
The Land of the Living

I didn't know where I was, but everything was black. I could see my hands, feet, and the rest of my body, but it was as if the walls and floors, if there were any, were completely void of light. It was a weird feeling knowing that I had been shot but there was no marking to show for it. I'm not sure how long I was there before something happened, but for a while it was just me and my thoughts.

After getting hit with that arrow, I almost immediately blacked out. I had no idea what happened to Lexa and it worried me sick. No, she is strong. She can handle a single archer. I told myself.

Eventually, the scene began to gradually change. Color began to slowly creep out of the darkness, replacing the blackness with greens, browns, and even a blue sky. I looked around in wonder, trying to remember if I recognized this place. Spotting a log chair, the pieces suddenly came together. This was Lexa's spot. 

The forest was silent, no sounds of little critters or even birds.

It was as if I was alone in my own little spot in the universe. Strangely, the experience was kind of peaceful. I had no worries, it's as though I knew everything would be okay. Leaning down, I grabbed at a few blades of grass, watching as they slipped through my fingers. It felt real. 

Did I die?

Frowning at the thought, I began to walk around the clearing. Just as I was debating whether or not to explore deeper into the forest, I felt a presence behind me.

"Lexa…" I breathed out upon turning around. There standing in the middle of the clearing looking as beautiful as ever, was Lexa. She wasn't in her commander attire, though. She was wearing a dark green dress that accentuated her features in a brilliant way.

She smiled at me sweetly, her face lighting up just as it usually does when we're alone. "My Shield," My legs moved automatically, closing the distance between us in a heartbeat. "You saved my life."

When I was within arms reach, I wanted to reach out and touch her, but I feared that she was merely an illusion.

As if sensing my hesitation Lexa reached her hand up and laid her palm gently against my cheek. Just as with the grass, her warm touch felt real against my skin… but I knew she wasn't real.

"You're not really here, are you?" I asked her, already knowing the answer. 

Her soft smile dipped slightly into one of sadness. "No, I'm not." She confirmed, her voice soothing and quiet as she began to move her thumb lightly back and forth across my cheek.

"Is there a reason that I'm here and talking to you?" There had to be some reason my mind conjured Lexa and this place up. Although I didn't have a chip in the back of my head that allowed me to communicate with prior Hedas like she did, I knew that sometimes the subconscious would find ways to communicate with us.

Lexa's smile seemed to brighten at my question, her eyes sparkling with something I couldn't quite place. "The love you have for me is strong," A statement, it wasn't a question. Just as your love gives me strength, the love I hold for you is just as beneficial." 

I was about to ask her what she meant, but she continued before I could. "To take an arrow for a loved one is a very noble act, James. Luckily for you, it is not your time yet." 

Not my time yet…

"I'm not dead?" 

She smiled sweetly, removing her hand from my face. I nearly forgot it was even there, it was comforting. "No, and you won't be for a long time still." Lexa said mysteriously. I exhaled a cleansing breath. I'm not dead, that's good. It was nothing short of a miracle that I took an arrow to the chest and lived. 

Squaring her shoulders, she adopted the serious 'Heda mask' that I know and love. "This assassination attempt is the spark that will ignite a great war, my Shield. War is coming, and it will be a bloody one. The peace that we have so carefully crafted between clans is a fragile thing." She spoke ominously, her gaze piercing, searching, hoping that I heed her warning. 

"Ice cold enough can burn just as hot as any fire. Beware of Winter's bite, James."

And with those words, she and the forest began to fade away from my sight—almost as if she was never there to begin with. The forest was no more, and I soon found myself alone in the void once again.

It could have been seconds, minutes, hours, days, or even years before something changed for a second time… time is relative and I had no way to measure it. A dim light seemingly appeared far off in the distance, but it could have very well been just a small light directly in front of me. The light began to grow larger and glow brighter, as if it was getting closer.

Soon enough, the light expanded so much that the whole void was eclipsed by the bright glow. The glow was so radiant that it completely filled my vision and all I could see was white.

Just as soon as it began, it was over. I found myself rocketing up into a sitting position taking deep gasping breaths. Because of the sudden and aggressive movement, I felt a sharp pain erupt from the center of my chest.

Hissing at the sudden pain, I clutched at my chest, feeling the thick bandage that covered a large part of my torso.

Overcoming my pain as it faded to a dull ache, I took the opportunity to look around and sighed in relief once I recognized where I was. I was on Lexa's bed in her quarters back at Polis. The scenario reminded me so much of the time I woke up in bed after I collapsed when I lost Matthew.

Only this time, I didn't have reason to fear Lexa's safety during the conclave.

Figuring it was best to just lay back down and wait for someone to check on me, I allowed myself to relax. I was somewhere safe, and considering I was in her bed, so was Lexa.

With nothing better to do, I let my mind wander, replaying Dream Lexa's words in my head. 'Ice cold enough can burn just as hot as any fire. Beware of Winter's bite.' What did that mean?

She said war is coming just before that, could that mean that Queen Nia was making her move? Azgeda's territory was far north where there's a lot of ice and snow, so the mention of ice and winter made sense…

If Azgeda really was behind this attack, Lexa would show no mercy.

I knew she still harbored an intense hatred against Nia for the death of Costia, my injury would only intensify that hate. Nia was just lucky that I survived, or Lexa would make the ice queen wish for a death that wouldn't come for a long, long time.

When peace between clans has proven to be profitable and preferable, the first ones to cause problems would need a firm hand to discipline them. Azgeda will be made an example of, of that, I am certain.

"War never changes…" I sigh to myself, thinking about how there always seems to be someone wanting to cause trouble for others.

I needed to get in touch with Echo somehow, I'd be willing to bet that she'd know something useful.

At the thought of the Azgedian that I met in the Mountain, another pops into my mind. Ontari… She must know something. She's far older than the rest of the nightbloods, and Lexa and I are fairly sure that Nia had hidden her and trained her in secret so that she could have an Azgedian puppet Heda under her command. 

I frowned at that. Did Ontari know of Nia's intentions? Was she planning an attack on the Heda behind the scenes? So many questions that I needed answers to. I'd have to ask John if she has mentioned anything of the sort that even potentially alluded to treason in any way.

John may be infatuated with the scarred nightblood, but he was far from stupid.

Before I could continue that train of thought, I heard the doors to the chambers open, followed by heavy footsteps. The footfalls were far heavier than Lexa's light ones, so I suspected it was one of the healers or even a guard coming to give me a check up.

A few seconds later, my thoughts were confirmed as Nyko turned the corner. "Shield!" He exclaimed, rushing to my side upon seeing that I was awake.

I didn't even get the chance to protest as he busied over me, checking my bandages, temperature, and everything else. "I'm alright, Nyko." I said tiredly, somewhat still exhausted. I wasn't sure how long I was asleep for, but I felt quite fatigued.

"I'm sorry, Shield, but Little Heda's orders," He replied with a deep chuckle, causing me to roll my eyes at him. "She has ordered me to check on you every so often while she has her duties to tend to. And by the off chance you finally wake, I am to under no circumstance allow you to leave the bed." 

Letting out a sigh, I can't really say that I'm surprised. I would order the same thing if the roles were reversed. 

"You can call me James when we are in private, Nyko." Having everyone refer to me with my title gets annoying sometimes. 

Nyko smiled at that, "Alright, James." 

"How long have I been out?" I asked, wondering just how much I missed and hoping I wasn't out for long. I hated being out of the loop. As a general of Polis, information was very important to me.

"It's been almost two full days since you were shot, and a day since you went through surgery to get the arrow removed." He answered, motioning towards the bandage over my chest.

Two days wasn't so bad, but a lot could have happened between then and now.

"So do I have you to thank for saving my life?" I inquired curiously, not knowing any better healer than Nyko.

Hearing my question, he exhaled loudly and a look of disappointment crossed his features. "Unfortunately, it's not me who you need to thank. Your injury far surpassed my medical knowledge, and I was woefully useless in your recovery." 

My eyebrows nearly reached my hairline before a look of confusion came over me. My injury was too severe for him to heal? Then who could have done such a thing? Nyko's skills were renowned throughout the clans.

"Who do I speak with about saving my life, then?" I asked, still rather confused and a little groggy.

"Once I realized that my skills were useless in such a situation, Little Heda became desperate. She went to the prison and sought the help of a Skaikru doctor. I don't remember her name, but in return for saving your life, Heda promised the doctor's daughter's life and freedom." Nyko spoke, standing at the edge of the bed in thought. 

A Skaikru doctor? The only one I could think of who had a daughter would be Abby Griffin, the mother of Clarke.

I wasn't really sure how to feel about that, to be honest. On one hand, I wanted nothing to do with the Ark, and having myself indebted to them was the last thing I wanted. On the other, I can't say I'd do it any differently if it was Lexa that had been shot. 

A doctor of Abby's caliber was extremely valuable to the coalition, and with war just around the corner, her help could be invaluable. Knowing Lexa, she wouldn't leave the doctor to rot away in prison while her warriors would be dying in the upcoming war with Azgeda. And just as with her mother, Clarke would also be incredibly useful.

"And what will happen with the doctor's daughter?" I asked curiously, wondering if that's been decided upon yet.

At my inquiry, Nyko's lips suddenly curved into a small smile. "I will be meeting with her either today or tomorrow. Little Heda has requested that I take her on as my second. Her medical knowledge would be helpful. She and I could teach eachother much."

That made sense. Nodding my head at his reply, I only hoped that the troublesome girl I had met in the Mountain wouldn't make things difficult. Just as with the rest of the Skaikru refugees, I hoped for a smooth assimilation into our people.

There are undoubtedly other ways for that to happen, but seconds and normal apprenticeship is the best way. Especially considering their ages. We can't just let them loose in the forest and tell them to go nuts, nor can we just give them free houses in our clans with no plan afterwards. I wanted this to work, the kids deserved a new start. 

Staring at the wound on my chest, Nyko suddenly got a nostalgic look in his eyes, his mind seemingly a thousand miles away. "Your wound reminds me of the time I took an arrow to the knee," He said with remembrance. "I was an adventurer before I was Trikru's healer." 

I didn't know that. Then again, I didn't really know much about Nyko. The first and only time I met him was when Lexa and I visited him back in Ton DC.

"So why did you stop? Surely a mere arrow to the knee isn't enough to keep someone like you down." 

"You're right," He chuckled lightly. "My wife, Dahlia… She wanted me to stay home more often so she could make sure I stayed out of trouble." Nyko uttered somberly, his eyes misty. Dahlia must have been his flame, his chosen. 

Down here on the ground marriage ceremonies varied from clan to clan, but they also weren't usually labeled husband and wife like Skaikru liked to label them.

Nyko told me stories about Dahlia for a few minutes, allowing him to reminisce at the thought of her. Lexa never mentioned her when she told me about Nyko, so I assumed that Dahlia had passed away quite a few years ago, which was confirmed a moment later. After some subtle probing, Nyko informed me that she had died during a plague about 15 years ago, and that was one of the main reasons he took healing so seriously.

Since then, healing has been his life.

"Alright, James, I better go and inform Little Heda that you are awake and well." He voiced eventually, not wanting Lexa to be upset with him for not coming to her right away.

"Okay, and thank you again, Nyko. Even if you hadn't been the one to save my life, your help is much appreciated." Nodding in respect and giving me a parting wave, he left Lexa's bed chambers and began to head towards the throne room.

It wasn't long before I heard the telltale sound of the large double doors opening and a couple sets of approaching footsteps. Just as I was about to guess who it was, Lexa rushed around the corner with John following close behind. "James!" She practically cried out, her eyes seeming to water slightly upon sighting me.

I didn't even get a chance to respond before she launched herself onto the bed next to me so she could wrap her arms around me in a fierce hug. I noticed that with her tight grip, she seemed to take extra precaution so she didn't rouse my injury.

"Hey Little Heda, I'm okay." I said soothingly as I returned her hug, rubbing her back with one of my arms. Her pauldron was jutting uncomfortably against my chin, but I didn't mind.

Hearing what I had called her, she turned her face away from my neck and looked at me with an adorable pout. "You've been talking to Nyko again, haven't you?" She suspected, narrowing her beautiful green eyes at me, flecks of blue sprinkled around her irises. 

"Guilty as charged." I admitted with a chuckle, placing a soft kiss upon her pink pouting lips. It didn't take long for her pout to transform into a loving smile as she kissed me back.

"Ahem…" John cleared his throat, trying to remind us that he was still in the room.

Our kissing went on unimpeded, intensifying slightly as I felt her small tongue against my bottom lip. 

"Guys," John tried again, looking incredibly uncomfortable with what he found himself a witness to. "GUYS!"

Deciding to take pity on my poor second, Lexa and I slowly separated after John's little outburst. Looking at him with annoyed gazes from both of us, we took in his red face and how he wasn't looking at either of us in the eye, choosing to instead glance around the room.

I started to laugh at his blight and Lexa soon followed, though I didn't laugh for long.

"Ssss…" I hissed out, my chest suddenly hurting from the movement.

Immediately Lexa looked at me with concern. "Are you okay, my flame?" She asked, her features morphing into a worried frown. 

"I'm alright, I'm alright." I insisted, feeling the sharp pain from my wound slowly ebb away. Laughter hurt, that was good to know. I'm just glad I didn't have to cough.

"The doctor said that you have bruising on your lung and should stay in bed for at least another day or two." John informed, an equally worried frown on his face. I couldn't help but let out a small groan at that, which caused Lexa's frown to deepen. I knew that she would make sure I stayed in bed. I hated feeling useless.

"John's right. You are in no condition to go anywhere at the moment, and I will not allow you to jeopardize your recovery." She confirmed, climbing off the bed. "The doctor also said no strenuous activity, such as training, running, or anything similar."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her words. I knew she just cared about me, I almost died after all. Lexa wasn't about to risk going against doctor's orders.

Sighing aloud, I agreed to stay in bed.

Over the next hour or two Lexa filled me in on everything that has happened since I've been out of commission. Apparently, Abby Griffin and her assistant performed surgery on me at the Mountain's medical facility. That actually made me a little happy, not about the Skaikru doctor, but because Lexa had made use of the Mountain. And from what she told me, she currently had about a hundred soldiers there guarding it right now.

The first thing I needed to do once I got better was to talk to Monty and Raven about the Mountain's facilities. I knew that the dam supplied power to the bunker and that was the reason it was still up and running after all these years, but I had no idea how it all worked. Their knowledge on engineering and electrical engineering is just as valuable as Clarke's medical knowledge.

They were both something of special cases as their skills were entirely unique to them, having no one in the entire twelve clans sufficient with either of their skills. That being so, they wouldn't be able to become integrated via being a second to someone else. I would need to probably take them under my wing directly.

Once I was up and running, I would seek them out and see if they were up for it.

The next thing Lexa informed me of was that it was indeed Azgeda that had carried out the assassination attempt. I guess my vision was about them after all.

I asked John if Ontari had mentioned anything about the attack at all, but he confirmed that she hadn't. However, Ontari has been acting a little skittish recently, and that was very suspicious. I told him to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't try anything.

I would need to find the time to interrogate her whenever I get the chance, preferably when I'm better. I didn't need her to try and finish me off while I was bedridden. 

Then there was also Echo. I haven't seen or heard anything from her since the Mountain, and with the prince still moving around in the shadows, she must know something. Whether the prince is to be an ally or foe, I needed to know.

While Lexa and John were with me at the bunker, she had ordered Titus to set up an emergency meeting between the ambassadors, which was the meeting she just finished up with before coming to see me.

Apparently, once Lexa informed them all of the assassination attempt, the Azgeda ambassador immediately began to claim she was lying.

Instead of verbally stripping the Azgeda ambassador down like she usually does, she had a couple warriors bring up two of the assassin's corpses. When she showed everyone the Azgedian markings on their bodies, the noisy ambassador had no choice but to silence himself.

Lexa claimed the assassination attempt an act of high treason, and then declared war on Azgeda, which the majority of the coalition was in favor of.

Azgeda had long been an issue. They offered the least and took the most when it came to supplies from other clans, and there would still be territorial skirmishes every once in a while that would be brought to the Heda's attention. They've always been the trouble-child, and the rest of the clans were sick of it.

Lexa had sent the Ambassador home with a message for Queen Nia. 

"Your head, or your people's." 

The only way I could see this war ending was if Nia was removed from her icy throne. The main reason I wanted to know if the prince was friend or foe, was because he would make a brilliant proxy. I just didn't know what the queen's relationship was with her son.

Finished with catching me up on everything, Lexa ordered John to go away with a look that screamed 'or else.' As soon his blushing figure disappeared, Lexa began to slowly strip away her armor, giving me a saucy look while she did it. Before long, she was left standing before me in nothing but her underclothes, which didn't do much to hide her gorgeous figure underneath that thin layer of cloth.

She slowly began to walk towards the bed, just stopping at the foot of it before giving me a mischievous smirk. "I'm sorry, my love. But the doctor said no strenuous activity."

My heart broke. Surely that didn't mean what I thought it meant… Surely she wouldn't do all that teasing just for the fun of it, right?

"Please tell me that doesn't mean no sex…" 

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