
Meeting the man himself (Part 2)

Before this starts I wanna thank facx for helping me write this.


"Give us all of your valuables and we'll leave you alone." He held a knife to my chest.

"Suck my ass! You guys think you're top shit mugging a child!" (No homo) I struggled to get out of the other two's grasp.

The guy with the knife took my remaining change and anything else he could find. I still tried struggling and thought of using my quirk, but because of the two boys holding me in place which my arms were also held, I would probably only blow wind into my face.

"What a disappointment, he only had 2 dollars in change and some picture of a green-haired boy." The knife holder threw the photo on the ground, which sent me to my limit.

"DONT YOU TOUCH THAT PHO-" A yellow beam flew past me taking out the first guy, all of our eyes widened from the sudden jet looking figure fly past us.

"Don't you kids know that its illegal to rob people." The small old man from the markets in the yellow costume was standing there. With fish in his hands?

"Who the hell are you!" One of the other boys said but both of the boy's legs were shaking. I took advantage of this moment to struggle enough for them to lose their grip and I jump away summoning a wall made of earth. They tried running at me but just ran into the wall. I unsummoned the wall when they were on the ground holding their faces.

"Owwwwww." They both said in unison.

"There's more where that came from!" I was starting to make tiny balls of air in both hands.

"Cmon kid, let's go, they learned their lesson." The old man waved in the direction of the markets.

I glared at the boys and grabbed the photo to catch up to the old man.

"Why did you let them go?"

"They are still young and can change themselves, why lock them up in jail for years if they haven't even finished childhood." I thought hard about what he said.

"So what exactly is your quirk, is it sort of like the elements?" He looked at me with a face full of thought as well.

"Yea thats exactly what it is."

"So why didn't you just trap them in like a ball of water? Or make a line of fire so you can run away?"

"Well, I can only use a certain element if it's near me."

"Hmmm, but what if none of your elements are around for you to use?"

"Umm, I don't know, maybe start swinging?" I shrugged which he got an idea.

"Well kid, I see a lot of potential in you and your quirk, I can see you are a good person who can do great things. So here is my proposition." We both stopped walking at what looked like an abandoned building and he looked at me, we were about the same height.

"I can train you and your quirk, and I will teach you four different types of martial arts. All you have to do is say yes or no."

"YES, that sounds awesome!" I jumped in the air excited.

"Alright, it's settled then. At this place, at 6 am, we start training and you can't slack off during training or I will stop training you." He said sternly.

My face dropped of sadness.

"6 am! I don't even get up at that tiiiiiiime." I dragged out the last part sounding like a real child.

"Well too bad, now run along you need rest, and take care of your injuries." He went inside the haunted-looking house. <He's like Toshinori when I started training him.>

I just noticed I had bruises on my forearms where the boys grabbed me and a slight rip in my shirt on my chest where the first boy held the knife.

*Timeskip to the house*

"Hey Mary I'm home!" It was about 2 pm when I got home.

"Afternoon Yoso." She did a little bow. "How do like the area-" She saw my bruises. "WHO DID THIS TO YOU!" She was practically shaking the life out of me.

"Uhhh... S-some boys in an alleyway tried mugging me, b-but an old man saved me." Damn, I forgot to get his name, I have a habit of not asking peoples names. "He said he's going to train me in martial arts."

"Well, I want to meet him, you never know if the good guys go bad." She stood with her hands on her hips with a face of, <If you so much as breathe she will attack>.

"B-but I'm fine now, hehe." I faked laughed to try and show her I'm fine.

"Alright but next time anything like that happens, run away and call me or the cops okay." She spoke with a gentle voice this time.

"Y-yes maam"

"By the way, what did you buy when you were out?"

"Oh, all types of foods, like beef, rice, spring rolls, and fried chicken." I was smiling at the thought of how good the food was.

"That's the first time I've seen you smile here." She was also smiling.

"Yea, hehe." I looked away because I only show any emotion around people I trust and I thought I might show my emotions more because I can feel I can trust her.

"Well I'm going to make afternoon tea, you hungry?"

"Not really, after all the food I ate. I might just go up to my room and rest."

"Yea you rest, you need it."

I went upstairs, put a new shirt on and put my slightly ripped one next to a sewing machine which was in Mary's office which was next to my room.

"I'm going to become some karate kid tomorrow." I smiled as I went to sleep after all I was exhausted.