her skin were drying up so she had to move fast. She speed walked all the way to the parking lot, covering her face with her hands and then unlocked the door. Ofcourse she couldn't enter like that, so she grabbed a large blanket in the trunk of the car and placed it on the seat. As soon as it made contact with the seat, she got inside and started the engine to leave.

Trevor let up a victory fist high in the air. The sound of giggles quickly reminded him of his hot pink covered back. A hint of red appeared on his face as he made his way to the supervisor to leave.Luckily he wasn't acting as grouchy as he seemed and let Trevor go home to clean up.

They both let out a sigh of relief as they went on their way.




"I'll get a Caramel Macchiato." Trevor told the Starbucks worker as he tapped the counter impatiently. Stella was still no where at sight and he was beginning to wonder if she bailed on him.

He arrived at exactly ten at Starbucks. " That'll be 6 dollars and 28 cents." The blonde Starbucks worker chirps. He pays her the corresponding money and then takes his seat and waits for his drink.

10:05 What's taking her so long?

He kept thinking but before he could go into a list of all the reasons she would bail on him the bell rang. He looks up with a hopeful gleam and sure enough in came Stella looking way better than he expected. A genuine smile made it's way to his face and he couldn't stop thinking how lucky he was.

Stella didn't see Trevor right away so she decided to go and buy a drink since she was already there. "Welcome to Starbucks. What would you like today?" The blonde Starbucks worker asked. " One Java Chip Frappuccino please." Stella told the Starbucks worker. The lady nodded and pressed on certain buttons on the cash register then spoke again.

"That'll be 6 dollars and 36 cents." Stella looks inside her wallet but when she was about to pull out the money a voice caught her by suprise. "Here you go." Trevor said extnding his arm and handing the cashier the money. She took the money and went on her way to make the drink.

Trevor's drink was already ready and sat on the counter so he took it in one swift move while leaning against the counter and taking a sip of it. All the while his eyes remained on Stella but the noise of her laughter made a confused expression cross his face.

"You did that on purpose didn't you? To impress me?" She said as she made her way to a table.

"No, It's just part of my nature." Trevor quickly comebacked, walking with Stella to the table. As they sit and wait for the drink, the air becomes silent and a little uncomfortable. "What's your name?" Stella asked with a hint of curiosity.

"Trevor. Yours?" He asked curious as well. A warm smile appeared on her face. "Stella."

As if on cue, the waitress called on Stella's drink and soon she got out of her seat and grabbed the drink then came right back.

"You know, there's something I'd like you to try." Trevor said getting up and going to the cashier once again. This time ordering a box of chocolates that are filled with different goodness in each one.

He payed once again and came with the chocolate goodness. Stella was sitting patiently and was fairly enjoying this 'get to together' thing with Trevor. "Here." Trevor said calmly placing the box on the table.

"Which is which?" Stella asked examining each and every chocolate that seemed very different from one another. "Uhm, here, try this." Trevor said picking up one at random and lifting it in the air for Stella to get.

Stella was a pretty outgoing person and decided to try it. Once she put it in her mouth and began to chew, a burst of flavor took over. "Definetly caramel." She said covering her mouth with her hand and talking with a mouth full.

Stella grabbed a chocolate at random and gave it to Trevor. He took it and put it straight in his mouth, but the moment he began to chew his whole expression changed. A disgusted Trevor face appeared and Stella couldn't help but laugh at his misery.

"How was it? " Stella asked after her fit of laughter. " Tasted too tropical for me. " Trevor said taking a sip of his drink to take the taste away. She chuckled and a conversation quickly rose between them.

All in all, it went pretty good. They laughed and talked in an enjoyable manner.

Another get together was planned, then another, then another.

Stella and Trevor were becoming increasingly close to each other. So it was no suprise that after two years of being together, they finally got married.

But Stella wasn't your Bridezilla type of girl. They both decided to get married by a lake with the preacher there.

A close friend of Trevor named Mark video tapes the wedding.

"Do you Stella Malks take Trevor Arling to be your lawfully wedded husband?Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to him as long as you both shall live?" The preacher asks as they all stand on the dock with Stella and Trevor holding hands.

"I do. "

"And do you Trevor Arling take Stella Malks to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to her as long as you both shall live?" The Preacher asks Trevor.

"I do. "

" Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The preacher said as the video tape, tapes the happy couple sharing their first kiss as a married couple.




3 Years Later

"And I will always loove youu" The radio spilled in the air the tunes of the beautiful song.

Trevor and Stella were in the car warming up from the freezing weather outside.

Soon, though, as they were driving through the cold winter afternoon, Trevor decided to do something special- and corny- for Stella. "And I will always love you! " He sang to her-he wasn't the best singer in the world either-while glances once in a while to her as they drove through the white winter streets.

She stared at him but then erupted laughing and clutching her stomach. "You do not like this song. " She stated with a smile revealing her dimples. "But I do for you. " He spoke with a genuine smile the revealed his pearl white teeth. "You really love me. " She said seeing how lucky she was. "Yeah I do. " He said with a chuckle as they pulled over.

"I have a theory, that a girl's guaranteed to get preggers if she does it in her car. " Stella said taking off her seatbelt and turning to face Trevor.

Caught by surprise Trevor couldn't let out any words. "What? " But before he could say another word Stella's lips landed on his making millions of butterflies erupt from his stomach.

He grasped her hair and pulled her closer as they both caressed each other's face.

I have a theory too. Moments of impact. They are the ones that can change your life in an instant and you can't do anything about it. All you can do is try to live with it and try and try to change it.

The construction truck crashed into the back of Trevor's car, breaking and shattering the metal and glass. Little pieces of glass and shreds of metal flew in every direction as by force both cars slid across the snow covered street.

The car where the once happy couple was at crashed once again with the street light lamp. While the construction truck swerved to stop avoiding any more crashes.

Trevor's body went forward but was stopped immediately by the seatbelt. Stella's body, on the other hand, went forward without anything to stop her. Hitting head first with the glass in front of her, shattering it in millions of pieces as she finally stopped moving when she landed on the gray hood of the car with her arms sprawled out in any direction.

They say the worst moments hold the greatest memories, and I truly hope it's true.