
The 7th King

The King's organization, one of the most powerful entities of this universe, with higher than thousands of galaxies and billions of warriors under its command. The person who can control this behemoth, the next inheritor of King's organization, who will be crowned as the 7th King, just decimated an entire civilization and went into hiding. While the entire universe is seeking for him, he is on his course to carry a quiet life on an "uncivilized" planet at the rim of the universe called Earth, his home. But nothing progresses according to one's plans. This is the story of Paul. Whose only mottos are "I want to live a Carefree life," and "All will be fine until you provoke me" But there are a lot of "Coincidences" in this universe which forces him never to realize his mere dream to be a normal person. ********* If you are looking for an MC where he goes from weak to strong, this is not for you. Here the MC is Super OP from the beginning******** * There may be some grammatical errors. I'll update it soon. Thank you*

kpthe1 · Ciencia y ficción
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22 Chs

it's just a junk

"Anyway Cousin, we have to leave right now. otherwise Aunt Caroline will blast the Kenyan base," Amelia said while looking at Paul up and down.

"Manager, did you bring the clothes I have asked" said Paul, looking at the dazed manager in the room's corner.

The manager immediately snapped out of his daze and ran out of the room. Within a minute he back holding some clothes.

"Wait for 5 minutes" he told to Amelia taking clothes from manager and threw a pair to Leo and said

"make it fast".

Leo grinned while showing an Okay sign with his hand.

After fifteen minutes the entire group with soldiers, Amelia, Leo and Paul came out of hotel followed by the hotel staff.

Paul took out his amex card and gave to the manager and said, "Bill with this, including the phones and the clothes"

The manager took the card and quickly settled the bill. He gave back the card to Paul and said "Thank you for staying with us" but inside, he felt relieved that this duo is leaving.

Paul gave a slight smile looking at the insincere words of the manager but acted like he didn't see it.

The trio got into the helicopter first, followed by the small squad of soldiers. After confirming that they are good, the chopper took off and cruised to Kenya.

"Leo, sync this mobile with the virtual device and see if you can connect the internet in the device," said Paul in the helicopter.

Even though the chopper is travelling at 200kmph there is no disturbance heard inside it.

Leo took out his phone and scanned it using his virtual device.


A sound came from Leonard's virtual device and a hologram opened, mirroring the exact options we can find in an android phone.

"Yep, it's done. The internet you said is it this one?" said Leo, pointing at the browser icon.

"Yes, that's the one," said Paul.

While Paul and Leo are talking, Amelia and the crew are looking at them with their eyes wide open.

"Paul is that a hologram? How can the watch show the projection? Let me see it," said Amelia curiously and tried to take the virtual device from Paul.

"Why is it not coming off of you?" Amelia is gritting her teeth, still trying.


Paul smirked looking at Amelia and said, "This is too hi-tech. Explaining this to your muscle brain is useless"

"Hmpf!!!! get lost. I don't want to know about this piece of crap watch anymore," said Amelia sulking.

Paul is enjoying it because ever since he was a child Amelia teased him every day. So he sort of taking his petty revenge on her.

But Amelia is curious, looking at both Paul and Leo. Her worthless and timid cousin missing for 4 years popped up in Africa out of nowhere.

And Leo, he has purple eyes for Pete's sake. Though she kissed him. It is just a moment of impulse.

What made Amelia suspicious about Paul is his aura.

There is also this confident and dominating spirit surrounding Paul like that of the Army Generals who went through lots of wars. This making Amelia crazy.

What happened in this 4 years? What did you do?, these are the thoughts going through the mind of Amelia.

"Amelia, how's uncle Ernest? what's he up to now a day?" asked Paul while fiddling with his virtual device.

"Dad is great. He got a promotion. So what's he doing now is confidential, even to me? But you can ask him after reaching London," said Amelia.

"That's great" said Paul and there is silence again.

Leo can feel the awkwardness between these cousins. He wanted to pitch in, but he knows nothing about Amelia or the family of Paul. So he kept silent throughout the journey.

After a three-hour flight, they have finally reached the Kenya base.

When Paul got down from the helicopter, he can see the entire base full of people. It's already midnight. How come all the soldiers still awake? thought Paul.

But looking at the person waiting infront of the chopper, Paul knew the reason.

That person is Commander Irwin, the head of the United Kingdom's Kenya training base and also one of the most important figures in the British Armed Forces.

Looking at commander Irwin, Paul gave a huge smile and said " Sir Irwin, long time no see".

"Indeed it is, Mr. Arthur", said commander Irwin. Paul is not personally acquainted with Irwin, but his father is, so he remembers seeing Irwin from the parties held by Robert.

"Please, call me Paul" he said and gave a firm handshake to Irwin.

The surrounding soldiers are dumbfounded, looking at the scene in front of them.

At 1800 hours they got a special order from the commander that the base will receive an important guest and they should protect him if anything happens.

So the soldiers were on standby from 1900hours and the entire base is in Amber alert (1) to counter any attacks.

But they are dumbfounded because of the target they have to protect. A teenager.

At first they thought it is just some patrol chopper coming back but when Commander Irwin arrived at the helipad. Everyone understood it is their target but now they are confused, looking at a teenager laughing and chatting merrily with their base commander.

"Okay Mr. Paul, we don't know have much time. There is a Gulfstream ready to take off with you. Please follow me," urged Irwin.

Paul sensed that something is amiss. Though his mother is paranoid about his safe return, it can't be this much.

He immediately has a sign of Leo to be alert and expanded his senses to maximum level in his suppressed state, moving with caution.

This quick reaction of Paul stunned Irwin because not even a battle honed soldier can process the surrounding situation this fast.

But still they got in a military jeep and driven off to the runway. " What's going on, Ames?" Paul asked Amelia. Because she might know the answer.

"There has been moments from our enemies these past few months. Other than this, I know nothing," said Amelia.

At first she thought she can just lie about this situation but experiencing the change of aura and instincts of Paul. She told the truth.

Paul frowned, listening to this. He is not familiar with the behind the scenes of the family. Robert and Caroline also wanted to keep it this way.

If it is previous Paul, he would have pissed his pants by now, but he is not the timid guy as before. There is no one in this world who can come close to his power. Not even Leonard.

Paul got excited. Let's wait and see, he thought within himself.

In no time they have reached the runway. Paul can see a Gulfstream waiting for him. Amelia is waiting to see a shocked face of Paul, but to her disappointment there is not even a small twitch on Paul's face.

What astonished her even more is Leo's expression. How come even this guy can keep his cool? She thought.

"Just so you know this a Gulfstream g650 one of the fastest aircrafts," said Amelia looking at Leo.

Sensing the gaze, Leo asked, " How fast?"

"700mph" said Amelia with a proud look.

"That's it, it's just a junk," said Leo with disdain.


Amber alert: it is part of BIKINI alerts. yes you heard it right.

In U.S they use DEFCON as a code and in UK it is BIKINI.

Amber alert is a part of military protocol.

It is not the AMBER alert for child abduction in US.

For more information on UK alert states. follow this link.


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