
The 5 Guardian heroes

Guys, This story is about Jackson and his friends how they teleport in a new world to protect from a Devil and his underlings. You will find great Action, Mystery and some sad stories in this story. I hope you will enjoy my story my story writing style is a bit different but it get better and better after every volume. My story is divided into 6 arcs which is 1) Benderlin Kingdom arc. 2) Mages Assassination arc. 3) The Third War of Apocalypse war arc. 4) Post war arc. 5) Zheo Kingdom arc. 6) Final arc. If you find any mistake in story please tell me so that i can improve and i am not from a native English country so there can be some grammatical mistakes Book Cover credit: Ananya Chauhan

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an ancounter with your dead trainer

They all enter in Zheo kingdom.

Lawrence- does we take too much time to come here.

Eldrul- why, Lawrence we came here in 3 hours.

Lawrence- why everywhere is dark it is like a night.

Sophia- you are saying correct, when we move from Benderlin kingdom there was morning and the sun was up and here we can't even see the sun.

Eldrul- we can't see the sun because this kingdom is trapped by Zagred magic and there is no pathway for light, the people who are living in this kingdom hasn't see sunlight for several years.

Morris- what a merciless bastard.

Eldrul- we have to defeat Zagred for revenge, people and for the world.

Eldrul- we cannot find Zagred like, we have to capture one of his soldier and find him as I cannot see the kingdom's castle.

Lawrence- But, he can identify us with his powers.

Eldrul- for this, I have these black cloth that can cover your whole body, you all take one and wear them.

They all take that cloth and wear it and they start searching for Zagred.

At Zheo kingdom castle, Viltor and Zagred was sitting there, Viltor says "Lord Zagred, I think the heroes will invade in our kingdom as we have destroyed their kingdom they will definitely come here for revenge". Zagred start laughing he says "I know Viltor and I can see that the heroes has already invaded in our kingdom, let's play some game with them, send our few soldiers to kill them and tell them to capture Eldrul, I will kill him with my hands, tell all the wizards that the heroes has came". Viltor go and tell some soldiers to go and attack heroes.

All the heroes are walking on the streets to.

Sophia- there is no one in the streets and all the houses are shut down where are all the people.

Cathreen- look, there is a man, he has opened his house window.

Jackson- we can ask something about Zagred and about this kingdom.

Cathreen go to that man to ask about Zagred.

Cathreen- hello! Can you please tell about Zagred.

That man in fear said nothing and close his house window.

Cathreen- he tell me nothing, he was very scared.

Eldrul- I think, Zagred has done something on these people.

When they was talking about Zagred, Jackson hear a sound he says "hey! Wait, I think someone is coming". Eldrul also hear that he told them that Zagred soldiers are coming, all the heroes start hiding themselves behind a big house.

The leader of that small army was in his horse and he says "Lord Zagred has send us to kill the heroes but we cannot find them.. Heroes where are you". Morris which was hiding behind that big house says "that voice is familiar" the army start retreating from there but suddenly comes out from the house and he says "I cannot believe, it's you Commander Bryant". Now that the soldiers were able to see Morris all the heroes start coming in front of the army.

Morris- I cannot believe you are alive Commander Bryant.

All the heroes got shocked to see him.

Morris- Commander Bryant, you are alive.

Lawrence- how is this possible.

Jackson- wait, if you are alive, why are you helping Zagred?

Sophia- that's a good question.

Eldrul- I think Zagred is controlling him.

Morris- Commander Bryant, let's go and kill Zagred.

Commander Bryant- no, I can't.

Morris- but why.

Commander Bryant- I will serve Lord Zagred and he has given me orders to kill you.

Cathreen- I think we have to fight.

Morris- no, I think he is acting, I am saying correct Commander Bryant.

Bryant take out his sword and made a small cut on Morris hand but when he swing his sword towards him Eldrul pull Morris back if he didn't pull him back Bryant will cut Morris completely.

Eldrul- heroes, he has completely lost control from his body, we have to fight.

All heroes start attacking on the soldiers.

Morris- why you attack me, Commander Bryant.

Commander Bryant- Zagred said that he will revive my family and I can be the king of Benderlin kingdom.

Morris remember his training he and Bryant was lying on the ground and they were talking, Morris says "Commander Bryant do you have any dream". Bryant says "Yes, I have a dream I want to be the king of Benderlin kingdom our King is a big idiot he doesn't know how to manage kingdom, if I was the king I will make this kingdom very prosperous".

Morris see Bryant and told him that becoming the king is his only dream he say "yes".

Morris- commander Bryant you can be king, a king is someone who face evil and support his people but you are supporting who has destroyed your kingdom.

Eldrul was behind the heroes and heroes were fighting with the soldiers. The heroes were easily defeating the soldiers. Eldrul see Morris and he says "Morris, I will defeat him, you can't defeat him because you have a good friendship with him". Morris told no he told him that he will defeat him but with words not with action.

Sophia- we have defeated all the soldiers, now we have to defeat Bryant.

Morris- Everyone, this is my own personal matter, I will defeat Bryant.

Bryant again attack with his sword and Morris didn't dodge it and got slashed.

Commander Bryant- why you don't move Morris.

Morris- I know that you are in control of Zagred but I know that the real Bryant is still there inside your body.

Commander Bryant- don't talk nonsense.

Bryant is swinging his sword continuously and Morris is getting slashed he is bleeding from many parts of body.

Commander Bryant- why are you not moving.

Morris- I will not move because, I will never attack on my senior and my trainer who want to become a good king.

Morris shout to Bryant.

Commander Bryant- what.

Bryant remember when he was with Zagred and Viltor.

Commander Bryant- Zagred, you have said that you will revive my family.

Zagred- I know.

Commander Bryant- so give my family back.

Viltor- Lord Zagred, you have throw some dead bodies that you have brought from Benderlin kingdom to fed your pet 'Dracule'.

Zagred- yeah from Benderlin kingdom.

Commander Bryant- Zagred, does you throw my family to fed you pet.

Zagred- oh! I forgot, it was your family, I am sorry.

Commander Bryant- you bastard.

When Morris attack Zagred in anger he use his magic and control Bryant's mind.

Present time.

Commander Bryant- I am Bryant, I want to be king, what is happening my mind is going to burst.

Bryant start remembering everything.

Commander Bryant- I am Commander Bryant… your trainer.

Morris- you remember, Senior.

Bryant was in his dead bead after Bryant remember everything.

A half- dead soldier of Zagred army stand up and he form a tunnel down where Eldrul was standing with his power which was given by Zagred and he open that tunnel and Eldrul fall into that tunnel. The heroes tries to hold his hand but it was too late.

Few hours before. Zagred has told one person of the army to capture Eldrul by forming a tunnel.

Present time.

Jackson- due to your negligence, Eldrul got captured by Zagred.

Sophia- we need to cure Morris cuts they are very deep.

Jackson- we have to save Eldrul, we have promise Eldrul that we all will go to Earth save and sound so that he can see his family.

Morris- but Jackson, how we can save Eldrul, we don't know where is Zagred.

Commander Bryant- heroes, I have join hands with Zagred, that was my biggest mistake, let me help you, at least I can do this much.

Lawrence- Jackson, take Commander Bryant on your back and let's go where Zagred is and save Eldrul.