
Help Wanted.

[Rabbitkin Tribe, Southern Outer Forest.]

"MAGES, FIRE!" A tall man with draconic features commanded. He had black hair, and yellow draconic eyes with black scales around his eyes and on his forearm. Two large brown horns, a pair of black wings, and a long tail.

The mages looked similar to the man only with colors varying from blue, red, green, and brown. Once their chant was finished, large fireballs flew from the magic circles in front of their staves.


The fireballs collided with a transparent blue sphere that protected a large city-state that was around the size of modern-day Tokyo. The sphere surrounding the city-state was beginning to crack.

"SOLDIERS! WHEN THOSE DAMN LIZARDS BREACH THROUGH OUR SHIELD, I WANT YOU TO GIVE IT EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT!!! FAILURE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, WE WILL SLAUGHTER THOSE LIZARDS!!" A tall man adorned in silver armor yelled. He had white hair, red eyes, pale skin, and a pair of rabbit ears on top of his head.

"HURRAAAAHHH!!" The soldiers yelled as they raised their swords.

"Madan, I want you to take Medea and head north. I fear this battle may be our last." The man solemnly told his advisor. His advisor held back his tears and placed his fist over his heart, "As you wish, my king! May the goddess be with you!" Madan then bolted towards the castle as the shield around the city-state finally shattered.

"May she be with us all…" He drew his sword and engaged in battle with the dragonnewts.


[Inside the castle]

"NO! I WON'T LEAVE MY FATHER BEHIND!!" A woman with snow-white hair and blue eyes yelled. She looked outside her window and saw the battle ensuing, "I will fight!"

"Princess Medea you can't! Those men and women out there are fighting so that our people have a chance to escape!" Madan yelled as Medea cried hysterically.

"B-But, I can't leave my papa! I just can't!" She fell to her knees and cried into her hands. Madan sighed heavily, "I know princess, I want to go out there and fight alongside him as well. But I am tasked with saving the next ruler of our people! I'd bet my very soul that your father would love to run away with you, but he cannot only think for himself, he has to think for our people as a whole."

"*Sniff*," Medea stood up and slapped her face, "Alright let's go. But why're we going to the north? That place is full of drakes, scorpions, pythons, and Amhuluk. Unless…"

"Yes, it has to do with that massive explosion that occurred around a month ago. The scouts we sent have told us there is an elf who now resides where Amhuluk once lived." Madan said as he strapped his sword on his waist.

"An elf?! I thought they went extinct centuries ago!" Medea was stupefied. To her, elves and their great power over spirits and nature was nothing but a fairytale.


"Yes, yes, now let's get going!" Madan yelled and the duo quickly fled out of the back of the castle. Medea looked back longingly for a moment, "I will return Father, hopefully with help!"

They ran for an hour straight until the flapping of wings could be heard above them.

"Princess hide!" Madan yelled and they leaped into the trees, hoping to evade the scouts.


The scouting party above began firing fireballs in the general vicinity.

"AH!" A fireball exploded a tree next to Medea and the shockwave caused her to fall out of the tree. She was stunned for a brief moment and heard the scouting party descend.




"Well, well, well. If it isn't the princess and her loyal dog." A man spoke mockingly. He had the same features as the man before, only a bit younger.

"K-Kazaran you bastard!" Medea yelled as she slowly got up. Madan already had his blade drawn but they were outnumbered. 2 against 6.

"That's not very ladylike y'know," He drew his blade as did the rest of his group, "I oughta cut out your tongue for that."

"May the Goddess boost our bodies and make them strong, [FORTIFY]!" Medea casted this spell on her and Madan as she drew the daggers on her waist.

Medea ducked under one blade and used her powerful legs to jump over another soldier. She coated her blades in mana and stabbed said soldier in his back with one dagger and in his head with the other.


Once she pulled her daggers out of his body, they collided against the blade of the previous soldier. Dragonnewts are known for their incredible physical strength, so Medea was sent sliding across the ground as she lost the clash.

Madan on the other hand was clashing swords with Kazaran while also avoiding the blades of two other soldiers. He briefly directed his focus to Medea, a costly mistake.


The blade from a soldier raked across his back. Madan grunted in pain but managed to deflect an attack from Kazaran and used his powerful legs to kick the soldier in his chest with a sickening crunch sound.

"Go kill the princess, I can handle the dog here." Kazaran commanded with a sick smile on his face. Madan swung his blade which Kazaran ducked under and punched him in the ribs.

"BLEGH!" Madan coughed up blood and leaped backward holding his side as he breathed heavily.

"Once I'm done with you, I'm going to have my way with the princess if she isn't dead. Maybe my father will allow me to make her my concubine, imagine the children we would produce." Kazaran smiled evilly as he paced towards Madan.

"You shut your mouth you filthy lizard!" Madan yelled and they engaged in combat once again. Madan's swings were sluggish and inaccurate, something Kazaran took delight in.

Meanwhile, Medea was weaving and bobbing between three different swords coming at her at three different angles. She was trained in combat but going against 3 soldiers at once was beginning to wear on her, especially since they gave her no openings to chant.

'I need to create an opening!' Medea used all her force to jump straight into the air. This gave her a brief window.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, may my foes be burned by the flames of purgatory! [Flashfire Meteor]!" A purple magic circle formed in front of her hand and released a gigantic ball of crimson fire.


The flames incinerated everything they touched, including the soldiers below. Medea landed on the ground heavily breathing.

"Madan is still fighting Kazaran, he needs my help!" Medea rushed to Madan's aid…but she was too late.

"P-Princess…r…run…" Kazaran's blade poked out of Madan's back and his final words were said.

"MADAN! NOOO!!!" Medea screamed in anguish. Tears streamed down her face and she looked at Kazaran with rage, "I'm going to kill you! I SWEAR, I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!!"

"AHAHAHAHA!! I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY!" Kazaran laughed maniacally. Medea almost attacked but she heard reinforcements coming from a distance. She thought back on Madan's words to think about her people even though she seriously wanted revenge right now, so she ran.

She enhanced her body with [Fortify] and ran for her life, her father's life, her people's lives, and Madan's sacrifice. She ran for an entire day with all her might until she reached the center of the forest and saw a nice home, then she collapsed from exhaustion.


[Selene's Home, Center Forest]

When Medea opened her eyes, she was met with an unfamiliar ceiling.

"Mommy! The rabbit girl is awake!" She heard the voice of a young girl and looked over. Pale skin, silver hair with a bit of gold, golden eyes with a black ring around the pupils, a white dress, and the trademark elven ears.

Soon a woman walked through the door. She had pale skin, golden hair, the same eyes as the little girl, a slender figure, and long ears.

Medea was truly in awe, she was faced with not one but two elves! Beings that were hailed as fairytales to her people and many others.

"Hello there. I'm Selene and this is my daughter Seriene, and you are?" Her voice was soft and melodic. Medea was enamored by her beauty and the fact she smelled like flowers, that she forgot to speak.

Selene waved her hand in front of her face and Medea blushed in embarrassment.

"Ah! I-I'm sorry! My name is Medea von Rahmiel, Princess of the Rabbitkin Tribe." Medea rose up and spoke. Selene smiled, "It's nice to meet you Medea. Any reason a princess is passing out away from her home?"

Medea tightened her hands, "My people are currently engaged in a losing war and I was tasked to beseech your help!"

Selene tilted her head, "Why do you want my help? I've never made contact with your people unless you guys were the ones spying on me a few weeks ago…"

Medea nodded nervously, "I apologize on their behalf if we offended you in some way. It's just you defeated Amhuluk in such a grand way, my people had to investigate. I doubt we are the only ones who did so as well."

"Ehh, I don't really care about all of that honestly. Curiosity is a good thing, as long as there are no ill intentions." Selene shrugged and Medea sighed in relief.

"The other reason we ask of your help is because you're an elf." Selene tilted her head in confusion again.

"Because I'm an elf? Is being an elf special or something?"

"Of course it is! Elves are said to have gone extinct centuries ago! If I told anybody of your existence without proof, they would think I'm lying. Elves are considered a fairytale in many tribes." Medea exclaimed and Selene nodded slowly.

"I-" Selene was cut off by an explosion that happened outside. Medea watched as Selene vanished like she was never there.

Selene appeared outside to an unconscious and burnt Jackie and a squadron of draconic people flying above.

"So the rumors are true, an elf does live here!" A man with black hair, scales, and wings exclaimed with a laugh. Selene appraised him silently as she levitated Jackie.

[Name: Kazaran Melne

Age: 27

Species: Homo Draconis

Sex: Male

Rank: A-

Description: A dead man and son of Mezaron Melne, King of the Dragonnewts.]

"Hey, elf! I know the rabbit bitch is hiding here! Give her up and we won't kill you, I'll even let you become my wife." Kazaran laughed as his squadron descended.

«Amhuluk. Take Seriene and Jackie away. I don't want them to get caught in the carnage.» Selene said coldly. Amhuluk said nothing and simply took them away stealthily.

"Too scared to speak?! Don't worry, you'll talk soon enough!" Kazaran sprinted at her with his blade high in the air. He swung expecting to cut into her but his blade was stopped with a single finger. He immediately leaped backwards as he felt his life was in danger.

Selene no longer held back her magicule output and Kazaran's eyes along with his soldiers widened, one of them even threw up. If the output of Mezaron, Kazaran's father, was like a flame, Selene's was like the sun.

Time seemed to come to a crawl and nobody had the willpower to move.

"W-We can still fight! We just have to work together!" Kazaran said shakily, even he didn't believe that.

Selene pointed at him, "[Repel]." A powerful force slammed into his chest, broke through his armor, and sent him flying through the forest. Half a second later, Selene was standing over him, she grabbed him by the throat and he struggled.

Selene stared him in the eyes, "[Damnation]."

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!!" An unimaginable pain coursed through his body and down to his very soul. He felt as if his body was being torn apart, reformed, torn, apart, and reformed.

Selene dragged the writhing Kazaran back and his entire squadron was torn to shreds, literally. After a long while, Kazaran died due to shock but Selene's anger wasn't quelled.

«Medea, give me a location of where your home is.» Selene spoke to the fearful Medea telepathically.

«It's s-south from here.» Selene spoke no words and vanished.