
Chapter 7

The moon shone brightly down on the forest. The Grade Fives, Zey and Tyla were roasting marshmallows around a campfire. Queen Crystalia was sitting in the entrance to her tent, watching the protective layer around them pulse. The fire was growing with purple flames as Queen Crystalia was adding to it with her wand. Then a speck of burning ash flew out and landed on Raiyaaz's hair and he screamed as it combusted. Hayden was quick to fix the crisis and he dropped a bubble on his hair. The flames went out. Every one squealed with laughter, though Raiyaaz was still in shock. After a tense minute, he joined the giggles.

It was starting to get late, everyone was about to go into their tents, when Zey let out a loud growl. Some of the kids looked in his direction only to see his eyes had gone wild and his ears were growing. He stared at the full moon.

"Oh gosh, no," shrieked Tyla, "we forgot!" Zey bent down, and when he came back up, his face had a wolf-like silhouette. His clothes tore and fell to the ground as he let out a loud – "AWROOOO!" The Grade Fives moved back in fear. Queen Crystalia pulled out her wand and Tyla aimed her bow near Zey. He shot, but purposely missed. The werewolf gnashed his teeth and then leaped towards the queen, knocking a log out of the fire. A large flame erupted from where the log landed and Rais shot a wave at it from in his tank. The flame went out.

Tyla pulled a bottle out of his pocket, rushed towards Zey, and kicked him. The werewolf howled again. "Zey! ZEY! Calm down, calm down, Zey." Zey gnashed his teeth at Tyla. "Calm down, Zey!" He stared at Tyla, then walked calmly towards him. "Good boy!" said Tyla, pouring a golden liquid out of the bottle into the wolf's mouth. At once, he turned back into himself.