
That Time I Summoned A God

Rein? Never heard of him? Oh, you mean the guy who blew apart half the world looking for magic? The same dude who tells gods to shut up? Yeah, that's him. Honestly? Worthless trash in my book. But hey, if you like explosions, arrogant bastards, and overpowered idiots getting themselves into trouble, this might be your kind of story.

Aimless_Potato · Fantasía
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2 Chs


Shut the fuck up!"

With a loud bang, a helicopter unsteadily steered to dodge the fired bullet. Luckily for it, the bullet missed by a meter, allowing it to survive.

Rein lowered the rifle in his hands, annoyance evident in his expression.

"You're blocking the fucking moonlight. And reduce the fucking noise and wind too!" He cursed unhappily.

This time, the federal helicopters didn't dare to block his moonlight. They steered clear, still yelling for his surrender.

Rein paid them no attention and looked at the large complex diagram on the floor beneath his feet. He glanced indifferently at the person tied to the floor.

The individual's mouth was covered and only muffled sounds filled with tears and snots came from him. His red eyes was filled with begging.

Rein rubbed his forehead in sheer irritation.

"Why am I even getting hunted down right now?" He mused, looking at the sorry figure. "Honestly, it shouldn't be weird for this guy to die. He's killed almost the same number of people as—koff koff koff—me..."

A sudden cough interrupted his words. When he pulled his hand away, blood marked his palm. A flicker of annoyance crossed his face, then vanished. There were more important matters to attend to.

Just as he was muttering in vexation, the diagram, which looked an awful lot like a magic circle began to glow.

Rein's attention shifted to the events. Pulling a lever, specialized lenses in a machinery began to move and rotate. As the lens moved, the moonlight was concentrated into a visible ray that landed at the center of the diagram.

The ominous glow intensified by the second. Suddenly, shining patterns looking like veins slowly appeared on the captured man's body. Soon, his body was covered in frightening white lines. The man's eyes lost their pupils, the sclera glowing in that ominous color.

"Hades, you don't have to be too flashy about everything. Just come out," Rein said, rolling his eyes.

The glowing eyes of the chained man narrowed. He wanted to move his arms but he realized they were chained. Rein conveniently helped him pull the tape of his mouth.

"Mortal. Who are you?"

"Personally, I believe this is unnecessary. I don't have much time left so I'm just going to say it;" Rein said, ignoring the obvious question, "Give me magic."

There was a momentary silence before the chained person began laughing. The laugh was cold, bone-chilling and filled with rage.

The patterns on his skin and the glow in his eyes began to slowly intensify.

"Consider your world gone," The man coldly said, the energy around him swirling chaotically. The energy levels were getting frightening.

The buildup of power was supposed to have caused a boom capable of destroying multiple cities at the very least. However, silence reigned even after a while. The gathered energy simply dissipated like a poked balloon.

"How's it going?" Rein asked with a small amused smile.


"I don't know what you take me for but I certainly take you for a 1000 year old retard," Rein said, his gaze shifting to a rock with strange attachments.

Hades finally noticed the weird rope things connected from his legs to the unusual rock.

"A spirit stone? That can't hold my power," He sneered, his gaze filled with killing intent.

The moment the stone shattered from too much energy, he would blow up this body and this world along. As if to confirm his words, a crack began to form on the rock.

"A spirit stone... so that's what it's called," Rein wondered, his hands removing the rock from the attachments, "Anyways, that doesn't matter. I don't need to get magic through you specifically."

He indifferently took out a pistol and pointed it to Hades' head. Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger twice at point blank.

With a bullet in it's head, the body went limp without movement. Rein turned his attention to the rock in his hands, his anticipation palpable.

"I'll kill you!"

"Ahhh! Motherfucker!"


Rein calmed his heavy breathing after making the zombie body explode. He had skipped the part where Hades was the god of the dead. Shooting the body wouldn't kill him. He had a grenade to help, however.

He suddenly heard whirling blades, then, he stared at the multitude of helicopters returning after they had fled.

"Fucking military. Power is like their oxygen. They even ignore their own lives just to get a piece of this power."

However, he didn't pay them much heed. He casually pointed to a rope and shot it. Immediately, a thousands of spore-like objects were released into the air towards the incoming oppositions.

In the next instant, each one of those spores detonated. The ensuing boom was like thousands of rifles shot at the same time. The range of the explosion stretched over hundreds of meters. The explosion echoed through several hundred meters.

Meanwhile, Rein nonchalantly fiddled with the strange rock. It was much heavier than before, easily weighing kilograms at least. However, he wasn't normal either.

He held the rock in his hand and curled up his fingers. With much pressure applied from his fist, a kacha sound came out. A frightening energy slowly began to leak out. Rein's eyes suddenly widened.


In the next second, an explosive wave ripped through the air like the sound of an artillery shell. This explosion was several times more destructive than the spores.

When the chaos stopped, there was silence. An absolute silence.

Everything in several kilometers was vaporized. Buildings, people, trees, anything that could exist was turned to dust. Not even debris remained.

In the center of this explosion, a strange rock slowly crumbled into dust.

With no witnesses left, that day came to be known as the strangest unexplained event in human history.


| A point in the vast universe |

In a silent room, tension was in the air. The midwife had a serious expression as she instructed for the umpteenth time.


The woman on the bed with a swollen belly was currently panting heavily. Sweat soaked her clothes and her entire body felt dull. When she heard the midwife's voice, however, she had no choice but to keep pushing.

With a grit of her teeth, she poured all her strength into her final action. She let out a final shout of strength before passing out. However, the midwife had a smile on her face, a baby in her arms.

"H-How is he?" The woman asked, her drowsy eyes opening once more.

"He's wonderful, just like his mom," the midwife complemented, lowering the baby into his mother's arms.

Just then, the baby's eyes finally opened slowly. It's large eyes stared at the woman whose face was so close. The baby's mouth simply opened in utter confusion.

Where the fuck am I?

A new book, A new MC,

How do you like it?

- AP (Aimless Potato)

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