
That Time I Got Reincarnated With Some Cheats [COMPLETE]

You should know how it goes, I died, met a ROB, got some wishes, before getting reincarnated in a world of my choosing. Let's get started shall we? ----- In case you didn't realise, this is a Tensura Slime fanfic. I don't consider myself a veteran writer, so if you have any feedback I would be glad to read them. Don't expect a flawless plot line. I don't mind you guys making a bad review but at least let me know what I did wrong. I own nothing except my own characters. The cover pic is something I found off google, if you want me to take it down just drop a comment. https://discord.gg/ephtQTTdxt

DJDAN · Cómic
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256 Chs

Chapter 95 Charybdis but still not yet

The sun is high in the sky, signifying that it is currently midday. The afternoon wind is blowing softly, brushing against my body.

I am standing on the edge of a random cliff, looking at a certain cave at the base of a hill a few kilometres away. My arms are crossed and my lips are curved in a small smile.

Milim- "Hey hey, are you sure Charybdis is here? I don't see anything though…"

Milim pokes her head out from behind me and asks me a question. I don't move my eyes and just point at the cave.

Rimuru- "Right there. You didn't sense it?"

It's a bit surprising, I thought Milim would be the first to notice… well, maybe the second, since Illya is like a supercomputer and she specialises in information like this.

It's pretty obvious too. The aura spilling from the cave just screams lust for destruction.

Milim- "Eeh? That's Charybdis? Isn't it a little weak though?"

Ah, that's why she didn't register it, the aura was too subtle for Milim. My lips twitch a bit.

Illya- "Well, it's currently sealed right now. Once it breaks itself free, it will become much stronger."

Illya walks up next to Milim, reassuring her by telling her the reason why Charybdis was currently in such a weak state.

Please note that even though the aura spilling from the cave is minimal, if a normal human were to spend an hour in there, they would probably go mad.

I sigh and take my eyes off the cave, turning around and walking back. A few meters away lies a tree, and under the shade of the tree, Mikoto is there ruffling Ranga's fur.

Mikoto- "Who's a good boy? Yes you are, yes you are!"

Meanwhile Ranga is on his back enjoying one of the best belly rubs of his life.

I smile at the scene and lean my back against the tree. Mikoto notices me and looks up without stopping her hands.

Mikoto- "So? How much longer?"

Rimuru- "Shouldn't be a few minutes."

Charybdis should break out from his seal very, very soon. Everyone is excited, including me.


It's because we're bored as hell.

Last night, I received memories of Charybdis' revival from my replication clone. After that, I went looking for Milim and Illya to ask them if they wanted to beat up a giant fish.

Needless to say, they accepted. Milim was especially excited about it.

Milim- "My fists were itching so much lately!"

… is what she said when I asked her.

Are you having withdrawal symptoms for fighting!? Is that even a thing? Well, I can understand it. Like, what if I was forbidden from ever using Mikoto's thighs as a lap pillow? Or what if I were to become physically unable to ever headpat Illya again?


That would be as bad as losing my source of meat buns forever… Maybe even a bit worse! Maybe. It's a tough choice…

As for Shizu… She didn't come with us.

Shizu- 'Mmm… Nyah. I'll just sleep…'

She just curled back up into a ball and slept. That damn lazy cat…

I sit down next to Mikoto and let my body fall sideways. My head falls onto Mikoto's open lap.

Mikoto- "Eh!?"

Mikoto makes a cute squeak as her whole body stiffens up. But I don't say anything and just enjoy the sensation. A dozen seconds later, Mikoto's body slowly begins to relax. Right now, I'm sure steam would be rising from Mikoto's head.

She became more used to having physical contact with me, but suddenly doing something like this will still force a reaction out of her.

While enjoying the sensation of Mikoto's soft thighs, I gaze at the scene of two loli's interacting with each other.

Milim is wearing a white sailor uniform with a sky blue collar. She also has a black skirt ending above her knees.

Illya is wearing a similar outfit, with the collar of her sailor uniform being light pink instead, and she's wearing shorts that hug her legs.

I internally nod my head in satisfaction. Both of them are very cute.

After that, I use [Universal Sense] to look in my direction from a third-person perspective. Specifically, I look at Mikoto.

She is wearing a pinkish-white turtleneck, strangely emphasising her developing body. She is also wearing a loose white summer jacket over it. For her lower half, she is wearing white hot pants, exposing a small amount of skin before her white stockings cover the rest of her legs.

Absolutely breathtaking, as usual.

Also, I think I see some flowers and stuff blooming around her, but I'm sure it's just another unlogical anime thing.


I hear a small ringing sound from above me. While I am still in the third-person perspective, I look at what made the sound.

It was her gekota bracelet.

Her hand is hovering over my head as she hesitates whether she should stroke my hair or not. She lowers it slightly, nearing my head before she jerks it back up and shakes her head. She then proceeds to stare at my sleeping face, lowering her hand before repeating the whole process.

What a cute tsundere.

But it seems her other hand is still giving Ranga the time of his life…

Ranga- 'Oh yeah, that's the spot. Right there…'

… I'm jealous.

Her bracelet continues to chime from her movements as I eagerly wait. Just as she made up her mind and was about to touch me…



(A/N: For your mental safety, I have censored MC's words.)

Illya- "Onii-chan! It's coming!"

That's what she said- Oh wait, I shouldn't say that now.

I jump up and run over to the edge of the cliff as Ranga and Mikoto quickly follow, the latter with dangerously red cheeks as she keeps looking down.

Ranga looks at Mikoto before nodding his head like a sage.

'Mmm. Must be chlamydia.'

Ranga and Shizu are a lot more similar than they think.

As I reach the edge of the cliff, standing next to Illya, I look in the direction of the cave. Flying in the air just above me is Milim, aiming to get a better look.

… Can't she see perfectly fine from the ground though?

Ignoring her, I focus back on the cave.

The cave is now spewing visible amounts of aura, scaring away any critter or monster in a large radius. The ground a hundred meters around it begins to shake. Cracks from the entrance of the cave quickly spread out, breaking up the land.

Rimuru- "… And so it begins."

Illya stops looking at the café and just stares at me.

I begin to sweat slightly.

Illya- "… Cringe."


My heart shatters and I barely resist the urge to fall to my knees. I was just trying to say something those shonen protags would say at a time like this…


A roar, similar to a feral scream from a dragon, echoes out. A flash of light shines out from the cave, forcing me to close my eyes.

Even [Universal Sense] couldn't pierce through the light, so I quickly realise it's another anime thing and I shouldn't question it.

After the light dies down, I open my eyes again and I come face to face with Charybdis, hovering over the… completely intact ground…

I won't question how the fuck it got out of the cave that's CLEARLY too small for it.


Illya- "Don't say it!"

Rimuru- "Za…"

Illya- "Please, Onii-chan!!"

Illya grabs my shirt and looks at me with pleading eyes.

Rimuru- "ZA WARUDO!!!!"

I ignore her and spread my arms out in a T-pose. An intangible wave washes over the whole world as space within dozens of kilometres slows down to a halt and begins to fragment like shattered glass.

And so everyone, including Charybdis, shifted into the Mirror Dimension.

(PIC OF MIKOTO >>> imgur.com/a/hUt4KnM)


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Particles] [Control Natural Elements]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, Harpe, [Raphael] Skill Orb


A/N: Another pic of Mikotooooooo!

MC: Yaaaaaaaaas!

AN: Also people are suddenly dropping reviews, I wonder why?

MC: Isnt it because you hit 100 chaps?

AN: Really? I think it's something else... If any of you beautiful readers have an idea why, let me know!

MC: Or it's just coincidence...

AN: Hmm...

Let me know if I missed anything!

Also consider dropping some power stones!


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