
Chapter 15

Tyla was in a pavilion in the castle gardens. Zey, Chate and Dom were with her. There was fire everywhere and flamies where blasting spells. Chate had just killed three flamies with one arrow and Dom was helping Tyla battle a flamy as big as a house. Then Tyla stumbled over something. She looked down. "ZEY!" she shrieked, looking at the werewolf, who was barely stirring in a pool of blood. She had no time to help. She dodged a killing curse and ran through the surrounding fire after the huge flamy.

Josy was galloping through a forest. She perfectly shot every flamy she came across. It was dark. Although it started that morning, time flew and it was nearly sundown. She heard more galloping when a young centaur ran into her. There was a muddle of hooves and arms as the two fell to the ground. "Oops!" said the young centaur, standing and helping Josy up, "Sorry 'bout that." "No worries," said Josy. She looked up and asked, "What's your name?" "Blaze, you?" "Josy." she blushed. Suddenly, the awkward moment was disturbed when a loud pitched cackling came from a cloud of smoke and then, Monarch Flamory came flying at the two centaurs. They jumped back, and then the monarch shot a killing curse at Josy. Blaze gasped,

and pushed Josy to the ground. He flung arrows at Monarch Flamory, but her blasts were too powerful. She shot another killing spell and Josy watched as Blaze fell to the ground, dead. The monarch shot another spell, and Blaze's body was on fire. Wanting to take no risks, Josy got up and cantered away, the flamy queen cackling behind her.

She bumped into Queen Crystalia on the edge of the forest. Panting, she told the queen what had happened. "Oh, Blaze!" gasped the queen, 'he was my husband's best centaur at our wedding!" A few tears sprung into her eyes and then she said – "I need to go Josy," then ran off into the forest. Josy looked around. Half the castle was rubble and there was fire everywhere. There were beings coming in and out of the medical tent. Some happy, some angered and confused. Few, but enough, were lost in this battle. She cantered over to the tent, in hope that none of her friends were in there, lifeless. Tyla was there, holding Zey, who was pale, his eyes open, and his life lost. Fortunately, none of the Grade Fives were dead. However, Sarah's arm was broken, Tisah had a huge scar on her leg, and Owen's toe was missing. Sophie, the girl from the ball, had a small, bleeding hole, right through her leg. The others were outside, sitting in the garden, drinking hot chocolate. The flamies were now flying around the village, trying to get through the force bubble.

The local members of the Choconin army were trying to stop them, but were not doing well. The flamies were too strong. It seemed like all was lost.