
Chapter 88 - To hell with that !

Half an hour ago, before Raven managed to contact Kane.

I run out of the president's office hoping to catch up with Finn before the Azgeda assassin could fight back and most likely win against him.

The longer Finn and the assassin were left alone, the lower his chances of being alive would become. Rather than letting him go alone after that man, I should have followed along or even let Finn take care of the dying Gina, but no, I had to believe in my friend and for that, he may have just paid the ultimate price.

These bastards had managed to open the main entrance, no doubt courtesy of Cage and because of that, the whole bunker was now as cold as the outside. The cold air made me feel the cold weather even here, deep inside the mountain, and while Raven, Sinclair, and Wells would fix the entrance, whatever Cage wanted to achieve by forcing the door open had already happened.

In all honesty, I had absolutely no idea where either Finn or the assassin was. There was nothing that could have given me any clue, nothing seemed to indicate if a fight broke out in the hallway or not, besides even if it had happened, the assassin was smart enough to use a weapon that wouldn't let out visible or noticeable traces if he's forced to kill another person other than his target.

With every step I took, the calm hallway seemed to shift into something else. Everything seemed to be unchanged, not even touched by a human hand, but at the same time, the nagging feeling that kept me alert ever since I first walked into this floor

Ignoring my senses so many times in the past had only brought me into the most dangerous and troublesome situations that I could have easily avoided if even for a second I would have thought rather than blindly going to slaughter. I hope I learned my lesson and before the small weapon could hit my neck, I crouched down, and quickly aimed my pistol at the assassin shooting the man in both arms and once in his right shoulder. Rather than killing the assassin, I reckon my lovely general and her sky equivalent would love to get their hands on this man alive.

As soon as the assassin tasted the back of my pistol, I quickly dashed into the room from where he emerged only to see a bleeding Finn trying with all of his strength to keep the bleeding from killing him. I cautiously kneeled beside him and touch his neck searching for a pulse. Once I found it, I let out a long sigh before calling Raven.

"Raven! This is Leon."

I didn't have to wait long to hear her panicked voice coming from the other side of the walkie-talkie.

"Leon? Thank god, where are you?"

"I took care of the assassin, but Gina was killed when we got there. Finn chased after him and got injured, can you send Jackson and a few hands here to help Finn?"

"Don't worry, Wells is already guiding Jackson and his team to your position. Try to keep the bleeding under control until they arrive. ETA 3 minutes."

"Roger and out."

After hearing what I needed to know, I quickly raised his shirt exposing the still slightly bleeding wounds. While his blood wasn't flowing like crazy thanks to Finn using some of the bed sheets as a makeshift bandage, he had already lost quite a lot of blood, and judging by the way his blood looked (A/N: A darker shade of red in case anyone wants to know), the assassin has struck his major organs just like he did to Gina.

Thankfully, I didn't have to put pressure on the wounds for more than a few minutes before Jackson alongside four other people from Farm Station came to the rescue. I could only let Finn on the hands of our doctor while I grabbed the assassin and dragged the man towards one of the rooms where Byrne and Anya would meet after the two women finish cleaning the Azgeda warriors that were still outside of our bunker.

At the same time, Raven just managed to inform Kane about the unexpected assault that could have been a decisive victory for the Ice Nation if we didn't manage to stop the place from blowing up.

"He is not dead yet, sir. While he suffered some bad injuries from the assassin, Jackson managed to stabilize his wounds to some extent. Unfortunately, we still need Abby otherwise he will die."

"How many of our people had died, Reyes?"

"Well, sir… fifteen of our people and almost forty warriors that came together with Anya and the boy had died. While the invading force lost more than two hundred warriors and ten dinosaurs that were unleashed on our allies."

"Thank you for informing me, Reyes. Until we are back, Sinclair will be in charge of the place."

There was no need for Raven to respond to his last words and because of that, Kane took a deep breath before he turned around and looked at the commander, who nodded at him. Not wasting any more time, Kane, alongside the whole group from mount weather left the room, despite the arguments coming from the prince and his supporters.

Pike, Abby, and Kane walked into the chancellor's room while Bellamy, Octavia, and the rest of the soldiers were left outside to guard the door and keep the grounders from broking in, just in case the Ice Nation decided to silence them as well.

Inside the room, Pike was arguing with the two not-so-subtle lovers.

"I told you they are not our allies! Look what your showing them the right way brought us! If not for our people fighting and dying, the Ice Nation would have blown up the bunker alongside everyone that was inside!"

"Calm down, Pike. We don't know for certain who attacked the mountain, besides we can't wage war either if the Azgeda was really behind the attack. We can only wait to see what the commander decided before we make our move."

"Then what do you suggest us to do, Marcus? Wait and pray until the next attack? To hell with that!"

Pike couldn't believe Marcus' stupidity and desire to be part of the same alliance that had betrayed them once before. Rather than seeking revenge for the fallen soldiers that gave their life, Kane would rather let their sacrifice be in vain than do something meaningful.

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Special thanks to my Tier 4 patrons :


Fallout Armagedon

And to my Tier 5 patrons :

Brandon M

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