
That Time I Got Transmigrated as a Background Character

[WSA official entry.] Starting with our main character waking up to find himself in the body of a minor villain from the novel "Age of Heroes" named Kayden Ashbourne. He realizes there's no need to alter the story since the previous occupant had already committed every mistake typical of a minor villain. Kayden Ashbourne fits the mold of the typical arrogant young master often seen in academy arcs in web novels. Our protagonist, now inhabiting this 18-year-old's body, faces a dilemma. While he could choose to live quietly and let things be, the world he's landed in is on the brink of change, and his family is getting pulled into the chaos, whether he likes it or not. Now he was in a hurry to find something to protect himself and his actions directly lead to the original plot derailing and he finds himself dragged into the center of many conflicts happening in the world.

EgoForge · Fantasía
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17 Chs

Pirates and a Heart broken [3]


He slammed the tankard on the table like Jack had done, but unlike the ex-pirate, he didn't have much strength at all.

'Shit, my hand.'

And he hurt his hand.

"I didn't order any—"

The man's eyes widened as he saw who had slammed the tankard on his table.

Kayden sat down, leaning back in the chair, and just stared at the guy, who squirmed a little under his gaze.

'He's really uncomfortable.'

'But that fading light in his eyes... that's what happens when you lose hope.'

Black hair and eyes as black as the abyss. A typical hero with a handsome face, looking like he's in his early twenties.

An uncomfortable silence prevailed as they locked eyes.

The guy tried to avoid eye contact, not wanting to make an enemy out of a noble.


Another tankard hit the table along with two plates of full chicken roast.

"Thank you, Patchy."

Kayden said, not taking his eyes off the man sitting in front of him.

"Always a pleasure to serve you, young master."

Patchy was the vice captain to Captain Peg Leg Jack. He was a middle-aged man with a patch over his eye, hence the name Patchy.

"If there's anything you want, young master, just ask."

"Sure will."

With that, Patchy went away.

Kayden discreetly observed the guy in front of him and Patchy.

Seeing the guy not displaying any facial expression when Patchy came, Kayden sighed in relief.

'Looks like it hasn't started yet. Good. I've time.'


A moment later, Kayden pointed at the tankard he had smashed onto the table.

The guy hesitated for a second.

'He really looks like he just wants to get away.'

"I... uh... look, I'm sorry for yesterday. I was drun—"

"I didn't say anything about yesterday. I said to drink. Your cup is already empty. Shouldn't a man offer a drink to another man?"



The guy slowly picked up the glass and took a sip from it, all the while making eye contact with him.

'This is getting a bit uncomfortable now.'

'Tsk, tsk.'

'Why is this taking so long?'

Kayden took the fruit juice and slowly started drinking it, all the while making sure he was looking at the man too.

'Is it orange juice? It's good, alright.'

Feeling the gaze and becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the way Kayden was looking at him, the man drained the glass in one go.

'Good. Let's get this started.'

Kayden stealthily made eye contact with Patchy and nodded his head, signaling for another drink.

"So, why are you in this duchy, traveler?"

"...I was just passing by, young master."

The man didn't even look him in the eye.

'I guess he still has the conscience of a soldier, not wanting to lie to someone's face.'

"Passing by, huh? To Storm Reach?"

"Y-yeah. Storm Reach."

Storm Reach is a neighboring kingdom that shares a border with Ashbourne duchy.

Why the name? Because there's an everlasting storm brewing in the northwest sea.


Another tankard smashed onto the table.

"Anything else, young master?"

Kayden raised a hand, still not taking his eyes off the man in front of him. Understanding him, Patchy went away with a bow.

Kayden didn't catch the look Patchy gave the man in front of him. If he had seen it, Kayden would've frowned and clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"It's for you. Drink it."


"Should I be worried?" 

Kayden asked, studying the man's reaction.

The man didn't answer immediately and just looked at Kayden warily.

Then after a pause, the man warily asked,

"About what, young master?" 

Kayden smiled slyly and pointed a finger at the man.

"About the infamous Eldric, The Morning Star, lurking in my duchy and staying at my tavern?"

At the mention of the name, the man's pupils visibly shook. It looked like he might either cry or swing his blade at Kayden.

But Kayden didn't care.

He was about to alter the story, but it was just insignificant compared to the main events that he wouldn't touch at all.

A minor villain like him was not a plot point.

This guy had no connection to the Ancient civilization nor any importance in the grand scheme of happenings. Simply put, a side character—a tragic one, much like Kayden himself.

An esteemed knight like this guy, who was climbing ranks in the Crown's army like crazy and was said to be the next commander in the King's army, suddenly resigned from his position and started wandering around.

Nobody knew why— at least, anyone other than the Crown and its soldiers.

The truth was, this guy had recently married his long-term childhood girlfriend, and shortly after, she was kidnapped.

He didn't know who did it, nor did he know why it happened.

Since he was a powerful soldier that the king wanted to keep, the Crown started a kingdom-wide search for the girl.

Even after months and months of searching, they didn't find her. 

Each passing day, this guy became more paranoid, depressed, and was on the brink of an outbreak. 

After a few months of searching, the Crown recalled its soldiers, stating they were spending too much gold on a girl who might not be alive or in this kingdom.

After a month, Eldric resigned from his post and started to wander from town to town in hopes of finding his wife.

That's why he's here. He's going to Storm Reach to search for her there.

Kayden knew this guy would be here because the only one with the courage to beat up Kayden Ashbourne in this duchy was an outsider.

An outsider like him, and that too, inside his own tavern.

'What does a man who has nothing to lose fear?'

'Such a man is far more dangerous than someone who's powerful yet has people they cherish.'

On top of that, this guy was infamous for something else as well.

In the novel, within a day or two, he'll slaughter all the pirates and ex-criminals in this tavern.