
The 12 soldiers who traveled to another world

William and his team were on a mission escorting a supply shipment, however after a failure of an experimental team carrying their vehicles they were sent to a fantasy world, along with hundreds of weapons and ammunition, now free from the army and with Enough power to break a nation, what path will William and his companions take?

DreamTech · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Mountain ostriches

It had been 2 whole weeks since William's squad had arrived in the village, in these weeks they had integrated little by little with the villagers, even the boys had begun to follow the squad's morning training.

It was all because one of the villagers had challenged Roy to a small duel, where he was completely crushed, seeing how the soldiers woke up early to do various strange exercises, the men began to follow them with the idea of ​​becoming so strong like them.

Talking with the villagers, the soldier's soon realized that this world had magic and all kinds of humanoid creatures, from elves, dwarves, werebeasts, orcs, etc. This made the Geek trio very happy as they were already imagining how to create their own harem of beast or elf girls.

William had a lot to think about, even though they had plenty of supplies, he knew they weren't endless, and he had to find a good source of food and supplies, from what he understood this place was oblivious to all authority, so it wasn't a bad idea to make a base in this place.

Although the villagers had quite a difficult life, they were honest and fighters, and William's biggest dilemma was whether bringing the technology of his world was a good or bad thing, he had previously consulted this doubt with his brothers, despite the fact that several were in favor others were undecided.

After all, technology will always be a coveted commodity, if they were given knowledge and did not have the power to protect themselves, it could be something very dangerous, at least it was something that the history of the earth had shown.

However, seeing how people really had to struggle every day to get food and shelter, William relented, and decided to use the knowledge of the land to improve the lives of these people.

Luckily, they had all the information that Agust had saved on his hard drives, hundreds of plans and techniques of all kinds that humanity had developed throughout its history, it was information that on earth did not have much value, but in this world was more valuable than anything else.

William had gained Giso's trust, and had told him that they would teach the villagers to do various things that would improve their lives, Giso thought it was mere formality and goodwill so he did not refuse.

First of all William with the help of his brothers, created a fishing net, luckily they had some tarps and threads that they did not need within their supplies, once the villagers saw how they got hundreds of fish just by trawling they were surprised.

That day there was a great banquet and the village celebrated for the great fishing that had been done, then through a technique of drying by the sun, they managed to extract salt from the beach, the salt in this world was extracted from stones, they had not discovered that salt could be extracted from the sea.

Salt had a high value, it allowed to flavor food and preserve food, by having a supply of salt, the village could soon use it as a currency to exchange with another village.

More wells and some hand pumps were also created to extract water, which greatly facilitated the work of women, thanks to the fact that there was food and water, William was able to convince Giso to make a body of soldiers, 40 men were selected to train permanently with Charles and Hans.

In turn, a stockade was created around the town with the help of the tanks. Moving the logs was quite simple. To cut it, one of the electric saws that were inside the supply vehicles was also used.

In a short time, the town had undergone a great change, the houses had been reinforced, a security perimeter had been created with guards watching all day, Charles and Hans were very strict with their training, each day that passed the villagers became more proficient in their military training.

Giso was thanking William for a whole day for the transformation that the village had undergone, on the other hand, Anderson had received the mission to explore the resources of the area with the drones, the drones had many instruments that could be used to explore resources.

They could penetrate some distance underground with radio frequency waves to explore mines, they had a high-resolution camera that could take beautifully detailed photos of the plants and animals in the area, and they could also explore a bit of marine life.

In the mountain range, there was a kind of network of tunnels quite complicated, Anderson had programmed a drone to map the cave it was only a matter of a few days and they would have the entire map, leaving the cave aside, he was currently looking for a herd animal in the vicinity, the idea was to see if it could be tamed to provide transportation and food.

He had spent 4 whole days exploring the plains, and despite seeing the occasional creature, he had not found any kind of herd, just when he was giving up, he could see several feathered creatures running near the foot of the foothills of the mountain range mountainous.

The creature looked like a huge chicken, it was almost 3 meters long and had huge legs with large claws, its feathers were of various colors, some were yellow others red and some green, these creatures ran at great speed.

Having the information he needed, Anderson returned with William, where all the brothers could see the video, when seeing the video the geek trio suddenly reacted by singing Chocobo in unison, when consulting Giso he called it Mountain Ostrich, apparently it was a creature omnivorous that lived in groups.

Because of their size and claws they could be a bit dangerous creatures, but it was the best they had found so far and they planned to capture it, first they prepared a fenced enclosure with a roof for these animals, based on the care that is usually used for breeding and ostrich breeding.

Then they prepared ropes and practiced a bit of lasso shooting while keeping watch to see the habit of these creatures, daily they crossed the plain to look for some water on the beach, for some reason they liked salt water.

On the way they fed on plants, fruits or animals that were found, as Giso had said, they were omnivores that ate anything, after being prepared William and his team left with the tanks.

The idea was to intercept the ostriches on their daily path and using the tanks as mounts to capture them with some ropes, with everything ready the operation officially began, an hour before the ostriches made their daily path, the tanks had moved into position .

Just as the creatures were passing, they were ambushed by two tanks in the front and two in the rear, the ostriches had never seen a tank and as something unknown, they took an aggressive and evasive attitude.

However, when they realized that they were cornered they began to make a kind of strange screech, William ordered the first loops to be launched, so quickly the hatches were opened and from each tank 2 loops were launched, of the 8 loops launched 5 had given instead.

Seeing the strange attack, the ostriches began to defend themselves with their beaks and claws, to receive as little damage as possible, they had adapted a kind of wooden armor on the outside of the tanks, the armor was receiving the impacts, some boards broke , but there was no damage to the thick armor of the tanks.

The ostriches quickly tired so William again ordered another round of snares, the strange scene continued until the entire herd of 20 ostriches was captured, then they used their own tanks to drag them to the village.

Some ostriches tried to escape on multiple occasions, but it was just a futile effort each tank weighing about 80 tons so it was impossible for them to go against these metal machines.

The land that was built for the ostriches was several hectares, and the fences were more than 5 meters high, the shelter could be opened and closed with pulleys and had an external entrance, they also created a place where they could pour water from the outside to avoid entering the premises.

The idea was to tame these creatures, and see if they would lay eggs just like a land ostrich, if all went well, they would have a good mount to go unnoticed and a source of food.