
Chapter One: We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals

ON THE TWELFTH HOUR OF THE FIRST day of October in 1989, all over the world, a strange set of phenomenons took place. Forty-three women from different countries simultaneously gave birth with one strange and unusual similarity linking them: None of these women had been pregnant when the day began.

An eccentric billionaire and adventurer, Sir Reginald Hargreeves, heard of these strange happenings and searched for as many of these babies as he could with the purpose of adopting them.


The billionaire brought them all to his home and raised each and every one of them. Well, in this case, 'raised' is quite a loose term. He trained the children from a young age to master the peculiar abilities that they were born with. Due to the rigorous training with no time for fun, those children would tell you that he wasn't exactly the most caring father to them. However, these children were quite well known to the world for their strange and peculiar powers. The Umbrella Academy, they were called.

Of course, nowadays, the Umbrella Academy wasn't much anymore. In fact, they had practically disbanded years ago. Each child went their separate ways as life moved on. Number One, also known as "Luther", was stationed on the moon! Though technically he was there on the orders of his father and sending him samples from the moon. Number Two, also known as "Diego", still did his superhero duties by fighting bad guys who robbed people and hurt innocent lives in the dead of night. Number Three, "Allison", was now a famous actress and celebrity who acted in numerous movies and television shows.

Number four, "Klaus", was a junkie who constantly went in and out of rehab. You could most likely find that man nearly ODing on some sort of drug in a dark alleyway somewhere or hungover with his best friend. Number Seven, "Vanya", was a violinist apart of St. Pluvium Chamber Orchestra, though not many people recognized her talents. Unlike any of the other children… Vanya wasn't special. She was completely ordinary. The last of the children was Number Eight, "Jemma", who had a relatively normal life and lived not far from her childhood home with a boring, routine lifestyle. Though every once in a while she would meet up with Number Four and get passed out drunk with him.

Despite all of the children apart of the Umbrella Academy splitting off from the team and continuing on with their lives, one major event would bring them all back together. That event just so happened to be the death of Sir Reginald Hargreeves himself on the twenty-fourth of March.

All of the Hargreeves children traveled back to their childhood home to see what had truly happened. Each arrived and different times that day. Though one of the last out of the family to arrive home was Vanya. She took a cab through the city streets as she reflected on the unusual childhood she and her siblings had. She remembered all the times she was excluded from just about everything due to her not being like her siblings.

All too soon, the cab ride came to an end and parked in front of the large, white Hargreeves home. She took a deep breath before entering through the gate and large doors.

She surveyed the vacant looking mansion with mahogany walls and pillars in the foyer. There were quite a few memories that she shared with her family in that room. She walked further into the room and was able to spy a blonde woman sitting in front of the fireplace.

"Hey, Mom," Vanya greeted her mother but she was silent. "Mom?" She tried again but her mother continued to stare off into space and not acknowledge her existence.

"Vanya?" A different female voice called from the top of the staircase, "you're actually here." Allison descended the stairs with a soft chuckle. The beautiful African-American woman smiled slightly as she grew closer to her sister. The two of them hadn't spoken in quite a long time much like the rest of their siblings.

Vanya flashed her a tight-lipped smile in return as she stared at her significantly taller sister, "hey, Allison."

"Hey, sis."

Allison came to stand only a foot in front of the brunette woman as the two stared at each other. They drank in each other's appearance after not seeing each other in over a decade. Vanya was still pale and small and wearing monotone colored clothing that surprisingly complimented her complexion well enough. She still seemed plain and boring. Allison was tall in her high heels, black dress pants, and a blue blouse as her appearance screamed confidence. Though it would have to now that she was an actress and constantly in the public eye.

Finally, after a moment, Allison reached over and embraced Vanya in a nice hug. Just as they let go of a long overdue hug, their brother, Diego, waltzed past them. As soon as he saw his ordinary sister, he scoffed, "ah. What is she doing here?" He didn't even bat an eye at them as he continued to make his way towards the stairs to the second floor. "You don't belong here. Not after what you did."

Allison sighed deeply, "you're seriously gonna do this today?" Diego didn't respond as he continued to march up the stairs. "Way to dress for the occasion, by the way."

"At least I'm wearing black."

Vanya briefly shook her head as her brother's words echoed in her head. She glanced down at the floor before looking back up at Allison. "You know what? I- Maybe he's right. And I shouldn't-"

Allison shook her head, "forget about him." Vanya stared at her sister in disbelief. She knew that her entire family hated her for what she had done to them. Though she didn't necessarily regret it entirely. She only really regretted how her siblings had come to hate her because of her book. "I'm glad you're here." They stood in an awkward silence. It was clear that Allison didn't completely forgive her for the book, but she could forget about it for a while as they dealt with their father's death.


Upstairs in Sir Reginald's bedroom, the bulky figure of Luther dressed in thick clothing surveyed the room in search of something out of the ordinary. He looked everywhere! The windows, underneath the bed, in the closet, and anywhere that he may be able to find some sort of foul play. He just couldn't believe that his father had simply died of heart failure. Reginald Hargreeves was not a man who could die so plainly, Luther was certain of that.

Footsteps from down the hallway echoed through the nearly empty house. Though Luther's ears didn't register them as he was too busy looking around. A man, not as tall or bulky as Luther and tanner skin, came to stand in the doorway of the bedroom and lean against the doorframe. "I can save you some time," he told the other man. Luther looked over to find his brother, Diego, looking at him with slightly narrowed eyes. The stronger of the two returned the gesture with his own narrowed eyes as he turned away from the window. "They're all locked. No forced entry, no sign of struggle. Nothing out of the ordinary." Diego ventured in further to the room and got a better look at the blonde man. He couldn't help himself but gape at Luther, "oh, you got big, Luther." However, in usual Diego-style, he couldn't help himself but be annoying and a bit of a dick. "What's the secret, huh? Protein shakes? Low carbs?"

Luther rolled his eyes at the teasing as he kept his demeanor serious, "what do you want?" The slight hostility he held for his brother was quite obvious. Like the rest of their messed up family, it wasn't something uncommon to dislike the other members of the Hargreeves family.

Diego simply pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and held it out towards Luther, "the autopsy report." Though he pulled it out of Luther's reach when he tried to take it just to be a nuisance. "Ah." He then finally gave it to Luther who practically ripped it out of his hands in frustration. He most certainly wasn't thrilled about seeing his siblings once again, especially Diego.

"And you have this why?"

"Well, that's because I broke into the coroner's office." Diego plopped himself down on a chair and shrugged his shoulders indifferently. "And surprise, surprise, Dad's death was normal. Just a boring, old heart failure."

"Yeah, so?" He looked over the report to find that his brother was right. There was nothing out of the ordinary in the old man's death. However, Luther wouldn't let it go. Reports and files could be forged and faked… He just had a feeling that something was up.

"So, why are you in here," Diego asked, "checking all the windows?"

Luther disregarded his question and asked his own, "were you the first one on the scene?"

He scoffed at Luther's obvious change of the subject and diversion. If anything, it almost sounded like there was an underlying tone of accusation in his words. Diego didn't like that. He raised his head at Luther's tone, "Pogo found him."

"Yeah, I talked to Pogo. He said he couldn't find Dad's monocle."

Diego clenched his jaw and shook his head, "and your point being?"

"Can you think of a single time you saw Dad and he wasn't wearing that monocle?" Luther didn't let him answer as it was obvious, "no. Which means someone took it. Which means there's a chance he wasn't alone when he died."

"There is no mystery here." Diego denied there being any strange occurrences happening to their father. Just because some sticking monocle goes missing doesn't mean that there was something sinister going on. He slowly stood up, "nothing to avenge. Nothing to solve, nothing like that. It's just a sad old man who kicked it in a big, empty house. Just like he deserved."

"You should leave," Luther just about growled. It was no surprise to him that Diego didn't want to find out about whether or not there was foul play apart of Sir Reginald's death. To him, the old man was nothing. Diego wanted to forget everything about what their father was like, and Luther only saw that as disrespect.

Diego glared harshly at his brother and nodded his head lightly. "Whatever you say, brother." With that, Diego turned on his heels and disappeared into the winding halls of the large mansion.


Vanya walked through the living room of the lavish mansion. She observed all of the pictures, books, and artifacts around the room. She came across the comic books of the Umbrella Academy, magazine covers and even her own book. Though her book was tucked away on a shelf and not displayed in cases and picture frames in the room.

She carefully plucked the seemingly untouched book from the shelf and read the title she gave it 'Extra Ordinary' with a sullen picture of her younger self on the cover. She opened it to see the message she wrote to her father on the first blank page.

'Dad, I figured, why not? -V'

"Welcome home, Ms. Vanya." A gruff voice broke her out of her memories. Vanya turned to find an anthropomorphic chimpanzee dressed in a sophisticated outfit with a walking cane and glasses.

Vanya smiled, "Pogo." She approached the chimp and the two embraced in a loving hug.

"So good to see you," Pogo commented as he took in the woman who he hadn't seen in years. It was slightly strange to see the now grown adults he had helped raise as children. He wished he could have seen them again under other circumstances. Far less tragic and depressing circumstances. He glanced down at the book she held in her hand and instantly recognized it. "Ah, yes, your autobiography."

"Do you know, um," Vanya started and paused for a moment, "did he ever read it?"

Pogo hummed to himself, "hmm Not that I'm aware of."

What else was she suspecting? Vanya sighed and gazed at the painting of a young boy who looked to be about thirteen that rested above the fireplace. "How long has it been since Five disappeared?" Yes, Five. Her beloved brother with the ability to teleport! The poor boy had been missing for such a long time.

"It's been sixteen years, four months, and fourteen days." Pogo instantly replied which caused Vanya to turn to him. Pogo nodded his head and explained, "your father insisted I keep track."

"You wanna know something stupid?" Vanya asked as she allowed a sense of nostalgia to wash over her. "I always used to leave the lights on for him. Jem and I were scared that he would come back, it would be late, and the house would be dark and he wouldn't be able to find us, so he'd leave again. So, every night we would make a little snack and make sure all the lights were on."

"Oh, I remember your snacks," Pogo chuckled as he too remembered years ago when Vanya and Jemma were children. "I'm pretty sure I stepped in half those peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches." He then sighed as they both once again gazed at the painting of Five, "your father always believed that Number Five was still out there somewhere. He never lost hope."

"And look where that got him."

The sound of the front door to the home slamming open brought them out of their wallowing about the past. A chilled wind swarmed through the foyer and drifted into the living room. Pogo and Vanya shared a quick glance before they walked into the foyer to see who had entered the house.

They walked over to see a woman, just a tad bit taller than Vanya, with short blonde hair closing the front door. She swayed slightly on her feet before spinning around on her heels to face the two.

Dull blue eyes that were slightly milky and unseeing laid themselves upon the pair. The woman's small pink lips were pulled into a large smile. She staggered slightly towards the two with a giggle, "Vanya! Pogo!"

She draped herself over the two in a sloppy hug that nearly caused the trio to fall to the ground. Pogo and Vanya held the woman up the best they could and pushed her back slightly to get a better look.

Her short blonde hair was messy and her bangs swayed with each shaky step she took in front of her blue eyes. Her green blouse was wrinkled and the white camisole over her small shoulders was askew. She wore a pair of faded blue jeans and black flats. She had a minimal amount of makeup on that was almost near perfect except for the fact that it appeared to have been applied on with slightly shaky hands.

"It's good to see you two!"

Vanya nodded her head with a small smile. Though she couldn't help but be slightly disappointed in the woman's appearance. "I'm surprised you came here, Jem."

The woman, Jem, only continued to smile, "me too!" She rolled her eyes, "but you know, I can't miss out on precious family time now that Dad's dead."

Pogo smiled softly at the woman, "It's good to see you as well, Ms. Jemma."

The final child of the Hargreeves family smiled widely as her teeth appeared to be perfectly straight and bright white. She looked around the rest of the foyer and stood on her own, though every few seconds she swayed on her feet. "Where's everyone else?"

"At the moment, I'm quite sure they're exploring the house," Pogo explained with a small smile. "I suspect you'd want to do the same after not being here for such a long time."

Jemma shrugged her shoulders, "I guess, but I'd rather not be all depressed right now. I think I'd rather take a nap." She walked past Pogo and Vanya towards the stairs. The strong odor of alcohol following after her. Vanya wrinkled her nose up slightly at the stench that she most certainly didn't like. She also didn't like that fact that it was attached heavily on Jemma. She hated to see her sister like that… "Wake me up when you need me!"

With that, Jemma shakily ascended the stairs(nearly tripping every other step) and disappearing to the higher floors in search of her childhood room. Pogo and Vanya shared a look with each other.

"It's good to see that all of you have come home," Pogo tried to lighten the mood. Yes, it was wonderful to see that the entire Hargreeves family had decided to return home due to the terrible news of Reginald's passing. Though each of the children seemed to have their problems. They could only thank their father for that.


Allison slid open the wooden door to her father's study. The room was covered in all sorts of pictures and paintings that Reginald had collected over the years. Even though the room seemed to be untouched for some time, the room was spotless. Though there was an odd paper did seem out of place or a pile of books laid out a desk or table.

She surveyed the room for a minute as a memory from her childhood resurfaced from the back of her mind.

It was night time. And all of the children were ready for bed. The eight of them were ushered into the room just outside their father's study by their mother. "The children are ready for bed, sir. They wanted to say goodnight." Grace said as she stood in front of Sir Reginald before turning to slide open the door to reveal the group of waiting children. They waited to see if their father would bid them goodnight but they didn't get an answer from him. He only continued to scribble on his papers and ignore them. A moment passed in awkward silence and Reginald still didn't even look up from his papers while the eight children waited for some sort of acknowledgment. Though what did they expect from the man? "Okay! Time for bed now, kids." Their mother exclaimed and started to usher the kids away. "Come along now. Come along now." The children each slowly started to walk away. Their mother stopped when she saw that Allison had not moved to head to bed like the rest of the children. She placed her hands on the girl's shoulders, "come along now, Allison, your father's busy."

Allison scoffed and spun swiftly on her heels with a glare. "He's always busy."

Jemma had instantly latched onto Klaus and Ben's hand when they turned to leave and started to pull them away as they sulked. She was more than ready to try and cheer them up best she could. She didn't want to see them like that at all! Though the moment she saw the scowl on her sister's face she instantly jumped to her side. "Don't worry, Ally!" The smaller girl said, "since dad won't wish us goodnight, I say we have a sleepover!" She said with a bright smile. "It's not like he's going to check on us, right?"

Allison let a small smile slip onto her face, "I guess you're right. Okay."

Jemma squealed and skipped next to Allison, "alright, we'll do it in your room since it's bigger! I'll get my stuff and tell Vanya, she'll like it too!"

Allison was pulled out of her memory by a familiar voice as she ventured further into the room. "Where's the cash, Dad?" She was able to see the large, brown leather chair behind her deceased father's desk moving slightly as she also heard shuffling. "Where's the cash?"

Despite not hearing that voice for years, she was instantly able to recognize it, "Klaus?" She approached the desk and leaned over the side of it. "What are you doing in here?"

A head of black hair and a pair of wide blue eyes popped out from underneath the desk. "Oh! Allison!" He gushed while standing up. "Wow, is that you? Hey, come here." He pulled her into a hug, "long time. Too long. Hey, I was hoping to see you, actually, because I wanted to get your autograph. Add it to my collection!"

Allison shook her head at his behavior and looked him over. He wore a long black coat, a blue scarf loosely hanging from his neck, black shirt and pants and a hospital band on his wrist. She pulled at the bracelet, "just out of rehab?"

"No, no. No, no, no, no. No. I'm done with all that." He denied and continued on his a sullen voice. "I just came down here to prove to myself that the old man was really gone." His voice then did a one-eighty as he started to clap. "And he is! He's dead. Yeah! You know how I know? Because if he were alive, not one of us would be allowed to set foot in this room." He plopped down on the leather chair behind the desk and placed his sneaker-clad feet on the desk. The action would have most certainly earned a scolding from their father if he was alive! "He was always in here, our whole childhood, plotting his next torment, right? Remember how he used to look at us? That scowl?" He chuckled, "thank Christ he's not our real father so we couldn't inherit those cold, dead eyes!" He used his fingers to make his eyes appear bigger by pulling back his eyelids. He also tried to intimidate their father's voice, "ah! Number Three!"

"Get out of his chair," Luther gruffly demanded of his brother.

The two looked at the newcomer and gaped at their brother's appearance. "Oh, wow, Luther!" Klaus gushed as he stood up from the chair. Allison stared at Luther surprised at his large stature. Luther changed exponentially since she last saw him. Then again, she last saw him years ago! They all must have changed quite a lot since they last saw each other. "Wow, you really, uh, you really filled out over the years, huh?"


"Save the lecture. I was already leaving." Klaus amended and walked out from behind the desk. Though he couldn't help himself but mutter slightly under his breath in annoyance. He smiled at Luther as he got closer to his escape. "You guys can talk amongst yourselves."

Luther placed a hand on Klaus' chest before the smaller of the two could leave. "Drop it," he demanded.

Klaus raised an eyebrow and tried to act surprised at his words. "Ex-squeeze me?"

"Do it. Now."

Klaus clenched his jaw and huffed as he pushed away Luther's hand, "all right. All right." He started to pull out a few assortments of trinkets that were obviously worth quite a bit. "It's just an advance on our inheritance! That's all it is." After a good amount of pricy artifacts fell out of his pockets, Klaus glowered at his brother. "No need to get your little panties in a bunch."

Allison only watched highly amused by the scene in front of her. Klaus then left the study and left the two of them alone. However, once Klaus slammed the door closed and got out into the hall he smirked widely. He pulled out a black and gold box out of the back of his pants and smiled widely at actually snagging something from the old man's study.

He kissed the box happily and started to make his way towards the entrance of the house. The plan of selling the extravagant box to get money for drugs was a go. As he started to make his way towards the stairs, Jemma popped out from around a corner.

As soon as Jemma got a glimpse of her brother she smiled happily and made a beeline for him. Klaus grunted as the woman threw herself into his arms in a hug. She laughed happily, "Klaus!"

"Ah, Jem," Klaus fondly greeted his best friend.

Jemma pulled back from him and looked up at him with half-lidded, electric blue eyes. Klaus sighed inwardly as he knew she was either drunk or on the borderline of being drunk. Her eyebrows furrowed as she saw the box in his hands as she tilted her head. Her blonde bangs sweeping over her eyes like a silk curtain. "What's that?"

Klaus looked down at the box before trying to hide it behind his back, "oh, this?" He waved it off dismissively, "it's nothing important really."

She stared at him bordley, "it's dad's, isn't it."

"Yeah," Klaus didn't even try to deny it.

Jemma stared at him before starting slowly as it seemed like she was trying to understand his intentions. "And you're stealing it to sell for money that you'll use to buy drugs."

"Ah, look at you!" Klaus exclaimed, "you know me so well."

The blonde shrugged her shoulders, "'Course I do, you're my best friend! And I won't tell." She pressed her finger to her lips in a sign that she'd stay quiet. "Our little secret."

Klaus laughed, "you're the best, sis."

Jemma giggled and started to walk past him, "Thanks, bro."

The two then parted ways. Jemma left to go to her bedroom for a well-deserved nap while Klaus went to sell the damn box for drugs. Meanwhile, in their father's study, Luther approached Allison who was leaning against the mantel behind the desk.

Luther sighed out amused, "so, Klaus is still Klaus, in case you were wondering."

"You know, after all these years, I find it strangely comforting." Allison laughed lightly.

Luther nodded his head as he thought of something else that would most certainly amuse them both. "Did you see Diego? With his stupid outfit?"

Allison scoffed in amusement as she remembered the outfit that Diego was wearing. "Oh, I know."

"Do you think he wears that thing in the bathroom?" Luther couldn't help himself from asking.

"Like in the shower?" Allison asked surprised.


She exclaimed, "yes, absolutely!"

The two allowed the image of their brother wearing the ridiculous outfit while showering entertain them for a moment before silence embraced them.

Luther coughed lightly, "I, uh I wasn't sure you'd come."

Allison nodded her head and looked away from him. "Me neither."

"You look great." Luther couldn't help himself but compliment her. He could never stop himself from doing that, ever since they were kids.

Allison stared at him for a moment before smiling softly and whispering, "thanks."

He pursed his lips as he asked a question, "where's Patrick and Claire?"

A dark look passed over Allison's features. He realized that he probably asked the wrong question. Something most certainly happened while he was gone."Patrick filed for divorce eight months ago." Luther gaped at the news as Allison looked at him with slight annoyance before she realized something, "of course you don't know, you've been gone."

Luther waited a moment before asking a question that he wasn't sure would make the atmosphere worse. "What about Claire?"

"He got custody."

"Shit." Luther swore as silence washed over them, "well, you could always do your, uh, you know rumor thing."

Allison scowled harshly and shook her head as she snapped at him. "Yeah, I don't do that anymore."

Luther swallowed as he saw the look on her face. Something happened, he knew. Something terrible. He should have been there to make sure that she was alright! However, he had his obligations to the Umbrella Academy and their father. "What happened?"

"Same thing that always happens." Allison huffed out as she pursed her lips. "I made a wish, and it came true, and I couldn't take it back."


All of the siblings sat in the living area as the crackling of the fireplace was the only sound heard in the silence. Though every once in a while the clinking of glasses could be heard from the bar as Klaus got himself a drink or two.

Allison sat on a chair sipping sparsely on her glass of alcohol as she stared off into space. Diego sulked on a chair not too far from her with his arms crossed and head turned so he wouldn't have to look at anyone else. Luther sat on a couch that faced Vanya who sat in the middle with Jemma next to her on the far right of it and closest to Allison.

"Um…" Luther started as he stood up, "I guess we should get this started. So, I figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown. Say a few words, just at Dad's favorite spot."

Allison interjected inquisitively, "Dad had a favorite spot?"

"Yeah. You know, under the oak tree." Everyone stared at him in confusion. "We used to sit out there all the time. None of you ever did that?"

"Will there be refreshment?" Klaus asked as he walked over to the group with two glasses of alcohol, a trophy in his hand and a cigarette in his mouth. He handed Jemma a large glass of alcohol who nodded in thanks and instantly started to gulp the liquid that burned her throat. That action from the blonde gained a few stares from the others in the room. "Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner."

Luther stared at him in bewilderment, "what? No." He gestured to the cigarette, "and put that out. Dad didn't allow smoking in here."

Allison stared at the obviously hyperactive man who walked around the living room with eyebrows furrowed. "Is that my skirt?"

"What?" Klaus looked up at his sister before nodding his head, "oh, yeah, this." He gestured to the black skirt that reached down to his ankles. "I found it in your room. It's a little dated, I know, but it's very breathey on the bits." Jemma snorted loudly at his words which earned her a cheeky smile from her best friend.

"It looks great on you!" Jemma cheered as Klaus posed.

"Listen up," Luther cut off any jokes and fun that Jemma and Klaus could try to have. "Still some important things that we need to discuss, all right?"

"Like what?" Diego called out.

Luther looked at all of them, "like the way he died."

Diego sighed in frustration while shaking his head, "and here we go."

Jemma's eyebrows furrowed as she allowed herself to breathe from her drink. "I don't understand."

Vanya nodded her head as she agreed with her sister, "I thought they said it was a heart attack."

Luther nodded her head, "yeah, according to the coroner."

Jemma rolled her hazy eyes at his tone, "well, wouldn't they know?"


"Theoretically?" Allison's voice was dripping in confusion much like everyone else's thoughts.

The large man nodded his head, "I'm just saying, at the very least, something happened. The last time that I talked to Dad, he sounded strange."

Klaus slouched in his seat on the couch as he gargled the alcohol in his mouth. "Oh, quelle surprise!"

Jemma pursed her lips with furrowed eyebrows. Her father was a strange man, no matter what. To suggest that he was acting even more abnormal than usual must of meant something. "Strange how?" She asked around her glass that rested against her lips.

"He sounded on edge." Luther revealed, "told me I should be careful who to trust."

Diego shook his head, "Luther, he was a paranoid, bitter old man who was starting to lose what was left of his marbles."

Luther clenched his jaw, "No. He must have known something was going to happen." He then turned to Klaus who was giving Jemma the rest of his drink. "Look, I know you don't like to do it, but I need you to talk to Dad."

Klaus scoffed, "I can't just call Dad in the afterlife and be like, 'Dad, could you just stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call?'"

He stared at him with his eyebrows pulled together in confusion and frustration, "since when? That's your thing."

"I'm not in the right… frame of mind."

Jemma to a swig from her cup as her words came out slightly slurred, "he's high."

"Yeah! Yeah! See, Jem gets it!" He shouted excitedly as he pointed at the blonde, "I mean, how are you not, listening to this nonsense?"

"Well, sober up, this is important."

"Who cares!" Jemma shouted loudly with a roll of her eyes, "daddy's dead! Yay! Woo!" All of her siblings stared at her in bewilderment. Well, Allison, Luther, and Diego did due to them never seeing the blonde act like this before. Vanya just sighed as she was all too familiar with her behavior and the telltale signs of Jemma becoming drunk. Surprisingly, Klaus also sighed at her behavior as disappointment peaked through his high state. "Now, I say we mourn dear old dad, drink and try not to kill anyone. 'Cause I am down with some more drinking!" Allison pulled the glass of strong alcohol from her sister's hands before the short blonde could let her pale lips wrapped around the glass. Jemma whined once it was taken from her and reached out for it. "No! Ally!"

Luther shook his head at her antics and continued on in a serious tone, "then there's the issue of the missing monocle."

Diego scoffed with his arms crossed, "who gives a shit about a stupid monocle?"

"Exactly." Luther exclaimed, "it's worthless. So whoever took it, I think it was personal. Someone close to him. Someone with a grudge."

"Where are you going with this?" Klaus asked in exasperation.

"I may be slightly buzzed," Jemma interjected once she got over the fact that Allison wasn't going to give back her drink. Her bright blue eyes were narrow and hazy but still held a growing amount of betrayal and hatred. "But it sounds like you're accusing us of killing him."

Luther grunted softly as she basically figured out what he was getting at. How could he not? He had been away for years while the rest of them were here on Earth with some pretty good motive to go after their father. He will admit that their father wasn't the nicest man there was, but he deserved their loyalty and respect. Which is something that the others would rarely ever give Reginald!

The others stared at him with wide eyes that were slowly filling with betrayal. "You do?" Klaus gasped.

"How could you think that?" Vanya asked softly in surprise.

Diego shook his head as he passed by him. He hit him on the chest, "great job, Luther. Way to lead."

Luther quickly tried to amend what he meant, "that's not what I'm saying."

"You're crazy, man." Klaus exclaimed as he stood up from his seat "You're crazy. Crazy."

Luther watched as the rest of his family stood up and started to make their way out as well. "I've not finished."

"Sorry," Klaus apologized even though there was no tone of a sincere apology in his voice. "I'm just gonna go murder Mom. I'll Be right back."

Jemma jumped up from her seat with a now empty glass, "Oh, I'll come help you, Klaus. Might as well as kill Pogo while we're at it!" She sent one final glare at Luther before following after the rest of her siblings.

"That's not what I was saying. I didn't-" Luther tried to explain himself but the damage had already been done. His siblings knew that Luther had a strong sense of loyalty to their father. However, for him to think that they would be willing to go so far as to kill the man was absurd. Yes, Reginald would never receive the 'greatest father' award but that didn't warrant one of his children committing murder against him! "Allison," he called out to her, but she also left the living room along with the others without sparing him a glance. Soon enough he was left alone in the living room. "Jeez. That went well." It most certainly didn't.