
That Time Robert Frail Suddenly Gained Super Strength

According to the law of physics, Super Strength is one of the worst superpowers you'd have. And yet, it's what Robert has now out of completely nowhere at all. Was it when he bumped his head? Was it because he stubbed his toe? Or was it the 2-month-expired milk that he drank just yesterday? And so, began the time where Robert has to always be careful as to not break his surroundings, or even his own bones as much to his dismay.

HomelessChild · Ciencia y ficción
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1 Chs

Newton's Law of Motion

"I think i might have suddenly gained super strength." Robert said as he carefully eats his breakfast.

That is the only logical conclusion Robert could come up with about what had happened early in the morning.




Nobody knows.

But the only thing Robert knew is that it is something he has to live with for the rest of his life.


*beep beep beep*

The time is 7 AM. If this is any other day, almost everyone would be late for school if they just woke up during this time. Thankfully, it is currently after graduation so our boy Robert is safe for now.

The alarm clock has been ringing for 45 minutes now, but our little Robert has not yet woken up from his peaceful slumber.

The overly bright sunshine shining through the curtains, however, did woke him up.


Robert rubbed his eyes as he get up from his bed. The continual ringing from the alarm clock finally got to him so he lightly hit the mute button.


"Huh?" Robert's state of drowsiness vanished immediately once he heard a sound of something broken.

He looked the left of his side where the source of the sound is coming from.

An alarm clock smashed to pieces is what he has to see first hand in the morning.

"W-what? How? I'm pretty sure I..." he was shocked since he was pretty sure he did not hit it that hard.

"I guess i unconsciously put too much kinetic force since i just woke up." Robert said. He brushed it off and blamed it on his "just-woke-up" state for now.

"Hahh its fine, it was just a cheap device anyways." Robert said as he reached for the curtains to open them.


Robert finds himself grabbing a torn fabric. As he looked up to find where it originates from, he also find himself staring at the curtains currently in a critical condition.

"Am i still dreaming?" Robert thought to himself.

In order to realize that thought, he slapped himself and it hurts as expected.

What was not expected, however, was the ringing in his ears as a bright flash fills his eyes and his vision became wobbly.


The impact hit him so hard he instantly flew and collapsed on the floor.




The room was quiet for a long while until he regained his consciousness.

"Ughh... Wh- what happened...?"

After recollecting his thoughts, he realized that something fallacious is happening as of the current time.

"Did i... did i just have a concussion out of literally slapping myself?!" Robert exclaimed in his mind.

As he wake up from the floor, he finds a crack on it as if something that brought a very huge force resulted an impact with it.

"What the-"


Before he even finished his words of surprise, he might need to speak another one as he find himself stepping on a lego. It was all broken and shattered into pieces then and there.

"Something wrong is happening."

As Robert realized that something is indeed wrong, he starts being cautious with his movement as to not repeat the same mistakes.

And so, we have returned at the current time.

Robert cautiously picked his spoon and calculate how much force he should inflict as to not break the glass plate into pieces. It was unfortunately the only available plate at the moment.

"If the average mass of a stainless steel spoon is around 0,025 kg, and the force needed to break a glass is only 1 N, it means that the acceleration must not exceed 40 m/s². In simple words, i should just not recklessly swing my spoon and i'll be safe."

"The problem is a third party, which is me, is involving itself within the process which makes this a situation of mechanical energy. If the spoon is the potential energy, and something with unfathomable strength from unknown origin with, lets say, around 63000 N worth of force is the kinetic energy, which is the force needed to break a wall of bricks..."

Robert starts scratching his head. He has no choice but to rely on the power of physics since that is the only thing he knew and loved to learn.

He never thought that all his dedication of learning it would come to fruition at the moment when eating breakfast becomes one of the most hardest stunt to perform in the world.

"...Let's just say if the mass is equal to the value of force which will be 63000 kg since i won't be accelerating up to 1 m/s², perhaps if only move the spoon with the velocity not as fast as 0,025 m/s, in other words moving it as slow as i can, then it should be fine... i hope."

Putting his theory into practice, he scooped a chunk of fried rice slowly, and very slowly, with his spoon. Fortunately they all did not get sliced in half or went flying in all kinds of directions.

Now, what Robert needs to do is calculate how much kinetic force needed as to not make the spoon break his teeth or even penetrate through his mouth.

"Still taking into account that the mass is equal to the value of force, and since these grains of rice basically add zero weight with how light they are, it is necessary for me to move at the same velocity needed at the previous situation."


He did it, he managed to get a successful bite.

Now, Robert just needs to repeat the same actions for several times until he is full and satisfied with the food.

Which is what he did, for an hour long.


"I need to find another way of consuming food."