
The 100: The Shield of Heda

With the council finding out that humanities lifeline may be failing, they make some questionable decisions. However, sacrifices must be made for the greater good of humanity. James is a young orphan boy that has grown up in solitary, with not many people aware of his existence, the council thinks that he is the perfect individual to carry out their experiment. After all, what is one forgotten orphan's life compared to the whole of humanity. Will James thrive on the ground or will he simply survive?

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43 Chs


"Clarke Griffin, as in the leader of the hundred?" I ask for clarification, a ruthless smile forming on my face. Seeing my smile, the hope that she has in her eyes visibly disappears, to only be replaced by a small sense of dread.

Coming to the realization that I was in fact not there to rescue her, she tried to cover up her growing sense of dread as best as she could. Raising her chin slightly, she answers me as proudly as she can. "Yes." She confirms, her voice only slightly wavering due to her nervousness.

"Good." Pulling out a set of handcuffs that I procured from a guard earlier, I throw them towards Clarke. "Put those on."

It looks like she is about to refuse, but I quell any budding idea she has with a single look. Returning my attention back towards the President, "Do not talk, and do not make any sudden moves without my say so. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal." The president replies icily, glaring at me.

After securing Clarke and Wallace, I radio Echo and inform her of the situation, as well as telling her to proceed with the next step. Overhearing my conversation, I could tell that Wallace wanted to inquire as to what my plan was, but he didn't want to test my patience.

"Alright, here's how it is going to go. We will be making our way to the command center. There will be no talking between you two and if you do not follow my every order, there will be consequences. Do you understand?" I ask my captives coldly. They nod in confirmation and I can't help but be pleased.

"Good, now let's move."


John's PoV:

I can't help but feel a little excited as to what's about to happen. Today is the day Chancellor Jaha dies, and I am going to be the one that ends his life. We will be bringing Jaha out of his cell in a few hours, we will then escort him to the military encampment that we have recently set up in the area surrounding Camp Jaha. All twelve clans have contributed to this encampment by sending a number of warriors in answer to Heda's call. Each clan has contributed a number of warriors based on their population and military strength, the biggest contributors are Trikru and Azgeda as they are the strongest and largest clans.

This large encampment is a direct show of force directed towards the Ark, and it is a might that is numbered in the thousands. It is a sea of bloodthirsty warriors, each and every single one of them eager and ready to kill the invaders that fell from the sky. The warriors are comparable to a raging ocean during a storm.

"Are you alright John?" A soft voice speaks up behind me, a pair of arms accompanying it and encircling my bare chest from behind.

A small smile spreads across my lips at the sound of the voice. "Yeah, I'm alright. I was just thinking about slaying a demon of mine."

"A demon huh? I can be your demon if you want…" the voice suggests seductively, one of the arms encircling my chest lowers considerably, inching towards the bed sheets covering my crotch.

"As much as I would love a repeat of what we had last night, I have duties to attend to." I say with a small chuckle, slipping out of the arm's grasp and getting out of bed. Turning around I look at the naked woman that is laying in my bed with a small pout on her face.

"We will Continue when I get back, Ontari. Then we shall see who the real demon between us is." Giving her pouting lips a quick kiss, I get ready for the day. Strapping on my armor and grabbing my weapon, I head towards the prison.


There isn't much light in the prison. The cells are located underground and the corridors are sparsely lit, bathing the prison cells in darkness with the occasional dancing shadow that accompanies a patrol's torch.

Taking advantage of the darkness in the prison, I stand unnoticed in the shadows across from Jaha's cell. The man in question sat with his back against his cell's wall, completely unmoving. If it wasn't for the rise and fall of the man's chest due to his breathing, he could easily be mistaken as dead.

The prison guards know how important this particular prisoner is and so they took extra care of him, as shown from the bruising on his face and the dried blood on his clothing. Deciding it was time to make my presence known, I stepped out of the shadows and lit the wall torch near the cell's door.

Tossing a pebble into the cell, it hit Jaha in the head which roused him from his sleep. "Wake up." I say loudly, making sure he is awake and that I have his undivided attention.

Hearing my voice, Jaha looks up at me with a face filled with displeasure. It's been quite a while since Jaha had last seen me so it doesn't really surprise me that there is no recognition in his eyes.

"Today's the day you die, Chancellor."

Jaha looked confused at my words. "How do you know of that title?" he croaks out, his voice raspy due to not having used it for a while, completely ignoring the part where I said he dies today.

"What, you don't recognize me, old man?" I ask with a smirk on my face.

Hearing my words, he gets even more confused. Getting up with a little bit of a struggle, he limps towards the cell door to get a better look at my face. Quicker than I would have thought, Jaha gets a look of recognition. "John Murphy…" He whispers, a look of disbelief replaces his previous recognition.

"The one and only." I say sarcastically, giving him a glare that is filled with all of the hate I have for the man.

The only reason I am not entering the cell and killing Jaha right now is because I know tonight he dies, and I will be the one to kill him. He is sentenced to death by a thousand cuts, and Heda promised me that I will be able to use her sword and run it through his heart. Tonight I will avenge my father and everyone else's parents that Jaha floated.


Lexa's PoV:

Walking through the many rows of military tents I can't help but feel pride. Pride from my people, and pride from what I've done. Twelve clans united as one, one army, one people, brought together by one Heda.

I couldn't do it alone though, James has always been with me every step of the way. Ever since we were children, it was he that would always be there supporting me. Even when I pushed him away, he would still support me. Looking back at how I treated him when Costia was killed, I cannot help but feel deep regret and sadness. As soon as this war is settled with Skaikru, I will bring The Mountain to its knees with the might of all twelve clans, as Heda I swear!

"Heda, are you alright?" Indra asks me, a look of concern on her face.

Quickly I steel my features once again and put on my Heda mask full of authority. "I am fine, Indra. Do not worry yourself with trivialities." I say without facing her nor faltering in my steps.

She was silent for a long moment as we walked. I knew that she was one of the few people that could see the cracks in my mask ever since the capture of James. Indra has known me ever since I was a little girl, it was not at all surprising that she would be able to spot the cracks the moment that I let my guard down.

"...Understood Heda." She eventually replies, her step once again in sync with my own.

After checking in with the important individuals present in our camp, Indra and I arrive back at my tent. My tent was a large war tent that could easily fit over a hundred individuals in it at one time, and that was just the main area. The tent's main area was wide and open, with my throne against the wall opposite of the entrance. Off to the side there are several private rooms that belong to my trusted personnel.

There were three rooms that connected to the common area of the tent. One belongs to me, while the others belong to John and James, though James hadn't used his room much since they had gotten together.

"Indra, how much longer until John arrives with the prisoner?" I ask without preamble, placing myself elegantly on the throne.

"The scout reports say an hour minimum, two at most, Heda." She replies promptly, standing tall in front of me.

Indra is one of my best, and there is no one I trust more than her other than James. Out of all of my generals and clan leaders, she is the only one that I know is loyal without question.

Nodding in response, I start thinking about the prisoner that is on the way. According to John, his name is Thelonious Jaha, and is the one in charge of Skaikru. He is the one that Camp Jaha was named after.

To name their first settlement back on Earth after the man, he must be rather influential. His execution will be a great blow to Skaikru's morale, they are not even aware he is still alive. After John informed me of the man's identity, I had Thelonious interrogated.

From the names he gave to us and with the identities confirmed by John, we now have a small list consisting of targets of interest. Two of the individuals provided were top priority capture or kill on sight. Those two targets are Abby Griffin, mother of Clarke Griffin, and Marcus Kane, the leader of the guard.

According to John, both of these targets are council members, and it is very likely that one of these two are now chancellor in Thelonious' absence. I already knew of Marcus Kane from James, but Abby's importance was new to me. Not only was she Clarke's mother, one of the two leaders of the hundred, but she is also the head healer. If she wasn't a councilwoman, the position of healer alone is enough to warrant her head.

"Indra, order Octavia and a couple other warriors to construct the execution site. Make sure that they are aware that it should be within direct view of the enemy's camp." I order calmly, wanting the enemy to know what awaits them.

"Understood, Heda." She quickly replies with a smirk on her face. Everyone in Trikru wants to see Skaikru blood spilt, and Indra is no exception.

Leaning back in my throne once Indra leaves, I can't help but smile inwardly at Skaikru's predicament. They are surrounded on all sides by thousands of bloodthirsty warriors that all want to see their destruction. Even if they wanted to stop the execution of Thelonious, they wouldn't be able to. They would be crushed like the insects they are as soon as they stepped foot outside of their gates.

"There will be no escape, and there will be no survivors. Jus drein jus daun."