
That time I got reincarnated as an abyssal Phoenix

In the world of that time I got reincarnated as a slime there are seven sins. Prideful king Lucifer. Greedy king Mammon. Envious king leviathan. Wrathful king Satanael. Slothful king Belphegor. Gluttonous king Beelzebuth. Lustful king Asmodeus. But what if there was one more sin, a sin that everyone who knew about it thought it was almost impossible to obtain. Follow our young mc as she tries to find her place in the world, while trying to get over her horrific past. This is the story of the sin of Sorrow. I do not own that time I got reincarnated as a slime everything belongs to their respected owners. I also don't have any right to the image above. If the artist wants me too I will take it down.

Dark_light · Cómic
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200 Chs

Ask 8


Question 1: Lolz

To Suu, u a tsundere?


Suu: "What! N-no, no I'm not"

Milim: "Is that so~?"

Suu: "Y-y-yes, th-thats right! I'm not a tsundere, I don't know why you would even think of something stupid like that"

Milim: "If you are not a tsundere then prove it~~"

Suu: *Gulp*

Suu: "I-is it ju-just hot in h-here or is it just m-me"

Milim: "hehehe, oh, it's definitely you~"

Suu: *Internal screaming*

Suu: "H-hey! Look it's the next question, let's deal with that shall we"



Question 2: Silver_Xavier

For the author: When will Suu leave the island.


Author: "I have no idea"

Suu: "Your gonna have to do a lot better then that"

Author: "Sigh, alright fine. Okay, Suu will be getting back to Tempest in volume 3, however, I don't know how many chapters are left of volume 2. If I were to give it a guess I would say about 13 to 14 chapters from now, but that's just a rough guess, so please don't hold me to that"

Suu: "Better"

Author: "Alright whatever, moving on"



Question 3: Silver_Xavier

For the mysterious figures: what are you?


Tall figure: [Huh? Who the hell are you supposed to be?!]

Short figure: {I believe they are what you would referred to as an asker}

Tall figure: [Well I'm not answering their fucking questions, I've got better stuff to do with my time right now]

Short figure: {Fine, I'll answer it then}

Short figure: {What are we? We are the ones that were supposed to bring balance, we were supposed to bring order... but in the end... all we ended up doing was bringing destruction upon this world and all like it. We... we never wanted this... we never wanted it to go this way but... things never go as planned}

Tall figure: [...Fucking hell, this is down right depressing. Let's just move on already]



Question 4: Silver_Xavier

For the mysterious figures: What are those eggs that you see?


Tall figure: [You mean these?]

Tall figure: *Pulls out a carton of eggs from seemingly no where*

Short figure: {Errrrm... I think their talking about th-}

Tall figure: [No no, they asked about eggs, they didn't ask about a glowing white egg and glowing black seed. So yeah, were talking about bloody eggs not those]

Tall figure: [These are eggs, wow, amazing right? There are a lot of different kinds of eggs but we will be separating them into two different groups for this explanation so listen carefully you little fuckers. The first kind are the ones that haven't been fertilised, you can cook these and eat them. The second kind are the fertile eggs, I suppose you can eat these if your feeling a little sadistic but who cares, definitely not me that's for sure. Finally I'll tell you how eggs become fertilised ooooo, I'm sure your all very excited to hear about this. You see when one shitty piece of crap male bird and one shitty piece of crap female bird like each other very muc-]

Short figure: {Okay, I'm gonna have to stop you right there}

Tall figure: [Aw come on, I'm just having a little fun that's all]

Short figure: {No, absolutely not, I am not dealing with this right now. Author next question, now!}



Question 5: ninjitsu_gaming

To Rimuru: What is going on in Tempest right now?


Rimuru: "I'm not in tempest right now so I don't really know, however, if your wondering were I am, well, I'm teaching at a school"



Question 6: Dark_OwOlord

To Milim: how would you react if you heard Gobta say the following sentence to Shion: "Hey Shion. The flat chested Milim would really like some of your cooking?"


Milim: "He wouldn't live long enough to finish that sentence"

Gobta: *Slowly starts to back up in fear*

Suu: "You do realise that Gobta would never have the balls to say that about Milim even if he didn't know that she was listening, right?"

Gobta: "Hey! I'm totally brave"

Milim: "So your saying you would actually say something like that?"

Gobta: "N-n-n-no, I miss spoke, yeah that's right, I miss spoke. What I meant to say was that Lady Suu is totally right, I'm a total coward that would never say something stupid like that"

Milim: "Oh, okay then"

Gobta: *Almost has a panic attack*



Question 7: A_Living_Potato

Why are we here, just to suffer? What is the meaning of our pitiful existence?


Suu: "There is no meaning to it, we are simply here to suffer through life until the day that we finally die and are put in the ground to become worm food"

Mika: "That's... dark, are you okay?"

Suu: "....I'm better now... but it still hurts sometimes"

Mika: "Do... do you want a hug?"

Suu: "I'd like that"

Mika: *Hug*



Question 8: Chain_613

Veldora, how do you feel about the dragon graveyard? And about the dragons Suu most likely get?


Veldora: *Muttering in the corner sadly*

Ifrit: "He is upset that no one has asked him a question up until now"

Veldora: "WHAT! Of course not, why would I be upset about something as simple and stupid as that. YOUR THE ONE THAT'S UPSET! STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT ALREADY!"

Ifrit: "Oh, my apologies for assuming. Anyway, what is your answer to their question?"

Veldora: "W-well if I must, I will answer their question now"

Veldora: "I, the great Storm Dragon Veldora, will give you the honor of hearing my answer to your question. First, I don't really have much care for the fact that there is a dragon grave yard, however, the fact that these bastards are disturbing this place is... very irritating to me. As for how I feel about the dragons that Suu will probably get as followers, well, hahahahahaha there is no better or stronger follower then a mighty dragon hahahaha"



Question 9: Chain_613

Hey Suu, I was wondering if you could name the dragon acnologia? Rimuru would know why so ask him.


Suu: "I don't really know if it will fit because of what the Author has planned but I'll think about it. Also yes, I know who that is thanks to the fact that Dad insisted that I read manga"



Question 10: Madnass_Incarnate

To Suu: are you able to make a monster that can grow? For example a grape sized monster that can grow to the size of a mountain.


Suu: "Well... yes but you do realized that Poe can already change his size however he wants, it is one of his skills, he just hasn't done it in the over all story yet"

Poe: *Jumping up and down excitedly*



Question 11: Federico_Camergo

Will Suu have the ability to give blessings to the tempest inhabitants so that they can also survive in the abyss?


Author: "No, for Suu to give her blessing to someone, if you could call it that, she would have to turn said person into an Abyssal creature. However, she will find a way to allow people to travel to the abyss later on with out dying or becoming an Abyssal creature"



Question 12: Federico_Camergo

Will you add to your story the characters of Trinity in Tempest?


Author: "I may actually give them a very small cameo but probably nothing more then that, unless people actually want me to add them in more often then maybe I will, who knows"



Question 13: Federico_Camergo

The sword that Hinata carries which she uses to hurt Rimuru's soul, is that weapon capable of hurting or destroying Suu's soul?


Author: "No, in fact if you can remember what happened to the Bishop that tried to grab Suu soul, their arm was literally burn to ash with in a second or two. The same thing would probably happen to Hinata's sword if she tried to harm Suu's soul"

Author: "Why does this happen you may ask. Well that will be explained later in the story so I won't be saying anything about it here"



Question 14: Federico_Camergo

Will Suu create any true dragon in the future with her powers? Or will she have some true dragon to follow her? After all Rimuru has Veldora, Guy has Velzard and Rudra has Velgrynd.


Author: "No, no she won't have a true dragon follower or companion, however, the true dragons will play a big part in her personal story"



Question 15: Novelreader12333

To Suu, will you be having children in the foreseeable future and if so what will they be?


Suu: "How many times do I have to say it? I am not interested in having children... well at least not for a long time. I mean come on, I'm fifteen, and that's not even mentioning the fact that I have a lot on my plate at the moment. So no, I have NO intention of having children any time soon"

Rimuru: "I honestly expected you to get flustered at that"

Suu: "I've become numb to it at this point, after all, they have asked this question alot so it's just become annoying to me at this point"

Rimuru: "Fair enough I guess"



Question 16: skyforce

To all the Gargoyles would you have a rave party?


Yama: "What the hell is a rave?"

Gargoyle 1: "I don't know captain"

Gargoyle 2: "Creator, do you know?"

Suu: "No idea"

Rimuru: "Wait really?! I can understand Yama and the others as they have literally only been alive for a couple of weeks at most but you Suu, really?"

Suu: "Dad... you do realized that before I met you I never even had a birthday party let alone whatever a rave is"

Rimuru: "Oh right, hehe. Well let me explain then"

Rimuru: *Explains what a rave is*

Yama: "Huh... that sounds kind of interesting but I would much rather be fighting something then going to some stupid party"

Gargoyle 1: "Yeah! That's how we Gargoyles party"

Gargoyle 2: "Nothing beats a good old fight party"

Yama: "Damn fucking straight! Hey creator, FIGHT ME!"

Suu: "God damn it"



Question 17: Pepega123

To Milim, are you still planning on pretending to be mind-controlled by Clayman?


Milim: "Of course, if I didn't then I wouldn't be able to see Birdy and my bestie get mad for me, also I promise to help my friend Frey with this"



Question 18: Pepega123

To Clayman, how does it feel begin one of the much idiotic characters in the tensura universe?


Clayman: "How dare you! You insolent little brat, my plan is fool proof. In fact maybe I'll use my Unique skill on you and show you how well it works"

Author: "hahaha, yeah no, don't even try"

Clayman: "Oh and what can you possibly do to me, a Demon Lord"

Author: "That's actually adorable, really it is"

Clayman: "What are you babbling about? I won't be scared by someone like you, after all, my destiny is to become a True Demon Lor-"


Clayman: "Eep!"



Question 19: Pepega123

To Veldora, you and rimuru are sworn brothers so does this mean that you see Suu as your niece?


Veldora: "I.... I have a niece...?"

Ifrit: "Oh no"



Ifrit: "I-"



Ifrit: "There... there is no one else here"



Question 20: Pepega123

To dark_light, I have thought about making a fanfic a lot before and also setup arcs and stuff for them but always fail when it comes to actually writing them. Do you have any tip on actually begin writing it without either feeling like it isn't good enough or well just not coming up with any good way to start it?


Author: "I'm not really good at giving advice to others but I'll try"

Author: "First, don't over think it. It's a fanfiction, it doesn't need to be perfect. As long as your happy with it just move on because if you spend to much time focusing on how you should start it then you will just get frustrated and end up dropping it"

Author: "Also there's the fact that you can always change the start of the story later on. Remember when you first right something it's like a rough blue print, you can always go back and change it later"

Author: "And finally, upload it or get someone to read it while you are writing the story. I know some people may find that nerve wracking but it helps to get others opinions, however, this is the internet after all, so please try to ignore all the assholes. I mean seriously how am I supposed to get any useful information out of "this story is bad", or just the word "no", I mean come on! Anyway, moving on, I don't know how many times I've made a chapter thinking that it was crap only to see people in the comments praising it. When you are writing it yourself you begin to judge every little thing about it, for all you know you could have written something good and are just being an idiot"

Author: "Also it helps to have someone that can criticize your work but also tell you your doing a good job. So yeah, hope that was helpful, I'm not good at this kind of stuff but I tried"
