

The vortex was sparking. Pieces of it were lying everywhere and flames were erupting from the wreckage. A fairy stood in front of it, her jaw dropped open. "How do you think the squirrel got through?'' came a deep voice from next to the fairy. A hooded person materialized. "I don't know!" exclaimed the fairy. "Tyla, please go get Ron, Jolyn and Pipi the Ploit Goblin," she suggested.

"Ok!" said Tyla and he was off. The fairy pulled a wand out her pocket and waved it at the broken vortex. A large scene depicting a squirrel with wings, called a flapquirrel, erupted from the flames. It was flying away from a large, fiery horse like creature with a horn. The fire creature shot a spell at the squirrel before it was flung into the vortex. It exploded and then the picture disappeared. The fairy gasped.

As Tyla came back, he was followed by two men and a green, warty goblin with pigtails. "Pipi," said the fairy, "I need you to prepare a few ploits for Jolyn and Ron for when they come back from a mission." "Jolyn and Ron, I need you both to go to a city called Paris, in the normal world, and capture the flapquirrel, which has somehow got through the vortex." The two men saluted, then pulled out a small orange disk and disappeared into thin air. "Tyla,' said the fairy, 'I'm afraid the flamies might attack.'