
The Absolute Blue Moon

Her life turns passionate, strange, thrilling, and challenging all at once when she meets Tom Hoult. A mysterious local, whom she eventually learns is a vampire. She has no idea what made her so obsessed with that cold gorgeous man instead of running away. She was fascinated, maybe fell in love just straight away, but never thought that it might bring her to the verge of death.

NadiaRr · Fantasía
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12 Chs

– distinctive feature –

Doubtlessly, he has the most beautiful voice I've ever heard. Heavy yet soft, definitely my favorite. I bit my bottom lip as I watched his moving lips like a slow-motion part of the movie. Beautiful. Wait, how many times did I say that? Stop it, D! What are you thinking of?

"Hello?" He repeated. Oh, to his voice.

Then I blinked, trying to bring my mind back to reality, "Oh, hello ... there." I awkwardly said. Darn. how can I be this nervous? Here it is, the embarrassing Delilah, I looked too fascinated at him. Did he know or maybe even feel about it??

"Are you, new here?" Oh gosh, I can't take my eyes off him. Those eyes are just too perfect. The racing heartbeat never stop inside of me as this beautiful creature arrived from nowhere.

"Ah... yeah. Just arrived last night. You?" I asked and didn't care whether it was necessary or not. I just wanted to talk to him, a little longer, but I'm trying to stay as cool as I can. I don't even know where the heck this strange feeling come from. Oh, my.

He smiled and those magical eyes oh, gosh … they never leave mine. They literally fixed on me. "I've been here for years." He said meaningfully. Then looked away, eventually. Thank you for breaking our locked eyes. "Looks like you're doing a huge project here." His eyes pointed to the yard where the dry leaves were still a bit scattered.

Mirroring him, I said, "Well, yeah, sort of a huge business." Thank goodness I've made this yard worth looking at. Thus, I'm not that ashamed of its mess. And once again, I am proud of what I've done.

"Mr. Fulton must be so happy for having you here." This guy then started walking, as if observing my surroundings, and I turned around to follow his moves. The wind blew as he passed me, and I acknowledged that he bursts out a certain smell, a distinctive smell. As if there was a mysterious and elusive aura about him. I've never smelled this sweet but cold scent before.

"You know him?" My eyes still following his moves.

"Of course."

"Are you also renting his property??"

Again, he flashes a small-sweet smile, "Nope. But nobody's here doesn't know about him."

"Oh." Really? Just an 'oh', Delilah? Say something else, you idiot! You don't want him to leave, do you? Why on earth did my subconscious yell at me? And I was like, okay, okay, I'll say something. Open your ears, dear Ms. Subconscious, and hear me out! "He's a nice person, by the way." Maybe if my subconscious really existed and were standing here at this time, she must have smacked her forehead right away at the end of my sentence.

"Yeah. He really is." Still walking around like examining something, he plopped his hands into his pocket.

"So, where do you live, Mr. Neighbor? Do you live around here? Which one is your house?" Delilah! This guy will definitely think of you as a nosey-eager girl! Certainly, my mouth is running faster than my brain. What is wrong with me? I have never been awkward in front of any guy before. It was the men who usually acted strangely in front of me. Look how the table turns.

He chuckles and takes a glance at me, "What a nosey girl."

"Nosey? No, I'm not." Yes, I am right now. But how can he hear my subconscious properly? That's a bit creepy, isn't it? However, I have to cover up my embarrassment. "Look, we just met a few minutes ago. And I'm just asking you. You know, just asking." I made an imaginative underline using my index finger on the words 'just asking', to make it clear that I really was just asking him. " I think we're just trying to get to know each other, like acquaintances. And I think it is a habitual thing to do between newcomers, like me, and the residents, like you. That's it. And it's up to you, whether you want to answer me or not. I'm totally okay with both."

Still, with the smile planted on his lips, he watched me talk a mile. Now I'm gasping for air from the constant tweeting, and I'm a little annoyed with this guy. He seemed to enjoy my objection. "What? What are you smiling at?" I asked.

Cleared his throat, "Nothing." Then come approached me. "Well, I kind of living around here." The voice that came out of his mouth was so calm.

"Kind of? What do you mean 'kind of'?"

"I do live around, but not in this neighborhood. So, you won't be able to see my house from where you are."

"Oh." The answer sounded a little arrogant to me. Besides, who wants to see his house anyway? Well, I don't. Or maybe yes, but not really want to. Just a little. "Then where is it?" I can't help but asked him in the end.

He frowns and gives me another small smile as he stands right in front of me. We're close. Only it's closer than before. Too close, I guessed. The pounding heartbeat returned. And why on earth now I am focusing only on his lips? Delilah, calm down, he's not going to kiss you, so you better dismiss your filthy thoughts. You two just met a few minutes ago. That wouldn't happen. My subconscious reminded me and stopped me from too much thinking.

But all I could do is just let those brown eyes keep screwing deeper, deeper, and deeper into mine. Until he leaned forward, resulting our faces became closer and closer, and I just stood there. Not making any move. Strangely, inside of me wanted him to come even closer. Getting this close to him made me realize that those brown eyes were slowly turning into a glazing gold. What the heck. That was the amazing-weirdest thing.

This guy then closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Yet I'm trying to keep my eyes open. What is he doing? What is he going to do to me? No wonder my cheeks must be blushing right now. I felt it even warmer.

Suddenly, he's frowning like there is something that made him disappointed, disliked, and angry. His eyes opened, and his face was like 'damn it!'. He quickly pulled away from me and says, "I have to go right now."

Desperately, I said, "Wait, what?"

"It's nice to see you." After saying that, he then hustled to leave me as if there was an emergency call for him.

What happened? I want to ask him if anything bad happened. But I forced myself not to. I don't want him to think of me as a nosey anymore. "Yeah. Glad to see you." I nodded in confusion. "Well, see you later?"

Finally, that sweet smile returned to his face as he nodded, "I'll see you soon." I don't know but I feel relief inside when he said that 'soon'. He walked away. But wait, I don't even know his name yet. And he doesn't answer my question about where he lives.

I need to know his name. I quickly turned around and said, "Hey!" but he's already disappeared. He's nowhere to be found. What a dash. There was no way he could walk or even run that fast. He must be hiding somewhere since I couldn't see him as far as I gazed down the main street. The only thing he might do is disappear into the woods. But if he did so, my eyes surely still could catch him, because he just left a few seconds ago. This doesn't make any sense.

I kept trying to find him by heading into the woods. But before I stepped into the woods, I heard someone coming. A roaring machine comes approaching me. With the horn kept pressed, repeatedly. What a noise! Then I found the sneering face behind the steering wheel is Davis. I rolled my eyes.

With one last glimpse back to the woods, I decided to abandon my intention of finding that Mr. Neighbor. He's just a foreigner. Strange, foreign beauty. I don't know him yet, so I thought it would be a waste of time to look for him. Then I walked towards my brother instead of the woods.

"Hey, rebel! Why do you always try to run away into the woods every time I'm not around?" Davis said as he jumped out of the car.

"I told you, I'm not going to run away, Dave."

"Then what was that? This is the second time I've seen you try to." He's right. He caught me twice.

But he was wrong about the runaway thing. That obviously never crossed my mind. "You know that I would be so bored if I stay inside, dude. I just ... I just wanted to take a walk. That's all."

"Are you sure? So, everything is alright?" Davis intimidated me through his eyes.

"Definitely." Definitely lied. My subconscious added. Shut up! Or I will get busted!

Davis sharply looks into my eyes to make sure that I'm not lying this time. And I tried to make my eyes stay on his, so that it would be more convincing to him. "Okay then. Let's go inside." He said after seconds of silencing. I release the breath that I was holding. "I brought you dinner, and I can eat a horse right now."

Okay, my brother brought me dinner after his tiring work hours, while I ate most of the apple pie the neighbor gave me, leaving only little pieces for him. What a great kind of sister you are, D! Heck! Since when is our own subconscious allowed to say sarcasm to ourselves?

Before I closed my sleepy eyes, my thoughts were quaintly fixed on the figure of a mysterious guy I met this afternoon. I vividly remember his eyes, hair, the way he smiles, and even his voice. And I think he has a distinctive feature which is his smell. I took a deep breath, eyes closed, and recalled everything about that. I felt like the smell was adequately hypnotic.

I don't know where it is coming from, but there was something that forced me to get up and get closer to the window. So, I kicked my blanket, leaving me only in this white linen tank top and sweatpants, to stand up and walk towards the window seat. Glaring outside behind this cold flat glass. As far as my eyes could see, there was only darkness I can see. It's so ridiculous that I wish I could find that gorgeous face. So damn absurd, Delilah!

Will tomorrow we meet again? He said we both will meet soon, didn't he? Somehow, inside of me desperately wanted that to happen. How can I be as passionate to meet him as if we have met many times before, like I already know him well? When in reality, it is far from it. This is not so me. I never acted like this to any other guy before, especially with the one who I just met.

Nonetheless, I think I'm going to curl up on this window seat till the sun is rising. Waiting for the possible impossible thing...