
Things that can't be changed

''How long has it been already''. I was standing on top of a building looking down at the cars passing by. Its already been 4 hours since I got here, but all I did was stare down and watch the vehicles moving.

My name is Aaron, I am 17 years old and I am someone who failed at life. Some may argue that I am not old enough to make a statement like that. But I just can't take it anymore. My father was a drunkard and a drug addict, he used to hit me and my mom. but my mother always tried to protect me and took good care of me.

The only thing she asked me in return was to be successful. But after she passed away when I was 12, I slowly started to become like my father. I started doing drugs.

For a while I thought it is okay to do whatever I want as long as I have good grades and go to a good college, but as I got older my grades started dropping. I tried to break free of my addictions but I simply couldn't, I just couldn't no matter what, I just couldn't.

Today my Entrance test results were announced and guess what, I failed miserably. I barely got into a third rate university. I failed to keep my promise to my mother and more than anything the guilt of not being able to be free from my addictions is killing me.

I took a decision to end my life and came to a nearby building from my home, I came to the top floor and thought I'll jump off. But I am so pathetic that I can't even do this properly. I came here about 4 hours ago but still can't jump off.

I am scared to die but I don't want to live either. ''Aah screw it'' I finally came to a decision and went closer to the edge, I looked down at the same sight I've been watching since the last 4 hours.

''I'm so pathetic'' I was still scared. Tears started running down my face ''I'm sorry mother'' I let my body loose and fell horizontally. I could see the sunset in the nearby distance, I felt wind brushing past my face and hair and at that moment I felt grateful that I was alive. Even though I'm going to hit the ground soon and die, at that moment I felt thankful that got to see such a beautiful sunset.

''So Beautiful''


''Huh'' when I opened my eyes I was lying down on a grass field covered in dirt. ''Where am I'' I looked around and found nothing of much importance but I could see a small town in the nearby distance from the top of slope of a grass field I was lying on not too long ago.

''But how did I get to a place like this'' the last thing I remember seeing was a sunset while falling down the building. ''Aren't I supposed to be dead right now; don't tell me is this the afterlife'' I was very confused and didn't know what to do.

After contemplating my situation for a while I decided to go to the town. When I reached the entrance of the village two guards wearing a medieval style knight armor started talking to me

''Who are you'' one of the guard asked

''Uh; my name is Aaron''

''What is your business in the town''

''Well umm... I-I'm a passerby''

''Is that so''


''In that case where are you from, you're wearing weird clothes and seem suspicious''

''I-I'm not sure I'm just going into town for sight seeing and look at me I don't have anything but these clothes on me how is it suspicious''. The guard look at me for a while before saying ''Fine you're allowed'' and let me through the entrance.

I started walking down a street which seemed like market. There were so many vendors selling so many different things, ''mana fruits for only 3 bronze coins'', ''E-class beast meat for only 2 silver coins''.

It seemed strange, how can I understand what they are saying; it doesn't sound like the language I used when I was alive but I could still understand perfectly fine.

After thinking for a while I came to two conclusions, I am not dead and it seems that I have been transported to another world considering I still have the same clothes and vendors are selling food here and at least to my knowledge I don't think you need to eat food to survive in the afterlife.

The second conclusion is that if I have been transported to another world doesn't that mean that this world needs my help, maybe there's a problem here that only I could solve. ''Am I like a chosen one or something like that''.

My hypothesis may or may not be true; no I want it to be true, I really want to know how it feels to be important and how it feels to do something important because its been a long time since I felt like that. I've never done any important thing in my life, I failed at my life not because I was incompetent but simply because I couldn't break free of my addictions.

What's worse is that I am the reason my life turned out like this. It would be nice to blame someone else or something else in my life but I know the truth, I was the reason I couldn't achieve what I wanted.

But now I have a second chance at life. In this world I can try to achieve something worthwhile. So this time around I won't make the same mistakes again. ''I promise; this time I'll do something important, become someone great and worth remembering and more than anything I'll definitely achieve my goals in this world''.

That day I promised myself that I would become someone great and was willing to do whatever it takes to reach my goals.