Two rays of light, one grayish black, and one red, flashed past the mountain regions. They were so fast, they were indecipherable even to the eyes of most demigods.
Two minutes later, the light rays stopped over a steep ridge, revealing two humanoid figures that landed fluently on the ground.
Followed by one of them falling down face first, exhausted. His chest was heaving up and down, and his raggered breathe could be head from a few meters away.
The other man was alright, for the most part. The only difference from his usual complexion was that he was a bit pale. But overall still stoic.
"Rest up. You deserve it." He said, and the man lying down, Flint, slowly nodded his head.
He was a demigod, one that was not even speed oriented. Yet he travelled at light speed for two whole minutes. One hundred and twenty seconds.