
Thaumatosian Tales

Slice of life in Modern-day Thaumatos, a world where magic is the norm and humanity is, well, not. Heads up, this is a series of short stories that are all connected but can be read individually. There is a core group of beings that will be focused on so it won't be too chaotic.

RedsFables · Fantasía
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10 Chs

What a Dragon Must Do Pt. 1

Location: The Dragon's Cottage

So there Scribe was leaning against the counter in the kitchen eating an apple minding their own business when Lew, a five-centimeter long red dragon, woke up. Grey eyes blinked blurrily as Lew rubbed a paw across his face to wipe away the small dream seeds that had formed from his sleep. who had been curled around the base of the rarely used blender asleep, woke up.

Lew lazily stretched like a cat waking up from an afternoon nap in the sun before he stood and ambled over to the edge of the counter. Lew hooked his from claws over the edge and sunk his front down, slowly untucked his bat-like wings, and straightened them up and out.

Something caught the young dragon's attention as he eased out of his morning stretchies and he wandered over the black rectangle. Lew stopped a few centimeters away and crouched down, his tail flicking side to side as he waited. When there was no response, he pounced! Lew landed perfectly on the cell and began to gnaw on the corner, while his little black claws scrabbled harmlessly across.

The sound caught Scribe's attention and they let out a chuckle as they ended a phone call and scooted the phone away and picked up the dragon. "What are you doing Lew? That is my cell. Do not eat cell phones or call anyone without permission until you are older or if there is an emergency. Besides, you don't have to guard The Dragon's Cottage. The imps provide ample security, and if an intruder does get in, they are well versed in what punishments they are allowed to dole out and how to do it. You have not received any training on how to handle such matters. Even more so Lew, you have plenty of time to figure out what it is that you want to do. You do not have to stay here when you grow up. In fact, I think that you should take some time to explore Thaumatos before settling down in any particular place. It is important to experience new things in different places." Scribe affectionately lectured, dark eyes dancing in amusement as they tickled the little dragon's rounded belly.

Lew wriggled out of their grasp but wound his tail around a finger. Lew then posed grandly at the edge of Scribe's finger, his chest puffed out proudly with wings displayed in a fiercesome manner. Lew let out a series of tiny sparks that danced through the smoke and waited. The effect was ruined though due to his small size. Instead of appearing ferocious, small dragon resembled a cute albeit ornamental ring.

Lew didn't understand why Scribe chuckled again something about the way Scribe was looking at him made Lew feel offended. Lew cocked his head to the side and stared at Scribe for a moment a gleam beginning to grow in his grey eyes. Without any warning, Lew viciously bit the tip of Scribe's finger and jumped.

"Ack!" Even if Lew was only five centimeters, nose to tail, that didn't mean that his needlepoint teeth didn't hurt. Scribe held onto their abused finger while Lew darted back to the unguarded phone.

Lew grabbed hold of the phone and laboriously pumped his wings until he reached one of the several custom miniature dragon-size perches that hung from the ceiling. Lew's tail swayed back and forth in an effort to make up for the larger-than-Lew sized quarry as he landed. Lew circled and laid down on phone.

"Lew! "What did I just say about phones?!"

Lew shrugged his tiny shoulders in response and stared down imperiously. "Hmph, make fun of him, would you? Fine then, this is mine. Bah! Also, I'll show you!" Lew thought as he resumed chewing on the corner all the while keeping eye contact.

"Oh really, I specifically told you that you are not allowed to chew on or call" Scribe added hurriedly as a series of chimes sounded from the phone, "anyone! Especially not after the water closet incident. Now bring the phone back this instant!" Scribe demanded.

Lew's tail flicked back and forth agitatedly. Not only was Scribe making fun of him, but now they brought up that terrible day, and Scribe is still not apologizing! Lew's eyes narrowed, nope. Absolutely not. Lew shook his head and let out a plume of fire in response to the demand.

Scribe's right eye twitched in vexation and they walked to the counter, put both hands on top, and leaned forward, and breathed to calm down. Internally Scribe told himself that Lew was still just a baby and to take a breath. However, the sound of the little dragon scratching and pawing at the phone behind them was grating.

That water closet incident had been... Bad. Unfortunately, Scribe had had to replace his Ghoulia. Sadly the store no longer carried the sturdy but plain phone brand and Scribe had ended up getting the Phantasm 2.0, much to his pocket book's dismay. While Scribe knew that their phone needed to be fireproof there were no records anywhere detailing a fire dragon's love of water. So when Scribe had read through the reviews exonerating how the Phantasm 2.0's water and fireproof was what had cinched the deal.

Now that Scribe had taken a minute to calm down, it was time to resolve the issue peacefully to avoid another accident from occurring, again. Scribe faced Lew and asked straightforwardly, "Lew, do you want to blow up the kitchen? Wasn't the water closet enough? If you break my phone, just a spark from it will electrocute you again! Then when what happens?" Scribe peered up at the dragon.

"If this happens then it will just like the water closet incident all over again." Scribe continued on. They gave an internal 'Huzzah!' when they noticed Lew flinch at the mention of the water closet. Okay, so that was effective, might as well keep going.

"Not only will you end up electrocuting yourself, but you, because you are conductive, you will zap others! While this is happening, you will reflexively set something on fire. The combination of electricity and fire will cause another or possibly multiple explosions!" Scribe checked for the dragon's reaction, only to find that Lew had wrangled the phone up, was busily chewing on the corner. Scribe could feel another twitch develop in reaction to the dragon's uncaring appearance, but they held firmly onto their unraveling patience.

"Bring me the phone now. Please." Scribe gritted out. Two small fireballs flew at Scribe's head. The only reason it didn't hit was due Scribe paying close attention and there was a little bit of distance between the two. Scribe ran to the sink, wetted a dish towel, and quickly snuffed out the small fire.

"Fine, I see how this is going to be." Scribe drew themself up and stomped across the kitchen. When they grabbed the door, they froze. Those number-based chimes! Scribe whirled back towards the dragon and barked out, "I told you no calling the imp-removal number! Just because you dislike imps does not mean that we don't need them here keeping an eye out for burglars when the cottage is closed!"

Lew ignored Scribe and the sounds of the scratching grew deeper. Scribe winced, unsure if their insurance covered damage by a dragon. "I am sorry I upset you, Lew. I really am. I know you want to take care of this place, but you are too young and if we are being honest, there is just one of you. It wouldn't have been such an issue if you were..." Scribe trailed off when Lew shot them a look of utter betrayal.