
Chapter 59 - Bone Marrow

"The experiment is a success!"

"Splendid. Now, we can destroy the so call alliance from within."

"But sir, we still can't be sure that he would listen to us, at least not yet. I propose we use another weapon to take care of their leaders before we send him to wreak havoc amongst his panicked and unorganized people. And after everything cools down, we can send our people to the surface without having to fear our lives."

"The sacrifice of those kids would not be in vain."

"Here you are wrong, Lorelei. These are just paying the price for our protection. Besides, they are helping us bring our people to the surface as well as removing those ungrateful people that are sabotaging our return."

Meanwhile, their newest and most likely strongest reaper was just standing beside them, still held by metal shackles. While I don't remember what they did to me, I know for sure that they used everything, even the yet not tested drugs to transform me into a reaper, and even though they succeeded in "brainwashing " me, the Dr. didn't expect to create a better pawn in her mad run for success.

As for how I was caught by them, well for that we need to return to when Lincoln brought me and Bellamy to the place where the reapers get their dose of drugs.

Both Bellamy and I were dressed as grounders while Lincoln was dressed in the reaper attire he got to use when he was still under the influence of those drugs. The closer we got to the door, the better we got to see the reapers and their prisoners that were going to be offered to Mt. Weather as payment for the drugs.

Lincoln quickly made us kneel beside the rest of the prisoners, just in time for the guards to walk through their armored door. The guards used something to make the reapers back away before one man walked forward with a syringe, as well as some liquid drug.

One of the guards walk in front of every prisoner before he called for his colleague. "The first four are going to the cages, but the last one, Dr. Lorelei would love him."

"As you wish. What about the last one?"

"To the cage as well."

Something was wrong, but before I or Bellamy could react, the guards shot us with some tranquilizers and the last thing that we saw before we lost consciousness was how Lincoln betrayed us for the drugs.

When I woke up, I found myself near these two people, one in a doctor's outfit while the other one in a suit, but that wasn't the strangest thing that happened to me. What was worse and strange than that was the lack of response I got from my body when I tried to move. I tried everything but to no avail, whatever they did to me, made me lose control over my body, or at least it somehow made my body act on its own while at the same time trapping me inside my head.

Suddenly, a soldier rushed inside the room. Thankfully, they had me face the door for some reason. Looking at the man that was clearly exhausted, I realized that something must have happened inside the bunker.

"What's happening Emerson? Didn't I order you to find their hidden army?"

"I've failed sir, but even so, my captivity did gain us some valuable information about the enemy movement. Our people have confirmed that the leader of the grounders as well as Clarke Griffin will meet today to discuss their strategy on how to attack us. Sir, I ask for permission to depart."

"Even if you didn't ask, I would have sent you Emerson, since you are the only one that had undergone the cure, but you won't go there and kill these two. We will use a missile to take care of them, your mission is to guide the missile as well as confirm if the targets are killed."

Emerson nodded, before he left the room in a hurry, while their leader turned around and glanced at me.

"Have someone move this guy away from this room. Hopefully, we won't have to use him anytime soon."

While I was transformed into a reaper, Bellamy had an easier time getting out of the cage room than I from my new addiction.

He had never really been claustrophobic, something no one that was born on the Ark was, but right now, he was feeling like one. As he was slowly crawling through the small vents of Mount Weather, Bellamy could feel how he slowly became claustrophobic. How his chest was slowly tightening, how he was sweating, how his breath was slowly getting worse, but amidst those symptoms he pushed himself forward, trying to ignore where he was and focus on his mission. Thankfully, he heard some voices, or who knows how his body would have reacted when these symptoms became worse than they were already.

Suddenly he heard Rave's voice. "Bellamy, tell us where you're at now."

He stopped crawling for a moment as he looked left and right realizing there were two different paths he could take. The only problem was that he had no idea which one was the right way.

"I'm at a T-junction. Can you help me find the right way?"

Seeing that Raven didn't know how to help, Bellamy decided to take a chance and went left, still waiting for Raven to say something, but when the familiar buzzing was heard once more, instead of Rave's voice, he heard Clarke.

"You are close, Bellamy. Their lab should be somewhere close to you"

"Can you be more specific, princess? I don't see any sign that tells me if I'm going in the right way."

Not even a full minute after he said that, the horrifying sound of the drill was heard coming from somewhere up ahead. "Nevermind, girls, I found it."

Clarke and Raven could hear the sound over the radio as Bellamy crawled through the air vents as he was slowly and quietly crawling his way towards the source of that noise. Since he kept the radio on, he was sure that Clarke and Raven could hear the sound, so he did not have to confirm their guesses. When he found himself above the room, Bellamy knew that this was the point where he would have to keep the talking to a minimum so that he could stay hidden for a little while.

Bellamy stared in disgust and horror through the small openings that let his glance into the room, but what he saw made him realize how the real monsters were. One of the delinquents was lying on a table motionless with blood flowing from his mouth, ears, and eyes as he was used as living storage for something, but when he saw the needle and where the doctor inject it, Bellamy understood the purpose of this "operation"

"They are doing a bone marrow extraction on our friends."

Thanks to the soundproofing the laboratory had, Bellamy as well as Clark and Raven could hear everything the doctor was saying.

"You ready for the last treatment you'll ever need, lieutenant?"

"You have no idea, mam. I've waited my whole life to breathe fresh air."

When she heard the man's voice, Clarke immediately recognized who he was. "That's Emerson, the guy Octavia captured."

Meanwhile, another voice continues the conversation with Emerson."Let us get back to the secret army that she claims to have. She told you anything that might help us find it?"

"No, sir. As I told you previously, I tried to find it, but to no avail. This may be a bluff to keep us occuptied while they believe they can sneak upon us."

"I doubt that's their plan, but well, you can never know what those savages think. From what we all know they may be planning to cut the vault door open with their swords and arrows."

"Well, sir, we still have the other alternative that you proposed earlier today ."

"Yes, you are riight, Emerson. Their war council… a pity they all will be killed by our missle, but who I am to cry over their deaths?"

The whole time Bellamy didn't say a word, fearing that these people may hear him. Once the two men and the doctor left the room, Bellamy quickly turned back the way he came and crawled his way to the entrance of the vents. When he exits the vents, he activates the earpiece in his ear and lets out a sigh, before he nervously talked.

"I hope you two heard that."

"We heard it, Bellamy."

"We have to warn them, Clarke."

"Raven, if I leave now, I should make it in time to warn them."

"Clarke, you will only arrive in time for the missle to blow you as well."

"When I get back, I wanna know our friends are safe and the acid fog is down. Can you two handle that?"

For a few seconds, neither Raven nor Bellamy said anything, but in the end, both of them said the same thing. "We can do it."

"Good then, be safe Bellamy, and save our friends."

"I will and Clarke, Octavia was in TonDc, has she?"

"She here, Bellamy. She's safe from whatever is going there."

As bad as it makes her feel, Clarke knew that Bellamy needs to believe his baby sister was away from this madness, or else he too would be a lost cause.

Clarke didn't waste any time and after she said that Octavia was safe, she left, but not before she saw Finn standing beside a horse at the gate as if he was waiting for her.


"Hey, Clarke. Ready to go?"

"To where?"

"I heard everything. I am coming with you."

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Special thanks to my Tier 3 patrons :

Julian R

Fallout Armageddon


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