
That time I got reincarnated as an Oni

TheKhorne · Cómic
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29 Chs

Chapter 4 Chief's Request

How did I got myself in this situation?'

Currently Shiva was sitting in the chief's home and was sitting at a table. On other side of it was sitting chief with his wive and son. On the right side of the table was sitting Ryujin and another old ogre that was similar to him in looks. On the left side was sitting the Guard Captain.

"Well, how about we eat dinner together? We were about to do it anyway and I am sure that you are hungry."

Chief said while mentioning to the food on the table. Shiva looked down at it and saw dishes out of mostly meat with few vegetables. All of it was so similar to things back home, in Japan. The guard's armor and weapons, homes and their interiors. Even clothing that all were wearing was similar to that from feudal Japan.

While other began to eat, Shiva decided to use his 'Magic Sense' to check other's auras. He and Ryujin were the strongest here. That other old man followed with the chief and surprisingly chief's wife. Shiva tried the best he can to hide his second pair of hands under his wolf cloak.

Chief had red skin and his messy hair were also red, his horns were long and black. He had also fiery orange eyes. Looking at his body, Shiva could say that chief was strong physically and had that confident but careful aura. Chief was wearing black-red kimono.

Next to him on his left was sitting his wife. She had long pinkish hair and pink skin, here eyes were deep pink while in the corners of her mouth were two small canines. On her face she had something that one could name 'tears' that run down from her eyes to her chin. She was wearing white kimono with pink here and there. She had warm and motherly aura around her, but still had that wild ogre look that wa perfectly mixed with her beauty.

On the other side, on chief's right, was sitting his son. He was tall and muscular, his looks were almost the same with only one difference being that he also had the tear-like markings on his face, he was wearing kimono similar to his father's. From his looks Shiva thought that he is in his twenties.

The Guard Captain, had blue hair with single horn sprouting from middle of his forehead. He was tallest from all ogres in the room and was muscular. His skin was grayish and his eyes were blue.

Shiva sighed while feeling glare of chief's son on him. He looked back up at the chief and raised eyebrow.

"Are you sure you want to eat now? You just brought a powerful Kijin to your house and you are not afraid? What if I attack you and your family?"

All visitors were now listening chief and Shiva's talk. Chief stopped eating and looked at Shiva with a calm smile.

"Well, I am sure that you could attack us but you still didn't. Besides, It was mine responsibility to welcome and feed a Kijin, a being that all of us strive to evolve into."

Shiva smirked and chuckled before taking bowl into his hand and starting to eat together with them. Shiva could feel that the atmosphere in the room was tense the only relaxed one were Shiva, Ryujin and the village chief.

After they were done with the meal, Shiva once again looked at the chief.

"It was a great meal."

Chief smiled and mentioned to his wife.

"You should thank mine wife. She is a great cook."

Shiva looked at his wife and smiled before bowing his head slightly and thanking her for good meal, woman also bowed and smiled back.

"Well then....Can you finally say why was I lead here? Real reason..."

Chief chuckled before more serious look appered on his face. He nodded while placing hand on his chin.

"Before that I want to ask you a question. Last one!"

Shiva sighed feeling little impatient but nodded allowing chief to talk.

"You are young and already a Kijin. Most Kijin's are old when evolving as it takes long training in both strength and magic to achieve that. Were you perhaps...named?"

Shiva not seeing anything bad in it, he revealed his name.

"Yes, I was named. Mine name is Shiva Rajin. And no, you can't now who named me. Now coming back to you. Why did you invited me here?"

Chief nodded satisfied knowing that Shiva was named instead of achieving it alone. Normally Kijin who achieved the evolution alone are more powerful then the named ones but this is not normal situation.

"You see...I want you d do something for me. Something that only powerful person like you can do..."

Shiva raised eyebrow at this while chief stood up and mentioned for Shiva to follow him. Others wanted to follow as well to protect the chief but only he, Shiva, his wife and his son were allowed to follow. After they walked out from the main room, they entered a room on the other side of the house.

It was almost completely dark when they entered this room. Chief's son then used some magic and light up candles placed around the room. Then Shiva saw someone laying in the middle of the room.

There was a young ogre girl sleeping on a futon in the middle of the room. By her looks she was almost perfect copy of the chief's wife but was around 17-18 years old. But what was the most interesting things about her for Shiva, were black markings covering half of her face. They looked like roses stitched together in beautiful bouquet. She was also real thin probably due to long time spend in coma.

Chief's wife walked up to the girl and sat down next to her, placing her hand on girl's forehead. Girl looked looked she had a nightmare.

"This is..."

"Yes. This is mine daughter. I want you to help her..."

Shiva was about to ask what is happening to her until all of them heard her crying and moving around in her futon. He mother immediately placed both of her hands on her head and tried to calm her down but whispering something. Shiva could practically hear how hard chief's son clenched his fists.

"What happen to her?'

"She is sick...She was stung by a black rose's thorn. It can bring death to a monster that is stung by it's thorns. And unfortunately mine daughter was cursed with it....It's said to be powerful enough to kill very powerful monsters but can be healed from this sickness by a high level healing magic but..."

"It's very expensive and it's not as open for monsters..."

Chief nodded his head slowly while looking at his daughter sadly. Daughter calmed down now and is sleeping more peacefully as her mother is taking watch over her.

"That is why I want you to help us. I can give you everything I posses if you heal her from this..."

"And how do you know that I posses power to do it?"

Chief simply chuckled with sad expression.

"I don't know. And that is the hardest part of it. I might be welcoming a devil to mine house while not knowing if he can help mine daughter....I welcome all powerful who might help her. I will do anything for her. There was even one a human that decided to rest in our village. He claimed that he can heal her but he has to travel back to his kingdom. It was two months ago, and mine daughter's time is ending..."

"How much does she has left?"

Chief shrugged while shacking his head.

"We are not sure...She may have few days, few months of maybe even close to one year. All we know that she will die if not helped. And in meantime she has eternal nightmares coming to her and she is in pain all the time. That is why this sickness was called 'Nightmarish Sleep of Black Rose'. "

Shiva saw how much her family is worrying for her and in how much pain they are. He remembers how he was in the same pain when his grandpa was close to death. Sleepless nights taking care of a family member. Praying to the gods to help him and how he cried when he died...

Maybe there is still some human in him?

"I...I can try."

Chief and his family looked at Shiva with light of hope.

"I never used it on sicknesses, only on wounds but it may work."

Chief's wife looked at Shiva and bowed before him.

"I beg you! Help her any way you can!"

Shiva looked down at her and then looked to the side.

"I can try to do it. But I want to be paid for it."

"Huh?! I already told you that I can do anything, right?!"

Chief's voice got desperate, hearing that his sweet daughter has a chance, he get desperate to give her a chance for good life. Shiva sighed.

"If I heal her I want to have house here where I can sleep and be allowed to do some jobs from I can get food. I don't want to be a parasite..."

Chief's eyes widen, he was lost.

"You want...only that?"

Chief closed his eyes and nodded.

"If you do it. I can give that to you now please, proceed."

Chief moved his wife out of the way and stood with her next to their son. Shiva slowly walked up to the girl and sat down in front of her. He breathed in and out before looking down at her.

'She is quite cute....Great Sage, is Healing Blood able to heal sicknesses?'


Need More Data. As of now there were no instances of using this skill on a sickness. But chance of success is 75%.

Shiva sighed and just as he was about to cut his wrist he looked back at the family.

"Ehm...Can you give me some privacy? I need to do it alone..."

"O-Oh! Right away!"

Chief quickly pulled his wife and his son out of the room and sounds of foot hitting the floor were heard until they disappeared. Shiva looked back at the chief's daughter and moved some hair out of her face.

'With those candles it looks like some kind of ritual or sacrifice...'

Shiva quickly put out all of candles and opened previously shut windows letting moonlight to enter. It quickly illuminated the room, letting everything to be seen. There was no much to it besides chief's daughter sleeping in the middle.

"It's night already? Huh, it doesn't really mater..."

Shiva walked back to the girl and using his sharp nails he cut his wrist. As the blood began to leak, he lowered his wrist closer to girl's mouth letting his blood to leak into it.

First Blood Art: Healing Blood

As the blood entered her body, her vines blood slight green showing that it seems to work. But the markings didn't disappear.

'Is this even working? Great Sage!'


Answer. As of now, all of her internal damage from the sickness are healed but there is not enough power to completely wipe out the sickness. More blood recommended.

'Ugh! Great! I hope I won't be weakened because of this...'

Shiva slashed some more making more wounds on his wrist and making them bigger allowing more blood to come out. As the blood leaked to girls mouth her makings slowly began to disappear until she bit Shiva's wrist in her sleep and began to suck more of his blood. Shiva was shocked by it but didn't stop her seeing that it's working.

After few second she let go an all markings on her face were gone. Shiva sighed and wrapped his wrist in a nearby cloth to prevent more bleeding.

'Great Sage, how is she now?'


Scanning Complete. There is no trace of the sickness and her body is now in top notch condition. All of her muscles that disappeared during her coma now came back thanks to your blood.

Shiva smiled slightly while looking down at her. Her breath was now calm and she didn't trash in the futon anymore. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, first they were half closed trying to open full after so long of not being open.

When she finally opened her eyes fully she saw Shiva looming over her. Her innocent, cute, pink eyes met his bloodthirsty, devious, red-black eyes. Moonlight perfectly lighten up Shiva's fairy skin and made his eyes and horn shine even more. She slowly lift her small, delicate hand and placed it on Shiva's cheek, even if it looks soft his skin is hard but has some comfort to it. Then she moved her up to his horn, it was shining with it's red gleam and was warm in touch. He allowed it even though he was screaming internally.

Finally girl then took her hand back before she pinch herself. As she felt the pain from it her eyes widen before she opened her mouth, breathed in and...