

was defenseless against the continuous excitement that rocked my very being throughout the entire ride back to Polis. Ever since he was taken, I just knew that he was still alive… I could feel it. I don't know how or why, but ever since I took the Flame within myself and became Heda, it's like I could sense him. At first, I thought it was because we have been together ever since we were children, but if that was the case, then why did it start exactly when the flame accepted me?

Shaking my head in thought, I started to wonder if it had anything to do with his title as the Shield gon Hedas. Is it possible that the spirits of the former Hedas have somehow accepted him as a true shield to the Hedas? Or is there another reason that I have some sort of connection with him? I need to meditate and see what the spirits know of this connection after I return to Polis and reunite with James.

"Heda, we have nearly arrived." Indra suddenly announces, spotting Polis' tower peeking over the treeline.

"Excellent." I replied quickly, feeling impatient with the pace we had been traveling.

With Indra breaking my stream of thought on my connection to James, I started thinking about the information that the messenger arrived with. James had not only returned alive and well, but he had managed to capture Skaikru prisoners. Perhaps even more impressive, it is said that he arrived at Polis with hundreds of people that were thought to have been taken by the mountain men.

How did he escape the Mountain with all of those people? Did he rally his fellow prisoners and force his way out? Or did he make some kind of deal with the Mountain Men that allowed the freedom of himself or others? My thoughts ran wild with different scenarios of all kinds. However James escaped the Mountain, it was sure to be an amazing story.

Noticing several camouflaged guards in the trees along the road, I let a satisfied smile grace my features and I looked ahead towards the city's entrance.

I am greeted the same way as usual when I ride through the city gates. The loving cheers and chants of my people reach my ears and I make sure that my Heda mask is in place. I have worked very hard to build and maintain the image of a powerful Heda over the years of my rule. Every decision I have made as Heda has been for the betterment of my people and the coalition, and only recently have the benefits of my actions truly shown.

When the Coalition was first formed, many had doubts in their minds that it would succeed in the long run. While there have certainly been hiccups along the way, mainly due to Queen Naia's influence, the clans were finally showing a real united front that continued to strengthen every day.

The trade between clans has exploded exponentially and with it, the population and infrastructure of the clans. With no war and an abundance of food, the smaller clans have been thriving. Even Azgeda, the largest warmongers of them all, has calmed down recently and has shown encouragement towards the unity of the clans. I just hope that Queen Naia doesn't try to make another bid for my throne any time soon.

Even though I have formed the Coalition with peace on the forefront of my mind, I have not forgotten what she did to Costia… and I never will. She will be punished; it's only a matter of time.

I hear another rider coming up to my left, and I quickly glance to my side to see John approaching. After I had ordered the camp to be packed up, I sought John out and informed him of the news. When I told him that James was still alive and in Polis, I could practically see the weeks worth of worry and stress that plagued him melt away.

Other than myself, James' disappearance affected John the most. If it wasn't for our newest nightblood from Azgeda, I'm sure that he would have probably trained himself to death. He thought he was being sneaky with Ontari, but nothing can escape my eyes when it concerns one of my guards.

When I called him out on it, he almost looked like a young child that was caught stealing baked goods from a street stall. However, I knew that it would be hypocritical of me if I were to bar them from seeing each other. After John explained the situation and what he felt for Ontari, I had him go and retrieve her so that I could speak to them both.

The face on Ontari when she returned was one that was filled with resolution and only a slight trace of fear. From that face alone I could tell that if I were to deny them to each other, then she would fight me for the chance to be with him.

Satisfied with John's choice in a partner, I gave them my consent and gave them a speech on keeping business and pleasure separate. John sputtered at my words while Ontari smirked and gave respectful words of affirmation.

Since then, when John wasn't busy standing by my side, he could often be seen training with Ontari and the other nightbloods. He has risen in skill by leaps and bounds since the disappearance of James, and I am fully convinced that he would be satisfied with John's growth. He has grown into a fine warrior in such a short time, and he's not the only one.

According to Indra, Octavia was quite the force to be reckoned with as well. The fact that two of the former Skaikru members that we have taken in were such natural warriors had me intrigued. I started to wonder if all of Skaikru had as much potential as those two. The thought almost made me regret ordering the deaths of the majority of Skaikru members after the siege of Camp Jaha.

"How are you feeling, Heda?" John asks happily, his mask doing nothing to hide the smile behind it.

Instead of replying, I merely sent him a small smirk and urged my horse to walk faster.

Arriving at the base of my tower, I order a couple of guards to lead my horses to the stables, and Order Indra to make sure that the prisoners are properly secured in Polis' prisons. I'll see to them after I have reunited with James.

Making our way to my throne room, John and I ascended the tower at a hurried pace.

Once we reach the throne room doors, I take a deep breath to try and get my emotions under control before I enter. Looking towards John, he makes a "you first" gesture with one of his hands and a smirk on his face.

I give him a thankful smile, and when I finally gather myself, I open the doors and see that the chamber is empty, except for the lone figure standing sentry beside my throne.

As soon as I see him, all thoughts of professionalism fly from my mind and are quickly replaced with one single thought. He's alive.

Almost as if my body was on autopilot, I ran towards him with tears of joy blurring my vision, eager to be able to touch and know without a doubt that he is alive and not some illusion.

Eager to be able to hold me in his arms once more, he moves to meet me halfway. I throw my arms around him tightly and bury my face in the crook of his neck, while at the same time he wraps his arms around me comfortingly and securely, spinning us around to dissipate the momentum of our collision.

We don't say anything for several minutes and just enjoy being in each other's arms once more. His earthy pine scent permeates my nose and I sigh in contentment and squeeze my arms tighter, unwilling to let him go.

I feel his grip on me tighten comfortably in response before he runs a hand through my hair gently.

Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, but in reality was only a few minutes, we reluctantly pulled back and I took in his appearance.

James was wearing one of his more generic lightweight leather armors that fit his figure perfectly and had a sword strapped to his hip. His usual attire and spear were nowhere in sight. He was sporting a fresh shave and his dark hair was in its usual clean-cut appearance.

His normally bright eyes were dulled and seemed to have a foreign trace of haunting to them. However, he looked down at me with a soft smile that contradicted the pain that James was currently hiding. My smile faltered for a split second at his pain, but I quickly hid it by capturing his lips in a passionate kiss.

I released a light moan into his mouth when I felt his hands start to wander. A burning heat started to build up in my core, and just when I was seconds away from tearing away his armor, an awkward cough sounds off behind me.

We separated quickly with a small chuckle shared between us. Embarrassed, I feel my face start to heat up and I see James looking over my shoulder with a smirk directed towards who I assume is John.

Steeling my face, I turn around and see John standing awkwardly near the door, his face beet red. I open my mouth to tease him when James beats me to it.

"See something you like, John?" He says with a teasing lilt, stepping towards his second to see how much he has changed.

"I should be the one asking you that. I have improved greatly in your absence. I may even be able to defeat you in a spar now." John laughs, shooting James a challenging look.

"Ha! That's a good one. The student is always thinking that they are better than the master." James places his hand on John's shoulder. "None are so empty as those who are full of themselves… I shall humble you later."

My brain seems to stall hearing James's words. He sounded very similar to the previous Heda right then, Matthew would be proud of who he has become.

"James, a lot has happened since you were captured. I had led a successful siege upon Camp Jaha; Skaikru is no more." I inform, approaching the two.

James looks towards me with a proud smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes, once again pointing towards his unseen pain, hidden towards everyone but myself. My concern for him increases and I make a mental note to try and understand where this pain is coming from and help him heal.

"You know... " He grips my waist firmly. "Conquering your enemies is kind of sexy. I have a lot to tell you as well." He sultrily whispers, nuzzling my neck gently.

His voice sends shivers down my spine and I can't help squeezing my eyes shut and letting out a low mewl in pleasure when I feel him nibble on my neck gently. The fire that I felt in my core returns with a fiery vengeance and I rub my thighs together in anticipation.

James has been gone for weeks, and now it's time to make up lost time.

"John!" I suddenly shout, getting the attention of the stupefied guard.

"Yes, Heda?" He questions hesitantly, startled by my shout.


I'll be honest, I am not very satisfied with this chapter at all. I'm not sure why, I just reaaaally don't like it. Not only that, but it was also very difficult for me to write. I don't know if it's just because I have been in the "dumps" for a bit, but yeah.

Anyways, a special shoutout to these individuals for their amazing support!

DolphinMafia, Taurus99, david_reid_8027, Tessio, BrotherJ, and Joann123

CallMeQuotescreators' thoughts