
Chapter 31: Comfort In All Four

<strong>*Atlas’ POV*</strong>

“What do you want to do?” Heiro whispered to Eris.

She was so still and quiet as she watched the scene in the bath unfold. Kyros was with some woman and they were making a fuss that drew the attention away from us.

Eris whispered something that I could barely make out. “It’s her,” she said again after clearing her throat. “It’s her!”

“What are you talking about?” Deimos asked as he grabbed Eris by the hips to prevent her from crawling away,

“That woman,” Eris whispered loudly. “She was at the party.”

“Klytia?” Heiro asked. “That’s Boethus’ wife. She’s always carried a torch for Kyros.”

Eris was silent for too long before she uttered the words that stiffened all of our spines. “She’s the one that pushed me.”

I looked from Eris to where Klytia disappeared into the crowd. Then, my eyes met Kyros’. He looked so lost, so confused.