
Post Praimfaya Chapter 28

Bellamy steps into her path to stop her, and suddenly every guard in the room has their weapons raised, trained on him. When I looked at Bellamy, I saw a look of confusion, mingled with fear, pass over his face, before Octavia orders her men, "Stand down."

As soon as their weapons were lowered, Bellamy pleads, "Please, O, just hear us out."

To be fair, we could have easily knocked everyone in the room down and taken Octavia away, but frankly, that would do more harm than good. So I decided to go with the diplomatic route. "Look at me, Octavia. No one wants to get to that valley more than me and my daughter, because it's our home. But the path you want to take is dangerous."

"Dangerous? Explain."

Octavia grabs my hand and pulls me over to the map, expecting me to explain to her what I meant, "Show me Leon, what's so dangerous in this nothingness."

"You chose the shortest route, which makes sense, but the dry seabed is hit by almost constant sandstorms and believe me when I tell you that you don't want to be caught in the middle of that."

"We have the tents from the Second Dawn. The sandstorms won't be a problem."

"It's not just sand." When they heard me, everyone, including my friends turned their heads and stared at me, "Clarke and I found this the hard way, but some of the sand crystallized in Praimfaya. Which makes those small crystals as sharp as a razor blade. That means that your tents will be torn to shreds, and so will you and your people."

The tattooed woman listens to what I told them before and immediately disagrees with me. "Blodreina is right. Besides, we can only carry rations for 7 days, the sea route will take 6. The next shortest path adds 50 miles. That's two days if we're lucky."

"How do we know there won't be sandstorms on the longer routes?"

The tattooed woman shook her head, vehemently disagreeing with me. "We can't risk wasting precious time and resources. The sea route is the best option. That's the path we should take Blodreina."

"Enough. We're doing this. The hydro farm is barely feeding us now, so if this is the last living valley on Earth, then it should be ours."

Bellamy counters, "O, Diyoza thinks the same thing and unlike you, she has the best defense out there."

"It doesn't matter! We fight or die trying." She turns and walks from the room without another word, the other guards following behind her. Only Indra lingers, giving Bellamy a serious look. "Your sister needs you, Bellamy. I'm glad you're here for her."

Bellamy doesn't say anything, and Indra moves towards the door, motioning to the right of it. "There are packs with the rations here by the door."

And then she walks out the door, following after her commander, already yelling orders as soon as she was outside. Bellamy, Monty, Miller, Emori, Harper, Madi, Echo, and I stood there in silence, looking at each other for a few seconds, when Bellamy mutters, "Am I crazy or were they gonna kill me for getting in my sister's way?"

"Looked that way to me, but we can't let her go alone. We should  stick together, guys"

"So, what are we gonna do now? Bellamy, your sister is clearly not the same one, and with the grounders seeing her like some sort of second coming of Lexa, I doubt we could stop her."

"Look Monty, Raven and Murphy are in trouble, so I have to go with them." I nod, at Bellamy since he was right, and he turns to grab the packs, pulling his on and holding the others to us. "Six day hike through sandstorm country, with gladiator cults. What could go wrong?"

"A lot. I'm not coming with you guys."

Bellamy's eyes widened in shock as he heard my words . He stared at me for a moment, before he finally came back to his senses "You're not coming with us?" he asked and I could see that he was surprised and concerned.

"No, Bellamy. I think it's best if I take Madi and return to the forest with the rover. Octavia needs you more than she needs me, besides she has more than enough soldiers to fight her war and maybe, just maybe, she'll listen to someone she trusts."

Surprisingly enough, Monty was the first one to argue with me. "Leon, it's dangerous ,not to mention that we can't let you go alone."

I smiled at him, appreciating his concern. "I know it's risky, but it's a risk I'm willing to take. Madi and I will be careful. Besides, if anyone can move in the forest without being seen is me ,since I've spent five years hunting in that place."

Then, Echo walks towards me, surprising everyone with her request. "Can I come with you, Leon?" she asked earnestly. "I want to help. I want to make things right, for all of us."

I blinked, momentarily taken aback by Echo's unexpected offer. She was the last person I had anticipated would offer to help or come with me. But as I looked into her eyes, I saw the genuine desire to make things right, something that she must have wanted for a long time.

After a few tense seconds in whom I didn't said anything, I nodded to her, making her let out a sigh of relief. "Fine by me. You can come with us, but if you ever so slightly try to harm Madi, I swear you will wish for me to killing you."

The others look at each and they too sigh out in relief, most likely they had expected me to lash out at Echo or even refuse her right there without giving her a chance to argue back And before we left, Bellamy came next to me and spoke with me. "Take care of yourselves out there. I'll make sure that my sister isn't leading those people to certain death."

"I know you will, Bellamy. You guys take care of each other too, since I doubt Octavia would even care if you guys get injured considering everything that we had seen."

"Don't worry, Leon. Miller and I are more than ready for this, besides even Monty ,Harper and Emori can take care of themselves if needs be."

I didn't waste any more time and after I shook his hand,  I turned away from him, before making my way towards the rover where Madi and Echo were already waiting.

When I approached the vehicle, I saw both of them talking. Madi looking extremely excited to hear stories about us or whatever Echo was telling her, while Echo's expression was somewhat relaxed, almost as if she was enjoying telling Madi those stories.

With a small smile plaster on my face, I climbed into the driver's seat, settling myself behind the wheel. "Are you both ready?"

Madi nodded eagerly "Yes, I'm ready."

Echo, sitting beside Madi, gave me a firm nod as well. "I'm prepared, Leon."

Without saying anything, I shifted the rover into gear and began driving, the vehicle rumbling forward as we left behind what was once Polis.

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Special thanks to my Tier 3 patrons : 

Bartosz Waszak,Nick Young

B,Ayub Abd

scifighter,Shannon Smacher

Rick Villarreal,Travis cox

MeatBunKuncreators' thoughts